Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Why is everyone so hung up on whether the families forgave the killer? Are they the ones who are gonna take the killer to trial?

And then "Oh man Christianity is causing people to forgive people Another reason why i hate it" :rolleyes
A guy just killed 9 people in a church and yet we care more about how the victims families are responding...

Yea cause it seem like the most oppressed people in America are also the most submissive. I know we bash the right but even they sometimes have to respect the Mexican community because they have a code. There is no black code these days

I do have some faith in my generation because we seem to not buck as much as 40 year old + blacks....they came up after the civil rights and got lazy thinking these white supremacist would never rear their ugly head again
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Why is everyone so hung up on whether the families forgave the killer? Are they the ones who are gonna take the killer to trial?

And then "Oh man Christianity is causing people to forgive people Another reason why i hate it" :rolleyes
A guy just killed 9 people in a church and yet we care more about how the victims families are responding...

Nobody is hung up on it. It was merely mentioned and commented on as it is relevant to the situation. This whole thing has brought white supremacy back under the microscope (for some of us) and the families forgiving the killer within 24 hours is evidence of the effects. obviously 9 people were killed but the response of the victims families is far from "all we care about"

"Oh man Christianity is causing people to forgive" is way out of context and far from that cut and dry as you stated it so don't even try it.

Also people are "hung up" on the reaction because it sends the message that you can violate blacks to no end with no repercussions. So next time this happens we won't do **** well let the corrupt system handle it while we forgive like good Christians.

Merely mentioned? It's been going on for over 5 pages now just on this topic.. Also you guys are making it seem like every story that comes out along these lines the victim's families are quick to forvgive...and like I said in another thread, is it only black families that forgive?
Meanwhile this mfer is safe under the protection of the system eating Burger King with a smile on his face and his victims families are forgiving him. That's the spirit kill em with kindness! :smh:
Well there's not another group getting slaughtered by race soldiers and white supremacist like blacks to compare us to
Merely mentioned? It's been going on for over 5 pages now just on this topic.. Also you guys are making it seem like every story that comes out along these lines the victim's families are quick to forvgive...and like I said in another thread, is it only black families that forgive?

I've seen plenty of white families do this exact same thing. It's a religion issue in that sense not a race issue. However I've stated why it's twice as detrimental for blacks given our history.

*and I haven't read this thread in it's entirety so my bad. I'm out anyway this **** makes me too angry
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imagine if the situation happened the other way around,

black panther shoots up conservative christian church

sidenote my girl just realized her kanye shirt from the concert says this on the back 
imagine if the situation happened the other way around,

black panther shoots up conservative christian church

sidenote my girl just realized her kanye shirt from the concert says this on the back :lol:

View media item 1599579

It'd probably get as much media attention as these stats do:

View media item 1599774

Did you cut off the rest or did you find a version without the bottom portion?

That was all I found. Is there more?

found it:
View media item 1599964
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That chart is SOOO stupid because it ignores the fact that there are so many more poor blacks compared to population size than whites.
That chart is SOOO stupid because it ignores the fact that there are so many more poor blacks compared to population size than whites.

Yeah you are right. It doesn't account for the socioeconomic causes of black on white crime, the fact that white privilege causes blacks to murder whites, or the fact that all white people are racist. It is all a false equivalence anyways.
Yeah you are right. It doesn't account for the socioeconomic causes of black on white crime, the fact that white privilege causes blacks to murder whites, or the fact that all white people are racist. It is all a false equivalence anyways.
Da hell?

Poor people, through several economic studies, commit more crimes. It's been proven in several scholarly articles.

Poor white people make up less than 9% of the white population, while poor black people make up almost a 3rd of the total black population

Combined with black people receiving harsher penalties for the same crimes AND black people getting criminalozed more

And you can skew stats to say whatever...

Also, i always wondered why them bigoted white dudes act like black people are pushing the narrative of cop killers and white people killing blacks

Black people are 13% of the country, own less than 1% of the wealth, and run 0 major news outlets...

Black folks ain't making dudes watch these news outlets and click on the articles to comment, which drives traffic

Don't want to hear about it, don't give it attention (to complain ) and it will go away
So white on black crime is due to racism. Black on white crime is due to income status. Got it. You are right, black people don't own the news outlets. They are owned by 1% of the population. So who is pushing the narrative, and what is their agenda?

View media item 1600013

Let's face the facts. This shooting isn't the start of a "race war" or a sign that black people are being targeted by white supremacists nationwide. It is a rare occurrence. That is all I am really trying to display with the stats. I see a lot of sensationalism and outrageous statements here and in the media. It is a tragedy caused by a psycho who is going to be punished harshly (most likely with the death penalty). Attacking the families for forgiving the shooter is absurd. I wouldn't forgive him so easily, but that is their choice. It is what their religion teaches them and they are adhering to that.
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I'm not sure what you're talking about...

When a white person kills 8/elderly black people and says "its because race"...

Then its because of race.

How is it sensationalism...

When a person kills someone because of their race... And then we talk about race...

I don't understand what you're trying to convey by posting very skewed stats because economics have always been the causation of crime.
[thread="629313"]Dude coming in here trying to bring up black on white crime stats to deflect from the real issue at hand which was the malicious murder of 9 blacks by a ws. Get outta here man. [/thread]

I am not deflecting from it or making light of it. I see a lot of rhetoric in here about how the media is one sided or that this is some sort of epidemic when it isn't. I see talk about the rebel flag and Christianity. These things are distractions. All I am addressing is facts. The motivation for this killing was race. It was a racially motivated mass killing, which is far from a leading cause of death for any race in this country. I'll let you guys get back to your conspiracy theories about "white supremacy" killings and "senators, police, judges and corrections officers".
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A dude still ain't told me what was so great about southern heritage and why the flag didn't pop up like that until integration...

You should see these clowns man in support of the flag. Then they wonder why the chicks feel us...

What you expect? 

It really comes down to the interracial issue for a lot of these dudes tbh. It's tough to deal with. 

Not all white dudes are like this, and the cool dudes know what I'm talking aout. It's the ignorant, redneck, closed-minded, racist, hating types. 
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imagine if the situation happened the other way around,

black panther shoots up conservative christian church

sidenote my girl just realized her kanye shirt from the concert says this on the back :lol:

View media item 1599579

It'd probably get as much media attention as these stats do:

Did you cut off the rest or did you find a version without the bottom portion?

That was all I found. Is there more?

found it:

This chart was created by a right wing white supremacist. And I mean this literally:

Here is the YouTube channel for this dude.

Secondly, Tim Wise as a nice breakdown why the picture this chart paints is bogus. LINK
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