Ex girlfriend..

step it up and just win her back. if that still fails, just take the L and move on.
As soon as you hit college...you'll forget ALL about her...

Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

Pics? How old are you, and why did y'all break up? Get with another girl to take your mind off her, live your life homie.

i broke up with her because she started acting strange and i got tired of it,her stupid little friends were changing her,and i could really spend time with her since we went to different school's. i would usually take the bus to her house just to see her and bring her food,and to spend time with her. she-16 me-17.
You're talking about marriage and losing a girlforever....YOU'RE ONLY 17....17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

motherfreakin' 17 years old....

There will be many women during your "Prime years"
i was with my ex for 1 year and six months.

when we broke up, yeah my face was in the dirt, but with God and my close friends, i got through it.

i learned my lesson, got over it, and figured out what i really wanted in a girl.

take every relationship as a learning lesson, and just stay positive, bro.
mentally she doesnt sound ready... You sound like you are...but ayye you cant make her change her attitude on what she wants... you need to take a few daysoff, NO TXT, NO CALLS, and NO GOD DAMN CRYING...

your gonna think about her.... she was in your life, she's part of your past... dont make the memories all sour and hate your life bc you couldnt haveher...

who knows, she might come back...

good luck
This is just puppy love yung'n...

You'll get over her...may take some time...but u will...
NT always comin through w/ ##%%$@! like responses!

But OP hang in there man. If its ment to be then ull be w/ her. but ur still in HS dude. Live it up. Just hang w/ the homies and !+*+ and party and ull begood.
. Im thinking this dude was a grown man. Fam you aint even take your SAT's yet and you talkin bout havin kids in the future and gettingmarried...go play with some yu-gi-oh cards and forget about that girl
You won't marry her. You are 17, all that, "We will get married" nonsense will be forgotten about once you see the real world. Move on man.
Originally Posted by breaux

Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

what's up NT,well heres my story,i really miss my ex girl-friend and i was with her for a year,and some months. and i cant get over her,she's the only girl i loved and have strong feelings for...i literally wake up and fall asleep thinking about her. I tried to forget her and talking to other girls,but i cant stop think about her. We made a promise that we would get married,and have kids, blah blah blah,and well... Im worried it might not happen. i regret breaking up with her,idk why i did it,and she didn't wanna take me back. but i just don't feel right not having her by my side anymore,and Im scared that i lost her for ever, and well,i was just wondering if any of you guys feel like this about any of your ex's. and and advice if i should keep on believing in the past,or just move on,and keep her in my thoughts.


There is always a thread that the reponses crack me up everyday. All i have to say to the kid that started the post, you are young. There billions of women outthere. I wouldnt worry too much about it, its just a girl.
you should have a keep a n____a baby! have a baby to keep the n____a..... or in this case a girl..
She probably don't wanna mess with you cuz you be rocking those tight pants all the time. Not wavy
High school relationships rarely last anyway. You'll definitely get over her by the time you're in college.
wayy too young to be simpin like that already smh. thats what's wrong with today's youth. yall get caught up way too young and make promises ofmarriage and kids etc, hyping up a relationship that might not even last. bro youre like 17 cmon
. nothing is a guarantee till you put a ring on a woman's finger,even thenthings can go wrong. just remember for your next girl dont dive into the deep end all quick, yea the P might be amazing and all but chill on the marriage talkuntil at least the end of uni or something cot damn. you WILL find new love and you WILL move on, it all depends on how much effort you put into actuallymoving forward with your life.
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