Ever fought one of your parents???

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

suprise appearence straight out the JB forum with the NT staff badge n everything
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by Benssick

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

how old are you kid?

only a kid would feel the need to fight their parents

grow up son

true +++$. On the other hand,i dont know my dad but if i knew him n  he tried to get big with me and he put a hand on me,id bang him out. since he was never their for me or my mom. 

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I love my OG to death, would never do anything to harm her in any way, shape, or form...but my pops on the other hand can get it. I've come close many times to swinging on him many times but always thought better of it. Idk now that I'm older, I feel like I could step to him if need be. I probably wouldn't live to tell about it but still..
how old are you kid?

only a kid would feel the need to fight their parents

grow up son

What??? Shut up _ you don't know what the next man has ever been through coming up

Cuffy sounds mad insecure
Closest I've come was with my mom actually. She "can't control her anger" and had me in the corner of my living room one night threatening to cut some of my braids with scissors over something dumb like dishes I hadn't gotten to in the last two days because of homework. I pushed her way harder than I meant to and ran to my room and locked my door.

I don't care, she deserved that $#*%. I was tired of her hitting on me and beating on me with belt buckles over little stuff because "the devil was riding her to hurt me".

Like take some damn responsibility.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Got too much respect for them.

Word....my dad did kick me in the stomach before though when he already had me on the ground. Smh
I swung at my moms and bruised her arm when I was about 12. I got tired of getting hit with just about everything over stupid stuff. My mom can't control her anger or loud voice. When she can't have her way.....all hell breaks lose. Ever since then I haven't fought with her, but came really close a few times.
Originally Posted by toughmoney

I swung at my moms and bruised her arm when I was about 12. I got tired of getting hit with just about everything over stupid stuff. My mom can't control her anger or loud voice. When she can't have her way.....all hell breaks lose. Ever since then I haven't fought with her, but came really close a few times.

This is exactly how my mom is. It takes nothing to get her riled up and very little from there to get her physical. It's annoying as hell.
Happened to me a couple of times. I was pretty wild as a kid and had A LOT on my mind and a rough situation at home. When I was in 5th grade my dad once grabbed my arm started to shake me and started to act pretty wild for my liking, so I snuffed him in the face. Its cool that he didnt hit me back, cuz it might have gotten rough for me. 
When I was about 19 or 20 we got into some other arguments a couple of times, but he was the one that provoked me. Once his wife saved the situation and grabbed my hand when I was about to hit him in the face. I would have taken him down, but right then I realised it wasnt worth it, so I just turned my back and walked away heated as hell. Stepped out wearing some shorts and a wifebeater, no shoes or anything. Walked around the block for a couple of minutes, but he came after me and asked me to come back and I did. 

Never did hit my mom, but she was wilding out a couple of times too. When she would act crazy I would just walk out usually, but that didnt stop her from slapping in the face or throwing stuff at me. She was really unstable back in the day and couldnt control her life and emotions, so it was all forgiven, but was hard for me as hell. Right now it might not me all good, as she still looses it sometimes, but its much better.
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Closest I've come was with my mom actually. She "can't control her anger" and had me in the corner of my living room one night threatening to cut some of my braids with scissors over something dumb like dishes I hadn't gotten to in the last two days because of homework. I pushed her way harder than I meant to and ran to my room and locked my door.

I don't care, she deserved that $#*%. I was tired of her hitting on me and beating on me with belt buckles over little stuff because "the devil was riding her to hurt me".

Like take some damn responsibility.

DCFS is watchin 

family is sacred. that counts for your parents. that counts for your wife and children. live with it.
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

One Saturday there was just one blueberry eggo left and my father and I both reached for it at the same time. He just grinned sheepishly and said "I'm your father c'mmmon"
I replied "Exactly I'm the one thats growing it should go to me!"

"You serious?"


"But I'm your father....."

With that I just started at him and shrugged, I was intent on having the Eggo. Eventually we got to arguing until I suggested "Fine lets fight for it. Come on old man lets go outside."

Again he just grinned sheepishly "old man huh?...Alright"

So i go outside the side door in the kitchen, head to the driveway and turn around waiting for him. He makes like he's coming to but then goes back in, locks the door, then eats the eggo in the window grinning.
Spoiler [+]


I actually did slap my mom once when I was in like 7th grade. She was just pushing me and pushing me, I couldn't take it anymore, so I just slapped her. 

I don't agree with people saying that it's wrong to hit your parents though, regardless of how your came up or how they treated you. If a person feels like they've been pushed too far, by anyone, I feel, they have the right to retaliate.Yes, she/he/they birthed you, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It wasn't your choice. I'm not saying when moms tells you to take the trash out you say no and slap her, you should "give respects" to her/him/them and do what they ask. I don't understand people having this incredible pride about things they are given, people should be more prideful of what they earn. 
Originally Posted by masta

family is sacred. that counts for your parents. that counts for your wife and children. live with it.
wat if pops is putting a hand on moms? 
Originally Posted by Cuffy

I love my OG to death, would never do anything to harm her in any way, shape, or form...but my pops on the other hand can get it. I've come close many times to swinging on him many times but always thought better of it. Idk now that I'm older, I feel like I could step to him if need be. I probably wouldn't live to tell about it but still..

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

One Saturday there was just one blueberry eggo left and my father and I both reached for it at the same time. He just grinned sheepishly and said "I'm your father c'mmmon"
I replied "Exactly I'm the one thats growing it should go to me!"

"You serious?"


"But I'm your father....."

With that I just started at him and shrugged, I was intent on having the Eggo. Eventually we got to arguing until I suggested "Fine lets fight for it. Come on old man lets go outside."

Again he just grinned sheepishly "old man huh?...Alright"

So i go outside the side door in the kitchen, head to the driveway and turn around waiting for him. He makes like he's coming to but then goes back in, locks the door, then eats the eggo in the window grinning.
The nerve of these cats.

You got off easy by getting locked out.
Hit my mom? My brain can't even comprehend, yet even imagine doing something like that. Like that's insanity.
I can count how many times my dad hit me in my life, but last time he hit me I was like in 10th grade. I guess he felt sorry afterward so he took me over my cousin's house. I told him that my pops hit me and dude got heated. He was like I'm going to go out there and yoke up your pops with a belt and then you could wash him

I was tight, but I was like my ninja chill. That's still my dad and I gotta live with him. Dude had issues.
I never hit my mom ever. But parents being your parents and knowing you're stuck with them can really push your buttons. My mom kept grabbing me up one time yelling pushing screaming for absolutely nothing I think she had some super pms. I literally reached breaking point at a mad young age. I picked up a vaccuum cleaner broke it against the wall and just hopped on a random bus and left for a good couple of hours so she knew how upset I was.

The nerve of yall raising hands to your parents though.
My dad has beat the %%+% out of me many times...most of the times because my mom would tell him the grimey and foul %%+% I did like cuss @ my gramps or I stole a few bucks here and there. I was in elementary and junior high when he was still trying to disciple me by beating me. I've caught punches to the dome, whippings with belts, knelt on rice for hours, slapped, and other ways of discipline. I've been taught filial piety and I strongly believe in it, makes me think that most of the beatings I caught were deserved. Anyhow, I would never punch my pops but if he pushed the wrong buttons too many times, bet that I'd charge at him and at least tackle him. I don't think I could disrespect my parents by punching either of them.

I've gotten into fights with my bro to the point where the cops had to show up because my mom couldn't break it up. Lol, still enjoyed the moment because I whooped his $#! nicely.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I love my OG to death, would never do anything to harm her in any way, shape, or form...but my pops on the other hand can get it. I've come close many times to swinging on him many times but always thought better of it. Idk now that I'm older, I feel like I could step to him if need be. I probably wouldn't live to tell about it but still..

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

One Saturday there was just one blueberry eggo left and my father and I both reached for it at the same time. He just grinned sheepishly and said "I'm your father c'mmmon"
I replied "Exactly I'm the one thats growing it should go to me!"

"You serious?"


"But I'm your father....."

With that I just started at him and shrugged, I was intent on having the Eggo. Eventually we got to arguing until I suggested "Fine lets fight for it. Come on old man lets go outside."

Again he just grinned sheepishly "old man huh?...Alright"

So i go outside the side door in the kitchen, head to the driveway and turn around waiting for him. He makes like he's coming to but then goes back in, locks the door, then eats the eggo in the window grinning.
The nerve of these cats.

You got off easy by getting locked out.

 I was joking man.
 i would never challenge my father, just off fear alone. There is a small scar on the side of my left eye when he punched (yeah he didn't do belts) me. Its faded and imperceptible to everyone else but it serves as a reminder to me. Prince Zuko !%!!.
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