Empire New series in Fox

Crazy thing about that song, was that I can see it being used for a Pepsi commercial for real. 
I actually liked the mix of the two beats. Definitely sounds like something Pepsi would use in a commercial.

They should've shown who were the other artists Pepsi was considering and maybe hear clips of their songs.
next episode it wont even be mentioned that he won 

and didnt jamal already drop an album when lucious put him in charge?

its like what 3-6 months later and he dropping again?

hakeem aint even drop on lyon dynasty yet 
This show is all over the place but it's still entertaining. :lol: That battle was so corny. Ol girl killed him and this fool started spitting a real song and won.

Boo Boo Kitty fine den a MFer w/o the makeup. :pimp:
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At least clown didn't start singing like his brother last season in his "rap battle".
Hakeem lost that battle though if we're strictly discussing bars

Nah. The girl won the rap battle. Had better flow too

Was i watching for bars .. nah i dont wven know why i continue to watch this show but Gatz won that battle

I already knew they were gonna let Hakeem win, but i had some hope that maybe they let it play out like it should. That rehearsed as flow he had though, i know they both are rehearsed but Hakeem ish sound like he wrote it down and been practicing it for a week.

Jamal was right n tellin him to play in to the crown but how the hell you gonna be on Gatz side and 3 seconds into Hakeems lines you filling in the words to his rap :x

Dude is a simp .. talkin bout she tryin to take my last name. No n**** she actually cant. And then he talkin bout snitchin :lol:

That daddys little girl Gatz did was decent though not bad at all. She do look like fantasia :rofl:

Taraji look so trash in this show all that ish she wearing n over the top acting.

Dee Jay >>>> Lucious

Anika no makeup > Anika with
(Both nice though)

Im tired of Jamal songs all sounding the same reaching for the highest putch he can reach. That pepsi joint was weak and reminds me of a song thats already been out since '13 or '14 that has a fast crazy chorus beat n slower calm verse

Wonder how many takes it took for Precious to get that leg up :rofl:
I knew from the second Jamal looked at Alicia that they were gonna bring in some love story angle :lol: :smh: I half expected Lucious to show up the way he keeps popping up everywhere to bring good or bad news.

And yeah they sorta jumping the shark with the Rosie O'Donnell cameo. I don't get it, every hip hop artist and celeb makes sense. Now they just throwing in damn near anybody even if they irrelevant currently just to say they did it. Plus I see the light Orange is the New Black theft they doing making her character a mix of the butch lesbian and Red.

With so much focus on Hakeem this season they should do a better job at showing his motivations. All we've seen him say no to his dad with every offer or olive branch with not much reasoning or insight to his motivation to be a boss in his own right. It literally seems like he just said he wants to be that outta nowhere just off of thinking Lucious was gonna give him Empire.

Now they springing this Lucious about to lose the company stuff.
Y'all know Rosie O'Donnell is an actual gay actress, right? :lol:

I feel what y'all are saying, but it's nitpicking at this point.
Of course we know that.

Just cuz you're gay doesn't mean we aint gonna notice the straight up copying by the writers.
is it biting just cuz red worked in a restaurant and rosie was a baker? :nerd:
I was way more focused on the comparison to the other character from OITNB; the butch fat lesbian. I forget her name. Big Boo.

The professions were irrelevant. It was how the character was portrayed. Felt like a low grade mix between Red and Big Boo.

is it biting just cuz red worked in a restaurant and rosie was a baker? :nerd:

Exactly, I'm confused :lol:
That's okay.
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:lol: Well with your limited comprehension skills I can see why you'd come to that conclusion.

I just called what's pretty clear copying by the writers.
ya dont even know if rosie character was a lesbian 

and what red got to do with anything if all she did was cook in kitchen
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I don't know. Maybe you don't watch both shows to see the clear similarities.

The kitchen aside, Red was a boss *****. That's her whole personality. Leading her group in prison being the mama bear, leading her sons when she was on the outside. The overall intimidation. Rosie's character did similar things. Especially when they made the excuse for her to show up in another scene because apparently Cookie wouldn't be able to go alone in that territory of w/e crew was running things. Rosie's character was the one with pull. It's a shame this has to be explained :smh:

If you disagree or think it's a reach that's okay :lol: I figured out a few tv shows back you got a warped view of what you watch.
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