Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I don't understand why Lakers fans complain so much about referees when they are the ones on the upside of reffing most of the time. Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have. (End of game 1 of that series was very suspect as well) With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word. You guys are just looking for reasons to justify your team losing rather than blaming your team yourself.

Don't you think that over the thousands of calls made in NBA playoffs history questionable ones happen. I think if in the past 10 years there's been 8 questionable game deciding calls that's right on par with the probability of human error.
You're so right, like the missed shot clock violation, or the missed goaltending call, or the 3 that wasn't, or the Vlad/Tim Duncan 10 step. We totally forgot all those to bring up just the one bad call huh? Such a short memory you have.

Find one post in my NT career that ever has me complaining about reffing. It's just an element in the game of basketball, get over it. Had the BrentBarry thing been the other way around (Lakers got shafted) best believe the city of LA would have been rioting and there would have been a zillion post threadabout how the refs are cheating the lakers.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I


Knicks Vs Pacers 1999

I actually remember reading in the newspaper the day after that game, that the ref admitted to blowing the call and it should have never been called a foul
�oh well, whatever
Being a Kings fan I obviously thought they got the calls and it was fixed, but I am just in shock that it is actually true and came out. Pretty sick and yougotta feel bad for the players and coaches, especially the city of sacramento. Does any of the people who bet on that game get any refunds? I put down a largesum of money for that on Sac .ughhhhh
Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have

Your memory is even shorter; that whole game was officiated horribly in favor of the Spurs, to the tune of way more than a 3 point advantage. I thought thatthe media would be talking about how bad the refs were in the SPURS' favor the next day, but that no call on Fisher covered it up.

And I am not at all surprised to hear about this Kings game. If you had asked me if I thought any of our games were fixed, I would point to that game and theone we lost against the Twolves as being fixed in our favor. At least I can admit it and see when bad calls are being made though unlike a lot of fans.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I don't understand why Lakers fans complain so much about referees when they are the ones on the upside of reffing most of the time. Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have. (End of game 1 of that series was very suspect as well) With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word. You guys are just looking for reasons to justify your team losing rather than blaming your team yourself.

Don't you think that over the thousands of calls made in NBA playoffs history questionable ones happen. I think if in the past 10 years there's been 8 questionable game deciding calls that's right on par with the probability of human error.
You're so right, like the missed shot clock violation, or the missed goaltending call, or the 3 that wasn't, or the Vlad/Tim Duncan 10 step. We totally forgot all those to bring up just the one bad call huh? Such a short memory you have.

Find one post in my NT career that ever has me complaining about reffing. It's just an element in the game of basketball, get over it. Had the Brent Barry thing been the other way around (Lakers got shafted) best believe the city of LA would have been rioting and there would have been a zillion post thread about how the refs are cheating the lakers.

Reaching. How would the Lakers get shafted? We got lucky that the refs didn't make that call. THERE'S NO DOUBT THAT WAS A FREAKING FOUL. Butultimately the refs didn't make the call. So if it was the other way around, how can the Lakers be shafted when it sure as hell that we were lucky that therefs didn't make the call?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

How you gonna admit to the LJ phantom foul?!

Knicks fandom under investigation.



I don't know man, I'm beginning to think the NBA was fixed for MJ and the knicks ...j/k

I remember Tim Hardaway calling +$@# Bavetta, Knick Bavetta

Then again I think Pat Riley was a scumbag because he fixed us up on purpose in that 1997 series where our players got suspended
They completely choked it, and it was obvious as it could be.


This is what happened the rest of the series....


Not to mention Wade shooting 24 free throws in Game 5 (more than both teams combined, and ending the game one 2 free throws when he wasn't even touched).

Don't be
fakers fans complainin about refs is the most ironic thing ever. the fakers have been gettin calls for 50 years. as if their "titles" werent BS too

what referees called the game 6 of western conf finals in 2002?

im gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say knick bavetta, bennett salvatore, or steve javie were involved in that game. i could be wrong though

I don't know man, I'm beginning to think the NBA was fixed for MJ and the knicks

it was

I remember Tim Hardaway calling @*## Bavetta, Knick Bavetta

knick bavetta called that 4 pt play too.....what a surprise. was he also officiating when the "flagrant foul" was called on reggie game 7 94 ECF ?
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I don't understand why Lakers fans complain so much about referees when they are the ones on the upside of reffing most of the time. Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have. (End of game 1 of that series was very suspect as well) With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word. You guys are just looking for reasons to justify your team losing rather than blaming your team yourself.

Don't you think that over the thousands of calls made in NBA playoffs history questionable ones happen. I think if in the past 10 years there's been 8 questionable game deciding calls that's right on par with the probability of human error.
You're so right, like the missed shot clock violation, or the missed goaltending call, or the 3 that wasn't, or the Vlad/Tim Duncan 10 step. We totally forgot all those to bring up just the one bad call huh? Such a short memory you have.

Find one post in my NT career that ever has me complaining about reffing. It's just an element in the game of basketball, get over it. Had the Brent Barry thing been the other way around (Lakers got shafted) best believe the city of LA would have been rioting and there would have been a zillion post thread about how the refs are cheating the lakers.

That's why they get away with it. Because sheep like you let them.
With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word.
There is no major or minor fixing. It's fixing period.
Mez vids

If I was anywhere on that Mavs bench I woulda got tossed outta that game, Prolly kicked out the league, thats how bad I woulda been goin off
I won a pretty substantial bet with my friend back in HS on that Kings/LA series...

I'm sure I'll be getting a call about it soon.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I don't understand why Lakers fans complain so much about referees when they are the ones on the upside of reffing most of the time. Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have. (End of game 1 of that series was very suspect as well) With that being said, I can believe the star player thing, but I do not think the NBA is fixed. If it is it is in very minute way so "fixed" wouldn't be the right word. You guys are just looking for reasons to justify your team losing rather than blaming your team yourself.

Don't you think that over the thousands of calls made in NBA playoffs history questionable ones happen. I think if in the past 10 years there's been 8 questionable game deciding calls that's right on par with the probability of human error.
You're so right, like the missed shot clock violation, or the missed goaltending call, or the 3 that wasn't, or the Vlad/Tim Duncan 10 step. We totally forgot all those to bring up just the one bad call huh? Such a short memory you have.

Find one post in my NT career that ever has me complaining about reffing. It's just an element in the game of basketball, get over it. Had the Brent Barry thing been the other way around (Lakers got shafted) best believe the city of LA would have been rioting and there would have been a zillion post thread about how the refs are cheating the lakers.

Reaching. How would the Lakers get shafted? We got lucky that the refs didn't make that call. THERE'S NO DOUBT THAT WAS A FREAKING FOUL. But ultimately the refs didn't make the call. So if it was the other way around, how can the Lakers be shafted when it sure as hell that we were lucky that the refs didn't make the call?

Are you serious bro? Did I word it that awkwardly? I meant were the lakers the ones who were down and they didn't get a foul like that called for them.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Who's to say the Lakers would even be in the finals had the refs called what the NBA admitted to being a blantant foul on Derek Fisher. Such short memory you guys have

Your memory is even shorter; that whole game was officiated horribly in favor of the Spurs, to the tune of way more than a 3 point advantage. I thought that the media would be talking about how bad the refs were in the SPURS' favor the next day, but that no call on Fisher covered it up.

And I am not at all surprised to hear about this Kings game. If you had asked me if I thought any of our games were fixed, I would point to that game and the one we lost against the Twolves as being fixed in our favor. At least I can admit it and see when bad calls are being made though unlike a lot of fans.

You can spin it how ever way you want it, (make up for other calls, etc etc) point is the Lakers got blessed by the refs when it mattered the most and onthe most obvious call. Is your reading comprehension skill really that bad? I'll give you a synoposis of that post you quoted from.

Laker fans complain they get shafted by the refs. Lakers get calls in their favor IE the DF non call. It happens to all teams yet one team in particularitches about it the most when in fact it's the other way around.

This isn't an arguement on whether or not the Spurs got cheated or whether or any of that. It already happened, complaining about it won't changethe outcome. I brought up the subject as an example of how Lakers forget when they're helped by refs.
nothing's gonna change now.... but the least that the NBA could do is ask TNT to have the 2002 Sac Kings "Gone Fishing" pic destroyed.....

2002 Sacramento Kings Gone Fishing*
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