Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

but even without the FTs considered... my man D-Wade beasted, you can't take that away from him

The videos prove otherwise, he had 23 free throws in Game 5 son.


Now he is.....

okay, act like he didn't put that team on his back. in Game 3, Wade shot over 50% from the field and had 13 rebounds to keep his team alive. any thoughts on that?

if Dirk and Wade were switched, even with the referee help Dirk wouldn't have won the series for the Heat.

The Mavs lost 3 games by 1,2, and 3 points. That's one possession each game, if you acknowledge the the officiating was biased but don't think it played a role then your ******ed.

where the hell did i say that? i'm the ******?

all i said was that Wade played exceptionally well. That was the series he showcased to the world that he was a superstar.

Who wouldn't look like a superstar if every time there was a defender in your vicinity a foul got called.

Word to the difference in calls Kobe got in 02 and in then in 04
Originally Posted by nyk buc

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
why do you bring tmac into EVER NBA topic? and have ever excuess in the book for him.
if this all holds true the NBA is the WWE

i wouldnt be surprised to read in tomorrow's papers that

tim donaghy was found dead, from "apparent suicide"
Mez you're breaking my heart with those videos man. I was getting over it, and now I have to relive the nightmare that was.
Originally Posted by DMan14

if this all holds true the NBA is the WWE

i wouldnt be surprised to read in tomorrow's papers that

tim donaghy was found dead, from "apparent suicide"

I've been saying since this all jumped off that dude is going to end up dead.
Damn at the vids Mez posted. I forgot how bad it was.
The WCF Game 6 was a horrible officiated game, it was so obvious they were pushing for game 7 it wasn't even funny
I don't think game 7 was rigged though. The Kings choked that by themselves(Peja and Christie played like %$$$, and the Kings missed so many fts)
I wonder how this effects the rest of this series...

Over/under on how many days it takes for Congress to get involved?
I can't to see that smile wiped off Stern's face
^ they dont call him d-whistle for nothing

another game that pops in my head was the minnesota-lakers playoffs. i think it went to OT, but the twolves still won, but i swore that game was fixed
Originally Posted by DMan14

another game that pops in my head was the minnesota-lakers playoffs. i think it went to OT, but the twolves still won, but i swore that game was fixed

It was. I still remember Wally going out of his way to give Pargo a layup but was STILL called for the foul.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by DMan14

another game that pops in my head was the minnesota-lakers playoffs. i think it went to OT, but the twolves still won, but i swore that game was fixed

It was. I still remember Wally going out of his way to give Pargo a layup but was STILL called for the foul.

i knew wally was involved in a play, but didnt remember how it went down. i remember there was a petition written to david stern
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They completely choked it, and it was obvious as it could be.


This is what happened the rest of the series....


Not to mention Wade shooting 24 free throws in Game 5 (more than both teams combined, and ending the game one 2 free throws when he wasn't even touched).

Don't be

That's terrible.

I didn't know whether to laugh or get mad watching those videos. It's so blatant.

I hated that series so much. Dallas should have won.... *
Originally Posted by nyk buc

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs

oh man thanks for my daily laugh at your expense
Originally Posted by acidicality

obviously not as big in magnitude as the Kings/Lakers or even Mavs/Heat, but you get the point.

Damn that was horrible. Looked like it wasn't only Donaghy that was in on it there
This has been going on for a while now. Take the recent playoffs. Among all the possible combinations for the finals match up. The NBA was not going to allowone thing to happen. That would be Spurs vs Detroit/Boston. Defensive teams are not fun to watch. It would have destroyed their ratings.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Here's what I think happened:1. Donaghy becomes NBA referee.
2. Stumbles upon plan to conspire to have certain teams win and playoff series extended.
3. Is upset that he isn't one of the confidence men.
4. Decides to become a "rogue" official and fix games himself.

Obviously all refs can't be involved in a scheme like this. You get a few that have been around for awhile that you know are loyal. Throw them in the important situations and have them fix the games.

You're prob. right.
Not all games could be fixed because the smaller market team owners wouldn't shut up than. This way the playoffs are fixed so the small market teamowners know that they have a legit shot at making the playoffs. From there they just hope that Stern views them as a viable money maker.

I don't think that regular season games are fixed but it's been clear that the playoffs were rigged in certain teams favor for a long time. As soon asthe league started pushing the idea that 'officiating is so hard' you knew something was up. It's not that difficult at all. How many timeswatching a game you were like "let them +!*+** play. They're grown men" or other times " dude basically got bodied. No foul?"
No one can tell me that the NBA can't decide on a concrete standard. They keep that right to inconsistency for a reason; to influence games.

Technically, they don't rig games. No one team is guaranteed a win. The players still have to play defense and make baskets.
However, they give some teams a higher percentage to win than others.

Sometimes it's impossible to rig games, i.e. Spurs.

If Stern had it his way the Spurs and Popovich wouldn't win 1 championship. They were just too good though.

Trades and lotery picks are rigged too.
It's well known that a handful of owners and Stern run the NBA.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by acidicality

obviously not as big in magnitude as the Kings/Lakers or even Mavs/Heat, but you get the point.

Damn that was horrible. Looked like it wasn't only Donaghy that was in on it there


@ thinking only Donaghy is dirty in all this
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

That's pathetic.

That's why we can't take sports too seriously, too much scandalous @#*# going on in EVERY sport.
Not hockey my friend.... aside from that gambling thing which was small potatoes compared to this, steroids in baseball, and numerous things in the NFL
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by acidicality

obviously not as big in magnitude as the Kings/Lakers or even Mavs/Heat, but you get the point.

Damn that was horrible. Looked like it wasn't only Donaghy that was in on it there


@ thinking only Donaghy is dirty in all this

Oh trust me I don't
I wasn't commenting on it like I was shocked. �
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