Ever been caught looking at mass or breasts?

I was at the gym, hypnotized by this Asian chick (I swearrr) on the treadmill.
I wasn't caught, but this black dude was like "I see you..." Straight up gave that Kanye Shrug
I always get caught lookin at girls that I know so they don't trip. I"ll just say somethin like "Damn girl" and they just laugh.
I have been caught many times..

If it isnt in a classroom/professional environment.. I usually say nice ***/rack


insert No f's were given that day .gif
When chicks are at the gym or mall with their mass and Ts all hanging out, you damn right im gonna be looking!
I would've gone after her if she gave me an under-handed pitch like that. And I stare, 24/7.
I remember in HS dozing off in american govt. class and then when I came back to reality I was lookin @ this girl's cleavage the whole time I guess lol. She was 
@ the same time.
No one has said anything to me or give me dirty looks so my pervert tactics must be working to the T.
lawd, I haven't been caught but I dont stare hard really. I don't break my neck for women.
in high school man... smh lol. Me and my friend were walking behind this chick with a really nice butt in the hallway and I thought I was far enough to say "Dammmmnnnn" but she turned around and gave me the
once she found out it was me.

I will always appreciate a nice butt when I can. No hesitation
This is a good opportunity to share a laugh but also to affirm the fact you were looking, without being too much of a pig at least.
I mean, the first two pages are littered with threads that's have @#$es and breasts.

For once, there's not really a need for tons of pics.
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