Evo or Epic, What to get?

Aug 21, 2006
Definitely in the market for a new phone. I have sprint, so I am torn between the EVO and EPIC. I am sure this topic comes up a lot. Leaning towards the EVO right now.

Any opinions? Thanks in advance
Get the Evo.

I love this phone.
get the evo if you dont need a physical keyboard and like to hack stuff/try new ROMs & want HTC sense
get the epic if you need the keyboard and dont mind the extra bulk and are find using TouchWiz.

I'd get the epic for the keyboard
Its really up to you my man. There are a lot of people in the same boat as you. Just compare the features and decide which works best for you.
I can't speak for either, but i have the galaxy s phone for at&t and i love it. and the epic >> captivate
if you want a good looking phone that does just bout everything and have to turn EVERYTHING off to enjoy it then cop the Evo.

Keyboard and nice AMOLED screen but boring then cop the Epic.
From what i've been reading any Android phone over 1ghz battery life sucks. Why? cause its the way you use the phone, its a fast phone so its going to use any available resources to drain the battery for high performance. A ferrari is a fast car, but the mileage sucks. You want to go fast but you can't go fast for long. You copp a smartcar with better millage but its not as fast as a ferrari and its not going to get you any punanaee.

Go with the phone that is piratical for you. If you text a lot, go with a physical keyboard. If you like watching movies go with the bigger screen.
epic has everything evo does, but longer. you'll have your physical keyboard as well as your swype and on screen keyboard.

just youtube comparison and review videos for both. you can't go wrong either way.
IPhone fanboys must me dumb in the brain....he said he wanted a new phone....not a new phone service.

Anyway.....only reason I would say evo is because I have it and there's nothing I don't like about it.

I say test both phones at the store....then see which one you want.
Man I'm in the same boat bruh, but I can't decide between the Evo or the BlackBerry Bold 9650 for Sprint.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Man I'm in the same boat bruh, but I can't decide between the Evo or the BlackBerry Bold 9650 for Sprint.

I'm waiting for the punchline.
I also couldnt decide liked the bigger screen on evo but epic is much more crisp and the amount of colors the epic displays to evo is vastly superior. Also I like having a physical keyboard so I went ahead and ordered the epic but I am still tempted to switch if i dont like it. Funny that even with the keyboard the epic is still lighter.
Exact same size. The epic is bigger than the iphone but smaller than the evo. Perfect. I could imagine the droid x
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