Ex girlfriend..

Oct 18, 2009
what's up NT,well heres my story,i really miss my ex girl-friend and i was with her for a year,and some months. and i cant get over her,she's the onlygirl i loved and have strong feelings for...i literally wake up and fall asleep thinking about her. I tried to forget her and talking to other girls,but i cantstop think about her. We made a promise that we would get married,and have kids, blah blah blah,and well... Im worried it might not happen. i regret breakingup with her,idk why i did it,and she didn't wanna take me back. but i just don't feel right not having her by my side anymore,and Im scared that i losther for ever, and well,i was just wondering if any of you guys feel like this about any of your ex's. and and advice if i should keep on believing in thepast,or just move on,and keep her in my thoughts.
Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

what's up NT,well heres my story,i really miss my ex girl-friend and i was with her for a year,and some months. and i cant get over her,she's the only girl i loved and have strong feelings for...i literally wake up and fall asleep thinking about her. I tried to forget her and talking to other girls,but i cant stop think about her. We made a promise that we would get married,and have kids, blah blah blah,and well... Im worried it might not happen. i regret breaking up with her,idk why i did it,and she didn't wanna take me back. but i just don't feel right not having her by my side anymore,and Im scared that i lost her for ever, and well,i was just wondering if any of you guys feel like this about any of your ex's. and and advice if i should keep on believing in the past,or just move on,and keep her in my thoughts.

Ur a Simp
Pics? How old are you, and why did y'all break up? Get with another girl to take your mind off her, live your life homie.
My advice? You made your bed, lie in it. Learn from the past so as not to make the same mistakes..
@ the responses.

And speakin of ex's, the one you guys all LOVE got married a couple months ago haha
Just do you and if she truly loves you she'll come back but hopefully during that time you have to yourself you realize that you're better off withouther
been in your shoes before. trust you will find a girl who is just as good. no one will ever match up to your ex but like some one said. learn from it and dontlet it happen again.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

@ the responses.

And speakin of ex's, the one you guys all LOVE got married a couple months ago haha
Ex > current.

just saying.....you slippin son

BTW OP needs to post pics.

-The Juice
You're young, you will learn from it. alot of us have gone thru that atleast once. Just keep yourself busy. And remeber that there alot of girls out there.
Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

Pics? How old are you, and why did y'all break up? Get with another girl to take your mind off her, live your life homie.

i broke up with her because she started acting strange and i got tired of it,her stupid little friends were changing her,and i could really spend time with hersince we went to different school's. i would usually take the bus to her house just to see her and bring her food,and to spend time with her. she-16 me-17.
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

she's the one on the left. btw these are old pictures.we were sopose to be high school sweethearts. i was in 11th and she was in 10th. http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m267/xben11x/?action=view&current=samantha.jpg



good luck tho

friend on the right is cute too

foreal though.. i feel youre pain OP.. i had my heart broken recently as well.. it really sucks.. no sleep.. couldn't eat, crying on countless peoples'shoulders.. .::sigh::. yea right.
I kno it sucks man, but time is the only cure.

Best thing to do is to delete anythin that reminds u of her, number, pictures, facebook, text's,...

I still miss one of my exe's, I wont lie I'll give anythin to be with her, and probably will never forget her.

but u gotz to move on, it was not meant to be.
Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

what's up NT,well heres my story,i really miss my ex girl-friend and i was with her for a year,and some months. and i cant get over her,she's the only girl i loved and have strong feelings for...i literally wake up and fall asleep thinking about her. I tried to forget her and talking to other girls,but i cant stop think about her. We made a promise that we would get married,and have kids, blah blah blah,and well... Im worried it might not happen. i regret breaking up with her,idk why i did it,and she didn't wanna take me back. but i just don't feel right not having her by my side anymore,and Im scared that i lost her for ever, and well,i was just wondering if any of you guys feel like this about any of your ex's. and and advice if i should keep on believing in the past,or just move on,and keep her in my thoughts.

OP how old are you?
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