Euphoria HBO & A24's series | Starring Zendaya| RIP Angus Cloud

So that is the second time they chose not to kill Fez :lol:

I really think they might just show mans life ruined in jail, to be honest. Locked up, never coming out.

The fans love him but that doesn't necessarily mean he gets a happy end

he aint going get a happy ending..

but I think he’ll do couple months.. And then have to deal with the fallout from losing his place and the shop.. then whatever he owed to Laurie and co

cause I assume both him and rue will have to deal with Laurie next season
we ain’t exactly dealing with reality

But if fez got a good enough lawyer, he’d do some time but not a ton.. the major stuff they’d have to pin on him directly.. and they gotta be willing to go after him to that extent, so depends on who he has representing him

but clearly they were still trying get evidence on dude

Word. But also, feds gonna be after Laurie mostly. If he can cop a plea to shut down her drug operation, he’ll get off much lighter.

She got drugs, sex trafficking, supplying to minors, pin the mouse murder on her, it’s a wrap. AND 2 for 1, he can corroborate Cal KNOWINGLY having sex with a minor. It’s on vid of course, but the “I didn’t know how old she was” goes out the window with Fez testifying that Cal knew she was underage.

I doubt it goes that route, but if they want fez outta jail, writers could pull it off. Fez ain’t no snitch though…… least I don’t think. Might do anything to be with Lexi tho….
So.......kid kills a cop, cop kills kid, then we charge some other guy in the hallway for cops death? :lol:

"That is not how the law works."


They don't need to charge anyone for the dead cop, they already killed him.

You keep sayin he helped Mouse. We/they don't know that. Coulda been snitch that helped do that, and tried to pin it on Fez. Now snitches own girlfriend gonna back Fez. She already laid the tracks tryin to blame the drug lady.

And as for flip, I already said that, they need him to flip on her. (or will need) That could be how they get him off.

Bottom line, I don't think they are putting Fez in prison for the rest of the series. Unless they want him to share a cell with Cal, and maybe the girls get sent to the same prison and this becomes Mayor of Kingstown 2. I think Fez finds a way out of trouble since all the loose ends are dead. Cops/DA aren't goin to go all out to find out who killed a drug dealer, when they literally already killed the kid who did it.
Some of y'all keep acting like Ashtray bought those guns himself.

The same guns used to kill a cop. Won't matter that Ashtray is dead. Its cuz he's dead they'll go after Fez.

A lot of yall need to get a crash course in Law & Order to see how detailed and petty the law can be.
I’ve never seen such discussion pages long after a Finale.
You guys going in about the wrath to come and how it falls, for two days now.
Show delivered.
Thought provoking at its finest.
Some of y'all keep acting like Ashtray bought those guns himself.

The same guns used to kill a cop. Won't matter that Ashtray is dead. Its cuz he's dead they'll go after Fez.

A lot of yall need to get a crash course in Law & Order to see how detailed and petty the law can be.

Who said they were bought? :nerd: How you know they don't belong to Mouse? You can prove Fez knew about Ash killing Mouse and keeping his guns? :nerd:

You don't get to go after someone else cuz a cop died. :lol:

Who killed Mouse? Tray.
Who killed Snitch? Tray.
Who killed cop? Tray.

Who goes to jail? His not even actual relative? :lol:

Clearly Fez ain't innocent. He gonna need some help to get clear. But it won't be that hard to write.
Who said they were bought? :nerd:
All guns illegally or legally are bought by someone unless your implying they stole them which would just be another charge :lol:
How you know they don't belong to Mouse?
So wait Mouse had all those guns and brought it to Fez house for him to use?

How does that make....

You can prove Fez knew about Ash killing Mouse and keeping his guns? :nerd:
The snitch already told them what went down and now that snitch is dead.

They don't need to prove Fez kept any guns. They're all in the bathroom with Ashtray's dead body.

They don't need to prove Fez knew about it. Their version according to the snitch is Fez was there to witness it. The corroborating evidence comes with wherever Mouse's body was buried
You don't get to go after someone else cuz a cop died. :lol:
When that person is a criminal suspected of murder, yes you do.

Again do you know how cops get down or something?

If they show was realistic swat would've just killed Fez and the girl after the cop died.
Who killed Mouse? Tray.
Who killed Snitch? Tray.
Who killed cop? Tray.

Who goes to jail? His not even actual relative? :lol:
Being related has nothing to do with it.

Fez and Ashtray were clearly partners.

And last I checked Fez was Ashtray's legal guardian unless you actually think the state of california was just letting a minor live with a non-relative unchecked for 10+ years :lol:

If you seriously think Fez can not get charged as an accomplice you're far too naive.
Clearly Fez ain't innocent. He gonna need some help to get clear. But it won't be that hard to write.
Writing wise I see them writing some completely fantastical **** if the plan is to get him out of prison next season.

If they keep it real, the next Fez ep will be him adjusting to prison life.
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I’m dead @ folks still debating real world vs. tv show murder charges. 🤣

Essentially they can play Fezco’s story however they damn well please, and don’t be surprised if he magically escapes major punishment. This show has always had a fantastical element to it so I don’t see why that’d change now.

Mogs debating the law like we’ve been watching The First 48 these past 2 seasons. :lol:
I’m dead @ folks still debating real world vs. tv show murder charges. 🤣

Essentially they can play Fezco’s story however they damn well please, and don’t be surprised if he magically escapes major punishment. This show has always had a fantastical element to it so I don’t see why that’d change now.

Mogs debating the law like we’ve been watching The First 48 these past 2 seasons. :lol:
If this was Frist 48, Fez would be cooked, because ole girl would have him telling on himself in under 30mins...
So wait Mouse had all those guns and brought it to Fez house for him to use?
Maybe Mouse planted those guns there. :nerd:

They're all in the bathroom with Ashtray's dead body.
Right, the guns that don't belong to Fez are in the tub with the murderer. :wink:

Their version according to the snitch is Fez was there to witness it.
So....the cops care enough to check out a murder, of a drug dealer, with the story of another drug dealer, who couldn't get it recorded, cuz his own girlfriend pointed the finger, elsewhere? So you think the cops gon go all out on Fez?

If they show was realistic swat would've just killed Fez and the girl after the cop died.
Now this is agree with. Exactly how Taylor Sheridan would have done it too.

And last I checked Fez was Ashtray's legal guardian unless you actually think the state of california was just letting a minor live with a non-relative unchecked for 10+ years
You feel they was checkin in with the state on the regular do ya? :lol: C'mon man. Based on what we saw of his Gma, they weren't exactly livin by state law. They might not even know who that kid is, at all.

Y'all could be right. He could spend the rest of the series behind bars. I do not believe that is what the plan is. Again, we have 3 bodies, none of them are Fez's. We also have Cal getting his head beaten Tray. Fez letting him walk. Cops busted his door down before, flushed the stash, walked away clean.

He's a small time dealer, with nothin concrete against him, he has a witness that will back him, another dude in custody who would even back that Tray roughed him up and Fez cut him loose, they have a recording referencing some other drug lady, and that could easily be the play to get Fez off scott free.

Will they go that route? I dunno. I think they will, but maybe I'm misreading it all. The ONLY thing we have seen him do is rock Nate. And that was standing up for a family member. (to him) Even Nate hasn't come after him for it. (yet :nerd: )
Maybe Mouse planted those guns there. :nerd:
When? :nerd:

This just seems like a made up reach.

Mouse is dead anyway so Fez is screwed.
Right, the guns that don't belong to Fez are in the tub with the murderer. :wink:
In Fez's tub that's in Fez's house.

How do you think possession laws work?
So....the cops care enough to check out a murder, of a drug dealer, with the story of another drug dealer, who couldn't get it recorded, cuz his own girlfriend pointed the finger, elsewhere? So you think the cops gon go all out on Fez?
Who was murdered doesn't matter. That some one did the murdering is enough for them to do their jobs. Cuz you know they're law enforcement.

Charging Fez isn't going all out. He's the dealer harboring a murderer and a stash of guns that killed a cop.

Now this is agree with. Exactly how Taylor Sheridan would have done it too.
I see someone has been watching Mayor of Kingstown


You feel they was checkin in with the state on the regular do ya? :lol: C'mon man. Based on what we saw of his Gma, they weren't exactly livin by state law. They might not even know who that kid is, at all.
They don't need to check in with the state :lol:

You think Ashtray went 10 years and was never approached about school or his guardians or that Fez's gma wasn't?

Also after the snitching they absolutely knew who was in that house before they even get the warrant. Its called an investigation :lol:
Y'all could be right. He could spend the rest of the series behind bars. I do not believe that is what the plan is. Again, we have 3 bodies, none of them are Fez's. We also have Cal getting his head beaten Tray. Fez letting him walk. Cops busted his door down before, flushed the stash, walked away clean.

He's a small time dealer, with nothin concrete against him, he has a witness that will back him, another dude in custody who would even back that Tray roughed him up and Fez cut him loose, they have a recording referencing some other drug lady, and that could easily be the play to get Fez off scott free.

Will they go that route? I dunno. I think they will, but maybe I'm misreading it all. The ONLY thing we have seen him do is rock Nate. And that was standing up for a family member. (to him) Even Nate hasn't come after him for it. (yet :nerd: )
Sure it could go that why but I wouldn't bank on Fez being in the free and clear just cuz he didn't die.
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