Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

and refs ALWAYS hold off form T star players up durning the playoffs it has been that way since the slaves was playing bball

and that game 6, if shaq goes 13-17 from the FT line in a close game your going to lose and shouldnt be *****ing. just look at the stats the man ones going tothe line was shaq and kobe who ALWAYS go to the line.
SMH, im sure one of you has said this in the post (in a hurry cause i gotta go) but whats wrong with sports today. ITS JUST A GAME. steroids, cheating refs? iwish i never read this article, it just makes me lose respect for a game that i love.
You bring back some bad memories Mez

As a fan of the NBA I don't even know how feel about this.

I have never wanted to believe it but after watching what happened to my team 2006 and as much as I hate the Lakers with a passion they are getting screwed thesame way.

I believe it.

If Cuban would have just shut his mouth we probably would have won.
but even without the FTs considered... my man D-Wade beasted, you can't take that away from him

The videos prove otherwise, he had 23 free throws in Game 5 son.


Now he is.....
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I don't understand why Lakers fans complain so much about referees when they are the ones on the upside of reffing most of the time. Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have. (End of game 1 of that series was very suspect as well) With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word. You guys are just looking for reasons to justify your team losing rather than blaming your team yourself.

Don't you think that over the thousands of calls made in NBA playoffs history questionable ones happen. I think if in the past 10 years there's been 8 questionable game deciding calls that's right on par with the probability of human error.
You're so right, like the missed shot clock violation, or the missed goaltending call, or the 3 that wasn't, or the Vlad/Tim Duncan 10 step. We totally forgot all those to bring up just the one bad call huh? Such a short memory you have.

Find one post in my NT career that ever has me complaining about reffing. It's just an element in the game of basketball, get over it. Had the Brent Barry thing been the other way around (Lakers got shafted) best believe the city of LA would have been rioting and there would have been a zillion post thread about how the refs are cheating the lakers.

That's why they get away with it. Because sheep like you let them.
With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word.
There is no major or minor fixing. It's fixing period.

You're right bro, I'm calling the Commish right now and demanding that game be replayed!!!

Like I said, the star player call is the only thing I believe in and I would not call that fixing. If you didn't know that star players gotfriendly calls then I guess I can understand your frustration. What I mean is, I don't think they go into the game thinking "we gotta make it sokobe/whomever gets favorable game winning opportunities. That to me is fixing. I guess we just have a difference of opinions in this case.
yo harlem, you gotta admit that if Niketalk was around in the 90's , we be getting the same hate as the Laker fans are getting inthis decade
Everybody would've hated the Knicks, BORING TEAM, Jordan is their daddy, blah blah.

Jordan was everyone's daddy though.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They completely choked it, and it was obvious as it could be.


This is what happened the rest of the series....


Not to mention Wade shooting 24 free throws in Game 5 (more than both teams combined, and ending the game one 2 free throws when he wasn't even touched).

Don't be

That's terrible.

I didn't know whether to laugh or get mad watching those videos. It's so blatant.
This is a horrible day for NBA fans....But i'm certainly NOT surprised this...
One can only imagine now how may rings SA would have, if it was not for RATINGS, including this year....

I hope Scott Pollard can get the revenge he deserves and beat LA in the finals....

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

They completely choked it, and it was obvious as it could be.


This is what happened the rest of the series....


Not to mention Wade shooting 24 free throws in Game 5 (more than both teams combined, and ending the game one 2 free throws when he wasn't even touched).

Don't be

I am still scarred. This was like watching a replay of a family member being raped.
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

I don't know man, I'm beginning to think the NBA was fixed for MJ and the knicks

it was

You're right. Charles Smith was the mastermind. He planned to botch those scoring chances. The master of the pump fake, Charles Smith.

***Waits to see Knicks fans post "he was fouled."***
Stern speakin on it now..

God, I'd love to smack the smug smirk off of his face.
You can spin it how ever way you want it, (make up for other calls, etc etc) point is the Lakers got blessed by the refs when it mattered the most and on the most obvious call. Is your reading comprehension skill really that bad? I'll give you a synoposis of that post you quoted from.

Laker fans complain they get shafted by the refs. Lakers get calls in their favor IE the DF non call. It happens to all teams yet one team in particular itches about it the most when in fact it's the other way around.
This isn't an arguement on whether or not the Spurs got cheated or whether or any of that. It already happened, complaining about it won't change the outcome. I brought up the subject as an example of how Lakers forget when they're helped by refs.

What do you mean we got blessed "when it mattered?" 3 points at the end of the game is still worth the same as 3 points at another point in the game.If the refs had called that game evenly, the Lakers would have been up by double digits at the end of the game and the Brent Barry call wouldn't havemattered at all. There's nothing wrong with my reading comprehension skills, I just feel like I have to defend myself and some other reasonable fans.

I know where you're coming from though since I post in and read all the Lakers threads; there are tons of fans in there that are blind (I alluded to themin my other post when I said "At least I can admit it and see when bad calls are being made though unlike a lot of fans.") I readily admit that theLakers get calls in their favor sometimes, I have even mentioned this Kings game as a game that was fixed BEFORE Donaghy said all of this stuff. There are aton of Lakers fans (and fans of other teams) that don't get this though.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

but even without the FTs considered... my man D-Wade beasted, you can't take that away from him

The videos prove otherwise, he had 23 free throws in Game 5 son.


Now he is.....

okay, act like he didn't put that team on his back. in Game 3, Wade shot over 50% from the field and had 13 rebounds to keep his team alive. any thoughts on that?

if Dirk and Wade were switched, even with the referee help Dirk wouldn't have won the series for the Heat.

The Mavs lost 3 games by 1,2, and 3 points. That's one possession each game, if you acknowledge the the officiating was biased but don't think itplayed a role then your ******ed.
damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
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