ericescobar's COLLECTION! peep it

Feb 11, 2008
most of this stuff is from this year alone. recent stuf include bordeaux and i's
just let me know what is appealing, though i wont sell it
wow...i was going to name all the shoes i love in your collection, but that'd be damn near all of them
nothing but heat...only shoe i dont like are those low top grey xi's (even though i have them myself hahaha)
thats a sick collection. too many dope shoes to name and my size too.

are those bordeaux wearable? probably one of the cleanest pair i've seen.
thanks you guys. about the bordeaux, MAN I LOVE THOSE THINGS lol they are sturdy, though i havent yet worn them. but i need a pair of maroon vi's if anyonehas em. that would make my dreams come true.

Edit-for the guy who asked, i live in San francisco
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