Ever seen a dead body? VOL: Suicide...

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by RavageBX

They need to construct these train platforms with walls like they have at the JFK shuttle train. Our entire subway system needs to be overhauled. 

It wont work. You have to think this station was designed for only that train to come, although all trains have about 8 cars besides the M & G trains Certain cars looks bigger than others. For instance i live on 23rd in manhattan so my train is the N or R, The R train is still with its old model while the N is on its new model so the opening of doors will be in different places.
Like I said, the entire thing needs to be overhauled. Standardize the trains and the stations. It's kinda embarrassing that we're just now getting live train schedules in the stations. We're way behind where we should be with our Subways. They try to tout the upgrades as initiative but really we're just getting up to speed
Early July last summer I drove to vegas with a few friends. About 10 minutes from the M hotel we hit some real bad traffic. took us 45 minutes to move less then a mile. we ended up driving up to an accident. overturned vehicle with a body about 20 feet from it. No ambulances or anything yet. @!!% was eerie as +$!*.
Yea.....when I was 16 I found my father dead in the kitchen...I opened the door to my room and I seen him from a far just laying on the ground....it took me like 10-15 mins just to get the balls to leave the room to see if he was actually dead....I still see that day in my head like it was yesterday....this year makes 14 years he's been gone
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by RavageBX

They need to construct these train platforms with walls like they have at the JFK shuttle train. Our entire subway system needs to be overhauled. 

It wont work. You have to think this station was designed for only that train to come, although all trains have about 8 cars besides the M & G trains Certain cars looks bigger than others. For instance i live on 23rd in manhattan so my train is the N or R, The R train is still with its old model while the N is on its new model so the opening of doors will be in different places.
Like I said, the entire thing needs to be overhauled. Standardize the trains and the stations. It's kinda embarrassing that we're just now getting live train schedules in the stations. We're way behind where we should be with our Subways. They try to tout the upgrades as initiative but really we're just getting up to speed

Their busy with the new 7 line, and 2nd ave.
Once saw a dead body being pulled out of the East River, down near the FDR Drive by Chinatown. Hard to tell from a distance but I remember the body looking like some pale white/yellow color. x_x
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

It wont work. You have to think this station was designed for only that train to come, although all trains have about 8 cars besides the M & G trains Certain cars looks bigger than others. For instance i live on 23rd in manhattan so my train is the N or R, The R train is still with its old model while the N is on its new model so the opening of doors will be in different places.
Like I said, the entire thing needs to be overhauled. Standardize the trains and the stations. It's kinda embarrassing that we're just now getting live train schedules in the stations. We're way behind where we should be with our Subways. They try to tout the upgrades as initiative but really we're just getting up to speed

Their busy with the new 7 line, and 2nd ave.
The 2nd ave line was supposed to be completed ages ago. The extension to the 7 line was an obvious thing to do years ago. Everything is late with the MTA. That's my main point. Yet they jack up the prices right on schedule every few years.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

^^^Boom explosion

I haven't seen much but I will share a few of my friends'

There is a really dangerous canyon out here that leads to Park City. My friend was coming home with his wife and kid and the traffic was jammed. Basically, the freeway was shut down. Anyways, they open one lane and slowly start moving traffic. Finally they come up to the accident and there are fire trucks etc. They stop traffic again right as the get to the main car (that was apart of the wreck). On one side, they are trying to get a guy out of the car, and on the other end (the end closest to my friend) the passenger is dead. Just like sitting in the seat. And my friend was just like staring at him like..................

And then the officer came over and he asked if the guy would be ok and the officer just said no. Freaked him out. Not gory but just

Same canyon, about 5 people were coming home from a work christmas party. They were driving one of those brolic mercedes. Like, those big ones. The dude driving was going like 110 swerving in and out of lanes. Lost control and ran into the back of a van or something. Anyways, a guy I used to work with was in the car and the seatbelt completely shattered his shoulder and he shattered his jaw on the window or something. The car rolled a ton of times and ejected a dude in the middle of the backseat that was not wearing a seatbelt. I am not sure if the car was upside down or whatever but he remembers being in and out consciousness and looking at his shoulder and seeing his arm almost detached from it
. He then remembers looking up out the window and seeing his friend/co-worker that was ejected laying dead on the road just looking back at him. He then passed out and that was all he remembered.

And the dude that was driving the car fled the scene

Parleys? I hate driving up there man, I avoid that and provo canyon at all costs during the winter.

click here

and the dude that got ran over btw union square lives a town away from me in Garden City.
besides a funeral or some first 48 steez.
i have a relative that works for a company that removes tendons and different parts from the deceased.
Let's see.

When I was like 8 years old I saw up close an old woman lynched down the streets from me. Let's just say my mind was +#+@@#!
When I was like 13, again, I saw another women lynched, but this time it was on a bridge.
Saw my grandfather's friend body at his funeral.
Saw my grandfather die at the hospital.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

The L train is dangerous, exactly one year ago a kid in his teens died and now 2 in one day?....this is why i stay as far back to the wall, ain't no point in tryna check when the train is coming, it will come when it come.

Exactly, After I saw Money Train when I was younger, I've always kept my back to the wall, and now most stations uptown have the digital signs and the announcer to let you know when the train is approaching the station.
But I never understood homies that jumped in front of trains, seemed like the most painful way to die, and its no guarantee that the death would be quick, I've heard numerous stories of individuals getting stuck in between the platform, and the train, and suffering painful demises
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

Let's see.

When I was like 8 years old I saw up close an old woman lynched down the streets from me. Let's just say my mind was +#+@@#!
When I was like 13, again, I saw another women lynched, but this time it was on a bridge.
Saw my grandfather's friend body at his funeral.
Saw my grandfather die at the hospital.
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