Ever seen a dead body? VOL: Suicide...

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Dont nobody care about your damn Lebrons bruh

I'm not the one that made it a big deal but like i said can we move on and focus on the topic.
Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by cez

So as I'm going home from work yesterday (saturday night) and head down to the train station on 14th and 6th ave to catch the L train here in NYC. There were cops, firefighters, ambulances everywhere. I go down the stairs and there's people crying, and one girl is vomiting and people just look in shock. I look at the train and there's blood all along the bottom side 
 ...I keep walking and I see the police at the front off the train, and theres a body bag on the platform and I can see one of the guys placing body parts into the bag 
....I'm not someone with a weak stomach but that was disgusting...had me weak for a bit
...easily the worst thing I've seen in my life
Apparently some guy jumped on the tracks right as the train was coming and killed himself. I was searching the web last night and found some articles and stumbled upon some guys Twitter who took a picture of the guys decapitated head that was stuck between the train and platform 

Anyways anyone else ever see a dead body?

i was around that area too, what time? i had south beach lebrons if u saw me.......i did see a bunch of cops but i heard a different story.
 I found that to be pretty funny in a "wth?" kind of way.. Take it easy on the guy 
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Dont nobody care about your damn Lebrons bruh

Lol @ Mr. Negative living up to his name.  

I think what he meant to say was if you saw someone with SB Lebrons on, that was me.  I don't think he was honestly trying to show off lol.
I think the south beaches are a legitimate article of attire to use in a descrption.Its not your everyday shoe.
Originally Posted by CDUNK

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Dont nobody care about your damn Lebrons bruh

Lol @ Mr. Negative living up to his name.  

I think what he meant to say was if you saw someone with SB Lebrons on, that was me.  I don't think he was honestly trying to show off lol.
Never heard that one before... Please tell another Mr. Pryor sir...
Originally Posted by manny1

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 

Why couldn't he describe what clothes he was wearing instead of only describing what shoes he had on.
 dude act like everyone going to be looking at his feet.

this is NT tho. I don't even collect or get down like that anymore but if he said that he was the one in the concords he might have been seen. Rather than saying that he was in a polo jacket 
CDUNK & Towel got it right on the money, wasn't tryna show off, I was just stating an obvious item I had on. No one is gonna be " oh yea I noticed your hat "

On that note, just saw it on NY1 the guy that died on the L train had family problems and was drinking so that Prolly let to his suicide.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by CDUNK

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Dont nobody care about your damn Lebrons bruh

Lol @ Mr. Negative living up to his name.  

I think what he meant to say was if you saw someone with SB Lebrons on, that was me.  I don't think he was honestly trying to show off lol.
Never heard that one before... Please tell another Mr. Pryor sir...
You're not in the guy's head, how would you be able to know exactly what he's thinking?  I understand what you're saying is a possibility, I'm just presenting another.
Some of you guys are taking this too serious. Bottom line I wasn't tryna show off. I would rather say I had on lebrons then say yea I had on a blue hat, levi jean, black shirt and a pea coat.....all of that writing when I can just describe the most obvious item I had on, sneaker head or not you'll notice bright shoes first then anything else I was wearing.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Some of you guys are taking this too serious. Bottom line I wasn't tryna show off. I would rather say I had on lebrons then say yea I had on a blue hat, levi jean, black shirt and a pea coat.....all of that writing when I can just describe the most obvious item I had on, sneaker head or not you'll notice bright shoes first then anything else I was wearing.
Sometimes the only comment dull NT'ers can make is to highlight an insignificant part of your post to bring attention to it. 

This is Niketalk, where the majority of people are into sneakers.  Hence the focus on sneakers as opposed to other items of clothing.
I never wanted the attention. Just wanted to see if op saw me bc I was their also when this suicide happened.
I can't even stand funerals. They always get the best of me and turn me into a 5 year old boy. I can't seem to hold back those tears man.
^^^Boom explosion

I haven't seen much but I will share a few of my friends'

There is a really dangerous canyon out here that leads to Park City. My friend was coming home with his wife and kid and the traffic was jammed. Basically, the freeway was shut down. Anyways, they open one lane and slowly start moving traffic. Finally they come up to the accident and there are fire trucks etc. They stop traffic again right as the get to the main car (that was apart of the wreck). On one side, they are trying to get a guy out of the car, and on the other end (the end closest to my friend) the passenger is dead. Just like sitting in the seat. And my friend was just like staring at him like..................

And then the officer came over and he asked if the guy would be ok and the officer just said no. Freaked him out. Not gory but just

Same canyon, about 5 people were coming home from a work christmas party. They were driving one of those brolic mercedes. Like, those big ones. The dude driving was going like 110 swerving in and out of lanes. Lost control and ran into the back of a van or something. Anyways, a guy I used to work with was in the car and the seatbelt completely shattered his shoulder and he shattered his jaw on the window or something. The car rolled a ton of times and ejected a dude in the middle of the backseat that was not wearing a seatbelt. I am not sure if the car was upside down or whatever but he remembers being in and out consciousness and looking at his shoulder and seeing his arm almost detached from it
. He then remembers looking up out the window and seeing his friend/co-worker that was ejected laying dead on the road just looking back at him. He then passed out and that was all he remembered.

And the dude that was driving the car fled the scene
Here in the tri-state area people people frequently commit suicide via train. Rarely reported it happens so much.
Y'all taking spectacular mentioning his kicks a bit too seriously.

The South Beach Lebrons are a very distinguishable pair of shoes, so they could be a good way to identify yourself to someone.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

ain't no point in tryna check when the train is coming, it will come when it come.

i fell down when i was 7 never again

DamnIn HS I was be a stupid teenager and jumped on the tracks to impress some friends (smh) the jumped didn't look high until I did, rolled my ankle, couldn't get back on, the platform was soo high so I ran to the beginning of it, injured ankle and took the steps.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Y'all taking spectacular mentioning his kicks a bit too seriously.

The South Beach Lebrons are a very distinguishable pair of shoes, so they could be a good way to identify yourself to someone.

Thank you. It's all I wanted. Literally 2 pages waisted on that non sence.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

ain't no point in tryna check when the train is coming, it will come when it come.

i fell down when i was 7 never again

DamnIn HS I was be a stupid teenager and jumped on the tracks to impress some friends (smh) the jumped didn't look high until I did, rolled my ankle, couldn't get back on, the platform was soo high so I ran to the beginning of it, injured ankle and took the steps.
The ultimate walk of shame. Glad you only ended up with a busted  ankle though.

PS the reach for lulz on here is getting out of hand. NT is still a sneaker forum and dude used an easily recognizable sneaker to determine whether him and OP were at the same place. Everybodys a comedian on here nowadays tho
This reminds me when I was present at a murder but did not see the body. I was driving back from the city and got a call on my phone. I exited off the freeway and parked my car so I could talk on the phone without distraction. Where I pulled off at was an outer road next to a riverboat casino. Next to the road is an embankment where the boat sits in. I sit there for about fifteen minutes finish my conversation and leave. Later on while I was at home I was watching the news when they started talking about a woman who was killed at the casino I was at a few hours earlier. I was sitting there thinking damn I was just there. Next thing you know they say the murder occurred after the lady had won $2500 and was leaving the casino. Her attacker followed her out grabbed her took her down the embankment cut her throat and stole the money. They showed a shot of the exact spot I was parked earlier and start talking about details of the murder. Because there were cameras they placed the murder at 2:13. Now I am freaking out since that is around the time I was there. So I picked up my phone look to see when I was using the phone to have an idea of when I was there. It turns out I was there at the exact time and most likely was happening some 20 yards behind me over the embankment while I was talking on the phone. It still weirds me out when I think about it.
Originally Posted by manny1

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 

Why couldn't he describe what clothes he was wearing instead of only describing what shoes he had on.
 dude act like everyone going to be looking at his feet.
you cannot be serious, why is everybody so mad that he stated he was wearing a noticeable pair of sneakers. The color on SB Lebrons pops a lot, and how many people wear them. If he were to say "I was wearing a NY fitted with a black hoodie" all of you would be grilling him for not being able to know its him.
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