Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Question do you guys think it ever crosses these dudes minds once they are caught "crap, what da hell did I just do?" Like at least a little regret?...it blows my mind these dudes know the consequences and still go through with such an act..
Socio and psychopaths do not experience emotional states like normal people do. Most people would feel guilty after stealing a candy bar. Sociapaths wish they stole more than one candy bar.
Dear White Supremacy,

First of all you are not really that supreme. While throughout history White Supremacy it must be admitted you have achieved some very dominant positions. These positions have been gained mostly through force or some biological agent such as disease that did a lot of the dirty work for you in advance. I mean and anybody can use force on an unarmed populous and anybody can have smallpox. Not judging, just wanted to point out that having a disease that native folks aren’t immune to because they’ve never seen it doesn’t make you strategically smart or tactically superior, just kind of sick. And these dominant positions don’t really stand up to the test of time that long either. There is nothing about you biologically or physically that denotes an innate mode of supremacy. For that matter there is also nothing about you psychologically, philosophically, cognitively, academically, socially, architecturally, culturally or even financially that signifies a higher position above any other group. And to be diplomatic there is nothing about you that denotes innate inferiority as well.

So what you really are is something in the middle. You are regular. White Regularity is congruent to all other forms of regularity i.e. Black, Brown, Etc etc. But in regularity there is room for differences and this is where White Regularity shines! Each group gets the same essential universals. Dance, food, music, etc. and it must be admitted that the White Regularity take on these universal institutions has been unbelievably impressive and a great addition to the total world culture.

I mean spaghetti and meatballs, Romeo & Juliet, Coldplay, The Tuxedo, lighter that air travel are all world class additions to the collective bucket but they are no less or more impressive than every other regular groups take on the universals either. And if we really wanted to get analytical every invention is built on inspiration from a previously existing invention so the claim of “The Supreme 1st” to do something is highly debatable and except for a few exceptions, impossible! All things human aren’t born from a supreme overlord solely working in isolation.

Things are created in collaboration and in tandem with other cultures, knowledge structures and movements and more important, People. I mean if those Muslims didn’t catalog all that Greek philosophy for research we might not even know who Plato was. Now whether this collaboration is forced which is seen so much but not exclusively throughout human history does not take away the fact that it is done with the help of somebody else.

We are supreme as a spectrum of colors in collaboration. One color does not dominate the other nor can it. Sure Steve Jobs was white. But the guy who built the computer was probably Chinese. And the girl who wrote the programs for the computer is probably from Mumbai. And the raw materials that were used to make it where probably first pulled out of the ground by somebody in South Africa. And if you take this highly collaborated upon piece of high technology to an indigenous tribe in the jungles of Brazil they’d probably use it as a boat paddle. And we can go on and on down or up the rabbit hole all day long and you’ll always find a regular somebody relying on the abilities of a just as regular somebody else that another regular somebody doesn’t even care about.

White Supremacy is a lie white regularists tell to themselves in hopes that they can get a one way ticket to the top and hope we other colors overhear it. Here’s the bad news, ain’t no top. Here’s the good news though, ain’t no bottom neither! It’s just the regular ole middle where nobody is safe from being influenced by somebody else’s extreme regularness. Is your swastika flag printed in Mexico? Did you know the swastika is officially from Asia and the subcontinent? Did you know black people had slaves in Africa too? Did you know in the world your considered a minority too? I mean you call us ******* and beaners but you gotta ship all your former Native American land backwood sourced ginseng to China to get money to support your meth habit. Meth that’s made with chemicals produced in India. I mean Hitler hated everything about the Jews expect every possession they had. It’s funny how the things you hate so much you have to rely on the most for your survival.

And if you wanted to get really ironic and meta about it, White Supremacy has to validate it’s on identity based solely on its relationship to other races! I mean now that’s what I would call joined at the hip. Without us there is no white supremacy because there would be nothing to supreme over! That sounds so stupid but sometimes the truth is stupid. Stupid like a fox. And no not stupid like a Fox News I mean the real fox. The animal. 
In closing white regularity (the race formerly know as white supremacy) I myself on behalf of my own black regularity salute you. Good luck with the northwest front I hear it’s beautiful in the spring and probably a strategic death trap if and when Yellowstone finally decides to blow up!

Yours Truly

Wasalu “Lupe” Jaco
Did you just compare yourselves to a buncha apes? (I guess there's nothing wrong with that). The fundamental difference between what you just said and that movie is that black people are like 10 percent of the population and it's not like white society had crumbled. Those apes had numbers. In that movie caeser just wanted to live in peace in his jungle until sh feel apart.
There's also an underlying social message of misunderstandings between 2 groups leading to chaos.

Choose your analogies better dude. Planet of the apes historically has a lot of social commentary but until white people die of in the billions cause of a virus I wouldn't go there. And didn't Koba end up abusing his own people?

I think 300 would be a better motivational story to relate to, protect your people even if it kills you. Leonidas could be the real negros and that deformed dude that snitches could be an Uncle Lemon.

Bruh! That has to be the most asinine thing I have read all month! Smh

First off, stick to the point. Point is we need more fighters and to be more aggressive and less peaceful martins aka Caesar. You want to directly attach that to being a monkey then keep acting like an imbecile. KOBA stood up for his...I don't care if he was a monkey. A human, or papa smurf! We blacks are not doing that and he fought n died for something he felt was worth it. Don't try to misconstrue the analogy because you couldn't either rock with it or understand it.

Miss me with that 10% of the population nonsense! That's like saying the levy during katrina just "broke" on its own. [emoji]128527[/emoji]

Black people are the majority on this planet? Period! Whites are the minority and endangered species...can't you tell? What does a 6 year old do when he finds out momma getting hit m bout to drop another baby that's gonna be his lil brother? Yeah he acts a fool...knowin his time is tickin...same difference, silly putty.

Bicker back with nonsense and I'm not replying.
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I've stated a few times that I'm createdestroy...

the really funny part is all of your responses are within minutes of each other at 4:50am...

you just put your alternates on blast 
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I've stated a few times that I'm createdestroy...

the really funny part is all of your responses are within minutes of each other at 4:50am...

you just put your alternates on blast 
who do you think my alternate is?
Funny how the media is giving credibility to dylan roof's black friend, to drive home the narrative that race wasn't a factor. But about 10 months ago the black witnesses' stories and accounts regarding the mike brown shooting held no weight or validity. Crazy how the media works huh. 
If you gotta start a post off with "...not to hate..."

I 100% guarantee some hating is about to commence.

Just like starting off a sentence with ..."not to be racist"
If you gotta start a post off with "...not to hate..."

I 100% guarantee some hating is about to commence.

Just like starting off a sentence with ..."not to be racist"
im a lupe fan....

he could have flipped it in a track more eloquently than that....

the difference between hate and an honest opinion is not how or what you say, it's why
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would have saved hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, trillions of dollars, and our reputation in the world if we had....

and we could still could have had covert ops hitting strategic targets on the low....
Black people are an American creation.

There are heavily melanated ppl indigenous to all continents. It's only coming or dealing with America one would learn that they are black.
Black people are an American creation.

There are heavily melanated ppl indigenous to all continents. It's only coming or dealing with America one would learn that they are black.
Black people are an American creation.

There are heavily melanated ppl indigenous to all continents. It's only coming or dealing with America one would learn that they are black.

There are people all over Europe, the Carribean and South America who consider themselves black. You could say Black People are a product of European Imperialism, but it's not just America.
There are people all over Europe, the Carribean and South America who consider themselves black. You could say Black People are a product of European Imperialism, but it's not just America.

i can't help but be overcome by emotion watching this church service, but at the same time i'm puzzled by a lot of the blind faith people are exercising and have done so. not a knock on religion cause people seek comfort in different thing, but when something isn't working out for you, why continue to support it? it makes me kind of upset
Black people are an American creation.

There are heavily melanated ppl indigenous to all continents. It's only coming or dealing with America one would learn that they are black.
The diaspora.

Black people are found on every continent, or if they're not the darkest of hue they still possess a degree of melanin. 

The truth is people of color civilized the world from the beginning. The teachings, ancient knowledge, mysteries reserved for the few initiated all come from ancient black populations. 

Slavery destroyed the mind of black people in America, and we're still under constant attack through media coverage, law enforcement, and the educational system. 

For y'all dudes in interracial relationships how does your girl take the news right now? 
There's some coverage on CNN right now, and they were just having a discussion about the confederate flag and over 73% of white South Carolinians are in support of it being flown. 
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