Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

nah Im not laughin at you, my bad

Thats for anyone who even remotely feels Tim is/was the only one gambling and doing dirt ...
Been a die hard kings fan my whole life, used to have season tickets with my pops and go to every game back in the day. Reading this already confirms what allsacramento fans already knew... of course that @%%! was fixed. Do you really think that $tern was going to let the biggest rivalry the NBA had seen sincepistons/bulls (probably even bigger) NOT go to a game 7? This series had it all, a 20+ point comeback (lakers in game 1) 2 game winners (horry in 4 and Bibbyin 5) 2 electric crowds, superstar power all across the board (Shaq, KB8, Cwebb, Bibby) AND TRUE HATRED between the two cities and players (NorCal vs SoCal,Christie vs Fox, Shaq vs Vlade, etc etc). Reading this article really just makes me sad and depressed. It makes me not want to be a fan anymore, and it makesme feel stupid for wasting my time, money, and energy rooting for something that isn't even pure. I do not discredit the Lakers, they took advantage of asituation that was handed to them. It just amkes me sick to think a pro sports league that so many people are so passionate about can do this and get away withit.
This has been going on for a while now. Take the recent playoffs. Among all the possible combinations for the finals match up. The NBA was not going to allow one thing to happen. That would be Spurs vs Detroit/Boston. Defensive teams are not fun to watch. It would have destroyed their ratings.
So the #2 seed in the west and #1 in the east meeting in the finals is cause for concern???? HUH?! Lakers had the better record over 82 gamesmaking them the better team than San An and yet them beating them is considered a sign of cheating? Go to bed young man, go to bed.
I guess Jeff Van Gundy was right when he said on of the referee official said they were calling the games differently on Yao back when the Rockets played theMav in the playoffs.
NBA...spelled with an asterisk
Funny how the media-assimilated Jeff Van Gundy now has a drastically different opinion about NBAofficiating in light of the League's biggest scandal.

David Stern's continued denial of any fixing or manipulation is insulting to fans, players and this now-'tainted' game. Sure, Donaghy was wrong,but the NBA doesn't want to be right.

Time for fans to take off the blindfold and demand the truth.
Why the ##+% won't the NBA let T-mac get out of the first round atleast, I wish i could just not watch the NBA anymore, but I love the Rockets too mucheven though I hate the league.
Just a question! I do not want anyone to blow up in this thread..yes its about Lebron.

Thinking of all this stuff with rigged games and such, i still remember quite well last year with the Spurs and Cavs that Lebron was getting screwed.
I remember in game 3 something happened i dont remember but things were definatly not going Lebrons way.
Then Game 4 Bruce Bowen inentionally fouled Lebron and they didnt call it while he was shooting in the closing seconds

Game 2 of the Pistons He drove spun and didnt get his foul when i thought Rip clearly hit him.
Notice the cavs Won basically because Lebron could not be stopped in game 5 so the refs couldnt do anything( if infact it was rigged)
and then Game 6 Boobie goes off for 30 sumtin with most of those points coming in the 4th qtr.
So if it were rigged that would be out of the refs hands because they cant make players miss shots.

Perhaps theyre forcing Lebron out of Cleveland where he can be more marketable in a place like New York?
If that would help the NBA idk
just an observation please dont blows this up in my face.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So the only Game that went 7 that year was the Lakers/Kings....that was with the Robert Horry game winner right?

It was pretty obvious by the FT discrepancy in Game 6 what the refs were trying to do.

It can't be that series, since the refs gave game 5 to the kings

watch the last 10 seconds of game 5 and tell me I'm wrong
[h2]2002 Western Conference Finals[/h2]
On the court, the games between the two teams were definitely intense, culminating in the 2002 NBA Western Conference Finals, which featured Robert Horry's famous last-second three-pointer to beat the Kings in Game 4, a 1 point Kings win off of a Bibby field goal in the waning seconds of Game 5, a controversial Game 6 where the Lakers shot 27 fourth quarter free-throws resulting in a narrow Laker win, and finally a Game 7 with 19 lead changes and 16 ties producing a Lakers overtime win on the road. Many consider the series to be among the most exciting and entertaining in recent NBA history. However, referee Tim Donaghy has indicated that the referees in the series cheated by calling fouls in favor of LA in the series in order for the Lakers to win. He says that it was a direct order from the NBA to throw the series in favor of the Lakers.
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