Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

even phil commented on that game 5 during todays press conference but everyone seems to focus on game 6
of the teams that were cheated, i rooted for Kings, Suns and the Nets. damn I feel cheated

It was also evident in the NO vs SA series. Calls in favor of SA particularly for Manu
Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feelcheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.
Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feel cheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.

Dude is probably lying, but the absolute terrible referring in the NBA playoffs in particular isn't helping. The NBA REALLY needs to do something about that if they want to save the game. Reffing alone is ruining the game for me. The refs have too much power. They can take good players out of games, they can give teams free opportunities to shoot, they alone have control over pivotal possessions when it goes out of bounds, they call traveling VERY INCONSISTENTLY, blocks and charges are pivotal. With all this power, the refs need at least to be good at what they do, which is obviously not the case.

The NBA is one of the only leagues where my team can be down at halftime and I can honestly believe that my team didn't play bad, the refs were just against them. And that SUCKS. I hate the NBA, love the game.
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying?
For me it's becuase I was sure something like this was happening all the time. Seemed obivous the Lakers where clearly outplayed by the Kingin the conf championship. The guy is just saying what I felt anyway. Strern denial was not a denial all he did was question his motives. I remember during theLakers- Portland series 1 game, like 4 or 5 (the one Shaq had like unclean 6 blocks and Pippen pulled down the stuff in the hall of the Stadium,) Shaq had like15 fouls that game not one of those blocks where clean. He knocks down everybody in the paint yet every time he is the one shooting free throws.
I like how not one person on ESPN says they believe any of it. Yet I turn to Headline News, and the first thing the sports guy says is
As a long time fan of the NBA, I believe him.
Originally Posted by dland24

Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feel cheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.

Sure, dude might be lying, but his claim doesn't sound so absurd that you
when you first hear it. That's because officiating has been questionable at times before this and it makes people think twice now he said it.
His words won't matter though because there's nothing to back up his claim. Stern ain't afraid and will keep running his business as usualwhether anyone like it or not.
Game 6 Pistons Vs. Celtics. Around the 6~7 minute mark of the fourth quarter there's a foul call on Rasheed Wallace and an offensive foul on TayshaunPrince. That completely threw the Pistons off their game.

What can you expect of the NBA though? It is sports entertainment now?
The Lakers/Kings series and the Lakers/TWolves series were two of the worst officiating performances I have ever witnessed in my 2 decades of following theleague. The fact that dude is saying one of them was rigged doesn't surprise me in the least. But that also doesnt cofirm to me that it is indeed true. Butas I've learned in pro sports scandals if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat.........it usually is.

I would be interested to see ESPN bang on some doors of the actual refs who worked that series and get their comments (can't remember which ones). Theyobviously are not going to admit to anything but still wouldn't mind their comments and counter arguments....aside from "he's a felon and his wordshouldn't be trusted."

It's not obviously directly related but it is still interesting to remind ourselves what kind of people we are dealing with when it comes to NBA refs andmaking/saving more money:

Joe Crawford, a National Basketball Association referee, was sentenced to six months of house arrest and three years' probation yesterday for Federal income tax fraud.

Crawford was one of eight N.B.A. referees accused of downgrading first-class airline tickets purchased by the league and pocketing the difference without reporting it on his income tax.

In 2000, Ken Mauer was convicted of a felony, three counts of tax evasion and one count of obstruction of justice, and unless an appeal reverses the decision, he will forever be considered a felon.
As of presstime, 10 current or former NBA referees have been charged with filing false income tax returns. All have either resigned their positions or are on leave pending the outcome of their investigations.


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former NBA referee Leander Jones pleaded guilty to a one-count information charging him with filing a false individual income tax return for 1993, the Justice Department announced.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by nyk buc

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
why do you bring tmac into EVER NBA topic? and have ever excuess in the book for him.

well he brought up the rox-mavs series as an example of the league trying to extend a series. houston had a 2-0 lead and the league office told the refs toextend the series (according to monaghy).
Not surprised but I definitely am disappointed. I always wondered why NBA refs were so old. I imagine if they brought in newer, younger refs it'd be alittle harder to manipulate them.
if you keep up w/ sports betting and the nba some games will def raise questions....especially the end of games...i've seen teams do shady stuff so theywont cover spread.....like the celtics vs seattle in Dec.....the most shadiest last 2 mins i've ever seen.....from the refs to the players.....
The lakers win last night was because of the refs
see how many time kobe went to the line? despicable
Originally Posted by HotSpitta26

if you keep up w/ sports betting and the nba some games will def raise questions....especially the end of games...i've seen teams do shady stuff so they wont cover spread.....like the celtics vs seattle in Dec.....the most shadiest last 2 mins i've ever seen.....from the refs to the players.....

I saw this somewhere else, but it brings up a good question. If you always bet against where the most money was going, how much would you make betting onNBA games? Probably a lot more than any other sport.
I couldn't care less who won what series but to sa that the NBA isn't fixed, is quite funny. It is all about $$$$$$ and big markets bring it in.

People that have a stake in this are obvioulsy gonna deny it but looking at that smug look on Stern's face, this does not surprise me.

The NBA will spend lots of money to keep this under wraps so we will not get much info. If it proves that the L was fixed, the L will get destroyed.
Originally Posted by dland24

Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feel cheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.

I agree with you. I'm not saying the reffing in the NBA isn't bad sometimes and that it doesn't tend to favor the top teams and players; Ijust don't think its intentional and done at the direction of league upper management. As long as the game has been around the best teams and marqueeplayers have gotten benefit of more calls from the refs than everyone else. I know I've heard old-school players talk about how the Celtics in the 1960sgot all the calls. I don't think there's been a conspiracy going on for 50 years. (If there was, it certainly didn't help in the 1970s when theleague was pretty much in the toilet).
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I like how not one person on ESPN says they believe any of it. Yet I turn to Headline News, and the first thing the sports guy says is
As a long time fan of the NBA, I believe him.

Yup, because besides the league office and owners, ESPN/ABC/Disney stands to lose more than anyone.
Happens in the NCAA as well. Vegas owns sports, thats all there is to it.

If anyone watched Big Brown this past weekend, they saw Vegas pay off Dutrow and the jockey so that they could collect 60 million dollars. Nothing was moreobvious in my life than watching that race. This is unfortunately true whether ya'll want to believe it or not. I have said it on this board countlesstimes and I will continue to say that once you start betting you start noticing all the little things the players, refs and coaches do.

It is sad... but definitely true
damn, it seems like donaghy is telling the truth, and as a fan, that is very, very crushing. let's see what other information comes out. if more evidencecomes forth, i will stop watching the nba.
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