Euphoria HBO & A24's series | Starring Zendaya| RIP Angus Cloud

When he showed up inside that dude's house... I looked at my wife and said if this was Texas Nate would have done been shot.

Few thoughts:

Is Rue dead? Like all-knowing? She seems to know EVERYTHING about the other character's private daily lives.

I listen to alot of crime podcasts... how come every guy seems like the beginnings of every serial rapist/killer, sociopath, kidnapper, etc that we all have heard about? Nate is an Apex Predator, and the Ted Bundy kid...

Someone is gonna die. I'm thinking Rue gone up against Nate and dies... this explains her narration.

I want to see Fezco get Rue's back somehow and clap Nate.

Something is definitely going pop off.. Jules is acting different because of what’s going on with Nate, so could easily see rue confronting her or her doing something to herself because of it and then rue finding out shh that was happening

Or Jules does something to herself and then rue confronts nate’s Dad or goes to the police on nate’s Dad.. and Nate reacts to that

But Nate pushing and being reckless.. and him being back at school won’t be good for Jules
I gotta say, the Jules blackmail is THE weakest, dumbest plot in this show.
I understand naivety but come on, Jules could easily counter him with the Dad info, easily.

Absolutely the weakest plot of the show. Jules in my opinion is the strongest character on the show, and it just contradicts her character. Jules could And should OWN anything Nate’s little weak minded self could come up with. Like she did when they first met, she showed she wasn’t scared of him and she’s been hurt worse in her life. Then some lame blackmail attempt has her shook?

Naw. Get that weak writing outta here. But yes, show is still FLAMES. A1 greatness aside from that one gripe I have.


Need a gif of her walking in that dress :evil:

Thought dude in the Bundy costume was going to not take no for an answer.

McKay :smh:

L he may never recover from. Should've never joined that frat.

Rue and Lexi interrogation. Listing The Wire characters :rofl:

Nate is definitely going to murder someone and get away with it.

Kat's story is going to end with her getting an STD or the dude who bought her entire wishlist showing up at her house or school.

Jules blackmail makes sense. Having to register as a sex offender for sending or possessing nudes of an underage person (even if it's pics of yourself) has happened before.

Lexi's Bob Ross costume :lol: :pimp:

Of course the black dude gotta be emasculated SMH....that whole scene made 0 sense and was FORCED.

So basically every male in the show is a simp except Cassie side dude :lol: not realistic at all. They acting like players didn’t exist in high school. ****
Just maybe the story doesn't include any players and the main male characters are simp.

It's actually very realistic when you look at how many dudes didnt get any in HS.

Besides you got psychokiller probably gay Nate who isn't a simp.

As for that McKay scene, college hazing is always forced and never makes any sense.
But no clue why nate’s Dad didn’t destroy whatever evidence he had right after the fair
Nate took the evidence.

His dad was going to just that, destroy the child porn but it was gone.
Is Rue dead? Like all-knowing? She seems to know EVERYTHING about the other character's private daily lives.
One of the early theories after ep1 floating around online is that Rue been dead, Rue is in some induced coma, all of this is in Rue's head as she's still in rehab.
I can’t eem hate on McKay for getting finessed by them Cassie yambs

Finessed? It's called love, and from the looks of things the feeling is mutual. Mckay just needs to start being a man and stop worrying about the opinions of HS kids, and borderline gay frat guys, :smh:

Wait.. did this dude just get got.. like got GOT!?

Why wasn't his door locked? He used a key to get in, how you smashing and have your door unlocked knowing how insane and gay your frat bros are:smh:

I unfortunately feel like Rue is gonna try to **** with ole boy. She better stay in her lane. Not really sure who on the show can take down Nate other than Fezco and Ashtray.

As I predicted, McKay was a walking L this episode. I felt bad for dude.

How can Fez and Ash take Nate down? McKay is getting on my nerves, he doesn't have to be a walking L either. He has so much going for him yet he's still acting like a wounded pup. I don't feel bad for him, the world is his and he refuses to take it. If he sees that his teammates are just as good as he is or better, then he needs to work harder. I said it before, instead of worrying about the opinions of some HS kids, and driving back and forth from school to his hometown, he should be out on the field busting his ***, and in the weight room killing it. Worse case scenario he doesn't get drafted, oh well. Most college players have to contend with that fact, but he got a full ride to a D1 school. Use that to make something of yourself. He's so annoying, and all that repressed anger will do nothing but make him spazz and shoot up his school.

Yo I kinda feel for my guy Ethan :lol: Kat too far gone tho, son don’t eem know what he getting into :smh:

On top of the fantastic cinematography, they’ve done a great job of getting you to invest in these characters. I just want Rue/Jules/Gia to make it home safe at night :frown:

Maddy :smh::evil:

Ethan doesn't even know that he created this monster that Kat has begun. She was more than willing to be his gf the night of the carnival, until she saw him talking to ole girl about his sister of all things, :rofl: That was it for kat as he knew her.

Can we talk about how ridiculous the premise of Jules ending up a sex offender is? :lol:

Presumably she’s a minor, so her sending nudes to someone who she thought was an adult (since they were using a adult app) isn’t a crime. If she was an adult and sending pics to someone she thought was a minor, then yes, Nate would have a point. Hell, even if she wasn’t a minor and was sending pics to someone who ended up being a kid, she still wouldn’t be in trouble b/c she did so assuming the person was an adult on an adult app.

I know it’s just a TV show but this has been bugging me. :lol:

It doesn't seem too far fetched depending on what State you're in and how they treat distribution of child pron, because that's ultimately what it is. Whether she sent it to another minor or an adult it's still child pron. I think you guys are wrong on this one, she would get in trouble for distributing it. The ridiculous aspect of it is how Nate plans to set her up, because the person that received it can get in trouble for possessing it as well. I guess the issue here is if Jules is willing to fight it and go back and forth trying to prove Nate was the recipient of the pics.
Why wasn't his door locked? He used a key to get in, how you smashing and have your door unlocked knowing how insane and gay your frat bros are:smh:

Yup.. and they purposely show the scene of him unlocking his door and getting in.. unless them frat dudes had keys, but then that’s putting even more liability on the school

If McKay had some sense he could sue the hell out of everyone involved, the frat and the school
Probably a roommate that's also in his frat. I still don't see the appeal of dudes joining them white frats, but whatever. He needs to make some new friends and let go of them high school ties.

Everyone is traumatized. Cassie doesn't understand that some guys just want sex, but the dude from the party is a dickhead. Sounds like the dudes that scream "***** you ugly anyway" after getting curved.

Kat cool with me.
Thought dude in the Bundy costume was going to not take no for an answer.

Rue and Lexi interrogation. Listing The Wire characters :rofl:

Nate is definitely going to murder someone and get away with it.

Lexi's Bob Ross costume :lol: :pimp:


All of these.
She even used Brother Muzon and Weebay :rofl:

McKay :smh: Now I see why Astro said no. Those are going to be your "friends" after. Aren't you supposed to have them on the football team?
It doesn't seem too far fetched depending on what State you're in and how they treat distribution of child pron, because that's ultimately what it is. Whether she sent it to another minor or an adult it's still child pron. I think you guys are wrong on this one, she would get in trouble for distributing it. The ridiculous aspect of it is how Nate plans to set her up, because the person that received it can get in trouble for possessing it as well. I guess the issue here is if Jules is willing to fight it and go back and forth trying to prove Nate was the recipient of the pics.

Enh, I’m no expert on this stuff by any means. But as someone who worked in the justice system for years and had first hand dealings with sex offense stuff, I’ve never seen a minor be convicted of child porn possession/distribution when it comes to distributing pics of themselves. Pics of other kids? Absolutely. But the nudes? Never.

But yeah, the fact that Nate willingly received them also is a huge plot hole. :lol:
He calls the police & Nate will just tell them about the statutory rape.

And he’s clearly not a fighter, so he’s at Nate’s mercy.

true, but at this point idk whats worse, banging a high school thot or choking her...I guess being labeled a sex offender is worse.

Just maybe the story doesn't include any players and the main male characters are simp.

It's actually very realistic when you look at how many dudes didnt get any in HS.

Besides you got psychokiller probably gay Nate who isn't a simp.

As for that McKay scene, college hazing is always forced and never makes any sense.

Its not realistic bro. Also simp =/= not getting any box. I mean hell to me, to really be an effective (lol) simp you gotta be getting some kind of box lol. And Nate is most definitely a simp. He just has the successful athlete thing going on so that masks some of it. man said he knows his girl bangs other guys from time to time. if that aint textbook simp than idk what is :lol:

I did a bit of googling because I was trying to find articles of a similar Mckay situation but couldn't find much. I highly doubt it goes down LIKE THAT. bruh just randomly gets raped out of my knowledge dudes in them frats KNOW they bout to get hazed (not necessarily know they bout to get raped) but they know they are bout to do something before it happens. Had a homie that was joining a frat and he knew when he was gonna have to do some wild **** or just **** in general.
^^^but he still has the pics. How’d he get them? Also, it isn’t like the sources of these accounts aren’t traceable. If it came down to it, authorities could learn what device made the account and used it.
Can someone explain to me the scene when Cassie came back home from the party and started drinking wine, it showed an open box of tampons and it seemed to have her shook.

Can’t figure out the significance (if any) of that scene
Its not realistic bro.
The show has 2 teenage male simp characters.

How is that unrealistic?

And Nate is most definitely a simp. He just has the successful athlete thing going on so that masks some of it. man said he knows his girl bangs other guys from time to time. if that aint textbook simp than idk what is :lol:
You ignoring Nate's psychopathy and confusing that for simping.

Simps dont choke their gfs. Simps dont beat the **** out of guys their gfs cheat on them with. Simps dont catfish trans girls. I can go on.

You're like purposely being narrow minded to harp on the show being unrealistically filled with simps when its not.

Its a female led show to start with and two simps are in love with 2 girls from the main cast and one psycho is obsessed with a girl from the main cast. The other dudes on this show are a drug dealer, lil kid that assists the drug dealer, and some stoner twins.

I did a bit of googling because I was trying to find articles of a similar Mckay situation but couldn't find much. I highly doubt it goes down LIKE THAT. bruh just randomly gets raped out of my knowledge dudes in them frats KNOW they bout to get hazed (not necessarily know they bout to get raped) but they know they are bout to do something before it happens. Had a homie that was joining a frat and he knew when he was gonna have to do some wild **** or just **** in general.
Did you really watch that scene or no?

McKay wasn't raped :lol: He was violated but there wasn't any penetration. Just a bunch of frat dudes humped him while he was naked. That's the typical gay hazing that goes on in frats.

You sound wild naive talking about you dont think thats how hazing goes down :lol: That pledges know they're about to be hazed before it happen :lol: Hazing don't adhere to no schscheduleoo

Hazing is a 24/7 fear zone. It can happen at any moment. McKay left his door open and got caught slipping.

Not to mention if it wasnt his frat could've been his football teammates since you get hazed as a rookie too.

:lol: @ McKay is suppose to know when he's gonna get hazed.
They didn't literally rape McKay. Dude was dry humping him with underwear on.

Speaking of McKay...his storyline is a non story. Everything regarding McKay's storyline in this ep was shown in the preview.
Wasn’t at least one of the frat bros rocking a strap on, though? That’s why I think he got GOT.

Looks like they're going into Cassie's storyline next for episode 7. I wonder if that's it or if someone else will get part of their story explained in the finale. Fez/Ashtray would be nice
I’m thinking the finale is a no background, overall episode.

Rest In Prejudice.
It doesn't seem too far fetched depending on what State you're in and how they treat distribution of child pron, because that's ultimately what it is. Whether she sent it to another minor or an adult it's still child pron. I think you guys are wrong on this one, she would get in trouble for distributing it. The ridiculous aspect of it is how Nate plans to set her up, because the person that received it can get in trouble for possessing it as well. I guess the issue here is if Jules is willing to fight it and go back and forth trying to prove Nate was the recipient of the pics.

This is what came to my mind
Master Zik Master Zik i thought all those dvds were his stash and he was counting to make sure everything was there.. then he released couple were missing, which I assume are the Jules one(s), which Nate took
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