EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Chris Dorner was trained in methods I'm very familiar with. You do know that Dorner avoided the roads and got out of dodge after he committed the crime as I mentioned earlier?

As you completely ignored what I said of them using the recognition technology to pull faces in the immediate area of the bombing, who may have had prior profile inquiries. Wouldn't you think you'd start with that once you come to the conclusion that the bag was placed there?

Furthermore, how about you find out a bit more about the face recognition here

- here

since it sounds like some Bourne Identity technology that isn't in use or remotely possible. I would entertain it more but tangible evidence of capabilities might be a bit much.
in short to debunk you, it doesnt take military training to know to stay off the roads when an entire army is searching for you lol. im sure a high schooler...or a 19 year old, can come up with that. in your boss camera example...im QUITE sure that these traffic cameras arent employing the 2 required cameras for the boss system. much less...against a 1.6 million sample of a locally stored database, aka registered people... it took a second. theres over 300 million people in the US and i guarantee the vast majority arent in this database, which requires 2 special cameras.

u also conveniently left out this tidbit of info "...Current limitations of facial recognition technology, especially on passive subjects, includes matching images of a face with changes in illumination and pose angle at the time of capture, as well as artifacts including glasses, hats, facial hair, etc., against a gallery of previously-enrolled individuals." i.e. this stuff doesnt work well unless the archived picture of a person is matching what they look like right now lol from 5-oclock shadow all the way down to the angle of their head. soooooo you can go ahead and have a seat over there ->>>>>
who are releasing all the pics of these guys in hospital or dead?
in short to debunk you, it doesnt take military training to know to stay off the roads when an entire army is searching for you lol. im sure a high schooler...or a 19 year old, can come up with that. in your boss camera example...im QUITE sure that these traffic cameras arent employing the 2 required cameras for the boss system. much less...against a 1.6 million sample of a locally stored database, aka registered people... it took a second. theres over 300 million people in the US and i guarantee the vast majority arent in this database, which requires 2 special cameras.

u also conveniently left out this tidbit of info "...Current limitations of facial recognition technology, especially on passive subjects, includes matching images of a face with changes in illumination and pose angle at the time of capture, as well as artifacts including glasses, hats, facial hair, etc., against a gallery of previously-enrolled individuals." i.e. this stuff doesnt work well unless the archived picture of a person is matching what they look like right now lol from 5-oclock shadow all the way down to the angle of their head. soooooo you can go ahead and have a seat over there ->>>>>
Funny how you believe a guy can slip away when leaving behind a blood trail for nearly 24 hours. He miraculously cauterized his wounds in attempt to evade authorities. Furthermore, what I posted from the article is dated back to '12 at the beginning of state implementation and you don't quite have an idea how intelligence works. It shows them actually making their plans rather public before shooting it down the chain. You actually believe the FBI/Dept of Homeland Security readily acknowledge capabilities the moment they have and use them? :lol:

With that said, we can agree to disagree on the matter. Mass surveillance has been around for quite some time now and there are multiple vendors around the globe, which can be utilized in accordance with the law(irony). The beauty of social media is that it expands the database in real time, but feel free to believe that their capabilities are extremely limited. Even the famed Julian Assange had multiple governments back pedaling on their surveillance. I'll cite defense spending made public a bit later.
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That pic is straight up violating HIPPA. Lol.

Anyways after reading up on suspect 2 he seemed like a very normal teen. Crazy.
Just now at breakfast my mom brought up the fact that there is controversy because they supposedly never read Suspect 2 his Miranda. Any truth to that?
That pic is straight up violating HIPPA. Lol.

Anyways after reading up on suspect 2 he seemed like a very normal teen. Crazy.

A Justice Department official says the Boston Marathon bombing suspect will not be read his Miranda rights because the government is invoking a public safety exception.

"The public safety exception permits law enforcement officials to engage in a limited and focused unwarned interrogation of a suspect and allows the government to introduce the statement as evidence in court. The public safety exception is triggered when police officers have an objectively reasonable need to protect the police or the public from immediate danger."
Just now at breakfast my mom brought up the fact that there is controversy because they supposedly never read Suspect 2 his Miranda. Any truth to that?

yea this is true. criminals considered "enemy combatants" are not read their miranda rights and therefore are rarely ever charged with a crime even though they are held for years sometimes. all of the guys at guantanamo never were read their rights either.
A couple recent posts in this thread should be reported by moderators to authorities. If you don't like this country or the people in it who are extremely patriotic and proud, leave. If you honestly believe that chants of USA or cheers for the Boston PD were untimely or ill-intentioned, leave.

Im tired of people who take these abstract views and turn their mouth into their butthole. No American wants to hear about the rights of someone chucking grenades and pressure cooker bombs at police. If you are innocent and being set up by America, you see your picture on the news and turn yourself in immediately. You don't go shooting it out with the fuzz and cooking bb stew.

And this is coming from someone who firmly believes that the one building falling during 9/11 was extremely suspect. I'm not pro-government or a 100% congress backer, but damn give this tired anti-American sentiment up. I've been to other countries and seen how the world lives, trust me, you don't want to live anywhere else. Listen to the interviews with all these immigrants saying how wonderful it is to be in America. Then you have the older brother mad because he can't make it and finds Islam and blows Americans up. I've never been a proponent for big brother like monitoring of the Internet, but if someone has 30 YouTube videos in support of terrorism and extremist groups, I'll give up my Greg Jennings touchdooowwwwn privacy to find them.
i know some of you guys will laugh at this but could the whole "terrorista" licese plate (translates to terrorist in spanish) be a play on the harlem shake song? you know how college kids get with whatever recent trend is hot. imsure it wouldve raised questions cause it seems he bought it at the school store. just a thought though 
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yea this is true. criminals considered "enemy combatants" are not read their miranda rights and therefore are rarely ever charged with a crime even though they are held for years sometimes. all of the guys at guantanamo never were read their rights either.

i may be wrong but wouldn't committing the act of terrorism waive your inalienable rights?
yea this is true. criminals considered "enemy combatants" are not read their miranda rights and therefore are rarely ever charged with a crime even though they are held for years sometimes. all of the guys at guantanamo never were read their rights either.

i may be wrong but wouldn't committing the act of terrorism waive your inalienable rights?

thats the excuse we got. :smh:

:pimp: All that really needs to be said.

Also, why would people leave this country when they're ALLOWED the freedom to criticize the government and laws?

Oh, that's right....
in short to debunk you, it doesnt take military training to know to stay off the roads when an entire army is searching for you lol. im sure a high schooler...or a 19 year old, can come up with that. in your boss camera example...im QUITE sure that these traffic cameras arent employing the 2 required cameras for the boss system. much less...against a 1.6 million sample of a locally stored database, aka registered people... it took a second. theres over 300 million people in the US and i guarantee the vast majority arent in this database, which requires 2 special cameras.

u also conveniently left out this tidbit of info "...Current limitations of facial recognition technology, especially on passive subjects, includes matching images of a face with changes in illumination and pose angle at the time of capture, as well as artifacts including glasses, hats, facial hair, etc., against a gallery of previously-enrolled individuals." i.e. this stuff doesnt work well unless the archived picture of a person is matching what they look like right now lol from 5-oclock shadow all the way down to the angle of their head. soooooo you can go ahead and have a seat over there ->>>>>
not to derail...but a friend and i was talking about this..and how easily this will be implemented in society seeing how ppl post online pics by the hundreds/thousands with relatively the same poses/looks then try as much as they can to duplicate that look in the public eye. Not trying to make a conspiracy thread derail or anything,,,but it would be a very hard thing to do to get a database for a nationwide facial recognition. Just use ppl info, in which they already have ala ssn etc...and name and simple google search and pretty much scour twitter/facebook/instagram/pof/okc so on and so forth.
I think the point Nike Air Force 1 was trying to make is that people were only chanting USA because their skin is brown and names are pronounced a certain way.​
Wait, what?

This thread turned into a NikeAirForce1 - Meek Meals - Rusty Shackleford human centipede and they are loving it.
Mad late but

however you want to put it, you know that they don't look the same as any old regular white dude and that's why people are looking at them the way they are, chanting USA as if we've conquered some foreign force. You know what I meant, you couldn't have possibly thought I meant dude's skin looked like Wale's. Y'all love to act naive.
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