Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Prayers and thoughts to the victims and the victims' families. :\


Thats got to be so rough.

Senator was a really good guy too...they still held the senate meeting this morning...had a black cloak over his chair and flowers....

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Man the south need to catch up with civilization man. These dudes REFUSE to reacces their values and beliefs. Ignant

I almossst cant blame southern whites for not messin wit black folk down there. The ignance on both sides is astonishing. I dont think theres truly been any advancements in race relations since Dr King

jesus christ

how old are you?
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jesus christ

how old are you?

yeah i'm not even entertaining people anymore...especially after this situation...straight block list...don't even come back in here trying to explain that stupidity...go post that on yahoo comments are something...
My initial thoughts go to the families. this is such a tragedy my heart goes out to them. I hope the authorities catc this guy quikly but my gut tells me he will be dead one way or the other.

Secondly... the media and social media response to this has been so terrible/

I hate to see the comparisons coming from black twitter and I hate to see the naivety and stupidity coming from the news media.

I think both sides are putting out content that is just filled with stupidity and poor taste.

Its so frustrating that we are treated so unequally in this country that even in tragedy we have to advocate for us to be treated fairly.
Man this is rough... RIP to the victims. I can't wrap around how can someone do this... Especially in CHURCH. Crazy place we live in... 
The only thing that bothers me about this picture is that they were in church (the house of the lord) praying while this happened, so I'm not understanding what prayer is solving. This religious stuff is not making since to me anymore and I really don't want to feel like that

cars were able to drive though the street after it happened, they didnt block off the streets or anything.

cops werent checking the passing cars either, i was able to see a little girl being led out the church by a police woman and it broke my heart fam.

the little girl was maybe 8 at the latest, i also saw the dude getting stopped by cops at gun point.

i checked on my phone to see if anything had happened but nothing at that time was posted online.

then maybe 10 mins later or so the reports of 8 dead in that church came thru.
How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?
[thread="629313"]The only thing that bothers me about this picture is that they were in church (the house of the lord) praying when this happened, so I'm not understanding what prayer is solving. This religious stuff is not making since to me anymore and I really don't want to feel like that :frown: [/thread]

View media item 1587927

RIP to the victims

This is sad. It's like we have another thread like this every other week.
They have his name and picture out now...

Dylann Storm Roof.

No way that's the dude's real name. Name might as well be Dylaan Wind Tunnel
How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?

Honestly I don't give a damn what they call him as long as it is proceeded with the word captured/dead.
How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?
I'm not black, I'm indian so just stating my ethinicty.

I think it absolutely matters. If a white person shoots up a church, reports come out that he was "troubled, quiet, didn't see this coming"

If a black person GETS gunned down by a cop "oh he was a thug, he smoked weed, he threw up gang signs"

The media is ****** ridiculous when it comes to this.
This really hit me man... What has the world come to....

Then you have ignorance like this...

Don't complain about being a minority and say whites are a problem when your ancestors chose to come here knowing they would be a minority.
— Hyley DiBona † (@HyleyLowly) June 18, 2015
shooter identified. i wish they would just shoot on sight

we live in a sad world.



this dude
View media item 1587948

Nah.. Let him make it...

Want him to suffer, yo

How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?

Because the media is WAY more powerful than youre giving it credit for...

Terrorism invokes guilt by association...

Thats why Muslim famb get it so bad.. Because the label "terrorist" is a threat to the country.

Labeling this guy a terrorist would literally incriminate those that look like him: white males.

Media ain't trying to have that... You think some oil tycoon wants his son to be mistaken for Adam Lamza or something? Heck no.
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He was caught in Shelby, North Carolina....which is about 3 hours or so away from Charleston.
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How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?
I'm with you. I don't care what they call him as long as he is not being called a troubled kid who loved life that always had a smile on his face (or something similar). I just want him brought to justice as soon as possible in order to prevent him from killing the next group of blacks that he comes in contact with. 
He was caught in North Carolina.

The beast...
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