Ever seen a dead body? VOL: Suicide...

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Some of you guys are taking this too serious. Bottom line I wasn't tryna show off. I would rather say I had on lebrons then say yea I had on a blue hat, levi jean, black shirt and a pea coat.....all of that writing when I can just describe the most obvious item I had on, sneaker head or not you'll notice bright shoes first then anything else I was wearing.
Sometimes the only comment dull NT'ers can make is to highlight an insignificant part of your post to bring attention to it. 

This is Niketalk, where the majority of people are into sneakers.  Hence the focus on sneakers as opposed to other items of clothing.
but if he wants it to just die out and get back on subject why does he keep making a big deal of it  

I mean seriously you see a dead person in the street and you automatically think somebody would just randomly notice your shoes 

I get where he was coming from but come on dog.
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

This happens often here in Toronto. I workout with people that work at the TTC and they said they cant handle driving the train because it seems like atleast once a day someone jumps in front of a train. It never gets reported because TTC doesn't want to promote it, but its a big enough problem that TTC is trying to get funding to put up fences at every station.

yup.. was gonna post this. someone kills themselves at least once a week on the TTC. probably happens more than that though.
my friends sister took her own life back in 2003 by jumping in front of a train 
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

This happens often here in Toronto. I workout with people that work at the TTC and they said they cant handle driving the train because it seems like atleast once a day someone jumps in front of a train. It never gets reported because TTC doesn't want to promote it, but its a big enough problem that TTC is trying to get funding to put up fences at every station.

yup.. was gonna post this. someone kills themselves at least once a week on the TTC. probably happens more than that though.
my friends sister took her own life back in 2003 by jumping in front of a train 

Damn, I know the chances of surviving are very slim to none but if you did imagine what you would look like.
Last week we had a chick in town jump off an overpass onto the highway...landed on a van and after that she was ran over several times I heard. Suicide, of course.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

link to the tweeted head please.


I think the pic hash been removed but I found it by searching suicide on the L train on Twitter....its not a pretty sight Oh and spectacular I didn't see you but I know you weren't trying to show off cause you had SB's
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by toine2983

Y'all taking spectacular mentioning his kicks a bit too seriously.

The South Beach Lebrons are a very distinguishable pair of shoes, so they could be a good way to identify yourself to someone.

Thank you. It's all I wanted. Literally 2 pages waisted on that non sence.
This thread got derailed quickly 
. But really though, its much more likely some other dude was wearing black shirt/levis/peacoat at the station than another dude wearing South Beaches. Lets be real. No need to come at Spectacular.

On topic : Never seen a dead body. I've seen some of those crazy pics when I was younger though on that rotten website or whatever. Whats crazy is that I felt more okay viewing that stuff when I was a child than I am now. I'd be browsing those pics with friends and just be like 
 when I was 8 but now I'm 18 and just 
I've worked at a trauma center that got the lion's share of the city's gunshot wounds.  Seen enough to last two lifetimes.  
A few times a years. That's what happens when you work in a small city with 20+ murders a year. Smh.
I saw my dad fall into a coma. Eventually I saw him die. I was in the living room with my brother and my dad was in the room on the hospital bed he had. I felt like going into the room to see him and my brother came in too. Couple minutes later his machine was going crazy and I didn't understand what was going on. The nurse / Dr that was staying here to help ran in and did a bunch of stuff. Then the heart monitor thing just flatlined. There aren't any words to describe how I felt watching my dad die. I think its pretty crazy that I just randomly felt the urge to go into the room right before it happened.
I work as a EMT on an ambulance........ See this type of stuff kinda alot..... I'm almost desensitized to it now but every now and then I get weak
from a distance

in elementary (grade 4?) i was walking to school. when i arrived, it was weird because they usually have us line up before the doors open if its nice outside. it was empty. the windows were "boarded up" with paper. instructions read to walk inside because they unlocked the doors. i looked across the field in the distance and there was someone who hung himself on one of these large electical towers. i didnt know it was a body until they announced it after

not traumatizing, just kind of #+@%$+ up tho, especially at that age
Originally Posted by 2o6

I saw my dad fall into a coma. Eventually I saw him die. I was in the living room with my brother and my dad was in the room on the hospital bed he had. I felt like going into the room to see him and my brother came in too. Couple minutes later his machine was going crazy and I didn't understand what was going on. The nurse / Dr that was staying here to help ran in and did a bunch of stuff. Then the heart monitor thing just flatlined. There aren't any words to describe how I felt watching my dad die. I think its pretty crazy that I just randomly felt the urge to go into the room right before it happened.
Damn man thats rough. You were there in his last moments tho...lots of people don't get that opportunity.
Driving from my crib to a friends house and saw a guys body on the middle of the road with blood on the ground I think it was a hit and run. Cops showed up five min later after everyone was watching. Poor guy was crossing a main street and apparently was hit by a car.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

The L train is dangerous, exactly one year ago a kid in his teens died and now 2 in one day?....this is why i stay as far back to the wall, ain't no point in tryna check when the train is coming, it will come when it come.

This is kind of eerie..but I had a family member who passed away that sounds exactly what you are talking about.
my neighbor hung himself. old guy, about 60. we lived in a row home so our doors faced each other. i didn't see the body, but they had a huge mirror on their living room wall and i saw the body's reflection off the mirror. he hung himself in the dining room on their ceiling fan. luckily i didnt see the face, only the back of the head. was in shock for a couple days....
They need to construct these train platforms with walls like they have at the JFK shuttle train. Our entire subway system needs to be overhauled. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

They need to construct these train platforms with walls like they have at the JFK shuttle train. Our entire subway system needs to be overhauled. 

It wont work. You have to think this station was designed for only that train to come, although all trains have about 8 cars besides the M & G trains Certain cars looks bigger than others. For instance i live on 23rd in manhattan so my train is the N or R, The R train is still with its old model while the N is on its new model so the opening of doors will be in different places.
See them all the time from being in the gross anatomy lab dissecting them surrounded by a 100 other bodies can get a little freaky around midnight that lead to having to pronouce people dead in the hospital to working in pathology performing autopies nothing compares to the smell when you open the abdomen except for necrotizing faciitis.

BUT the thing that stays with me is performing cpr on someone who is dead but their eyes are still open staring back at you as you push on their chest.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

See them all the time from being in the gross anatomy lab dissecting them surrounded by a 100 other bodies can get a little freaky around midnight that lead to having to pronouce people dead in the hospital to working in pathology performing autopies nothing compares to the smell when you open the abdomen except for necrotizing faciitis.

BUT the thing that stays with me is performing cpr on someone who is dead but their eyes are still open staring back at you as you push on their chest.

Gross anatomy lab was some sh--- (pun intended) We had to clean out the colon so we can observe the haustrat. After doing that I remember thinking to myself, we really couldn't have used models for this?
Sooo much poop
Overall anatomy lab was a great experience and I'm thankful for people who donate their bodies to science

Watching a man die in front of you is completely different, one of the patients on my team went brain dead and his family decided it was best to pull the respirator---seeing the life sucked out of someone you had conversations with daily kinda stays with you
Originally Posted by Lpheat22

Ya driving home from San Diego with my pops and saw a car overturned and a kid laying face down on the freeway, body looked like it was filled with jello, read in the paper the next day that he was 17 and didn't have a seatbelt on and flew out the car.

I think that was my cousin. That accident describes exactly how my cousin died when he was coming to San Jose to visit the fam.
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