EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

you know, the news has not mentioned the CISPA bill being passed >D not one time at all

not trollin', just saying
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If the terrorists were found out to be mentally ill, it would seem strange to celebrate their capture.death with displays of patriotism. Would it not?

Mentally ill terrorists caught. USA! USA! USA!. WHOO-HOO AMERICA!!!!!

That's why the motive is important. Since people didn't know it yet, the patriotism seemed inappropriate or out of place.

That's only if you believe that chanting USA is a thumbing of the nose to our enemies instead of a celebration of the deeds of our citizens.
Here's one of your foolish and misguided posts.

If being a true American is not defined by having citizenship, but rather dependent on not bombing places... 99% of the people on this planet are true Americans then.

What does being a "true American" have to do with not bombing public places????


Please define what a "true American" is.


Not tryin to single you out on purpose but lets make a new thread called "what a true American is"   lets keep the discussion about the suspect, the case, and how the city of Boston and the victims are recovering.

If people are trying to say that the terrorists aren't "true Americans," surely I can ask what they mean by true american.

My post that started all this was about how the City of Boston was recovering from this whole event.
If the terrorists were found out to be mentally ill, it would seem strange to celebrate their capture.death with displays of patriotism. Would it not?

Mentally ill terrorists caught. USA! USA! USA!. WHOO-HOO AMERICA!!!!!

That's why the motive is important. Since people didn't know it yet, the patriotism seemed inappropriate or out of place.

That's only if you believe that chanting USA is a thumbing of the nose to our enemies instead of a celebration of the deeds of our citizens.

When I don't see those same USA chants in cases of "domestic terrorism," of course I would be skeptical of these USA chants.
Resorting to gifs proves a lot
I was making fun of how you were telling folks on here to leave America if they didn't like it.
Way over your head though, but no surprise there.

You're not even criticizing though, you're just throwing out random opinions and attacking me.
wrong. i posted 1 gif as a response to your post and you call that attacking you? lol
and if i'm throwing out random opinions, then what are you doing exactly?

Everything I posted about the kids was correct.
Please begin on where our posts our so "Foolish and misguided" please.
I'm curious.

We gave these guys welfare.
We allowed them into our country because their homeland was ****.
They get scholarships, education opportunities and the ability at high level jobs.
This is how they repay us?

full of generalizations. i see you bring up the whole welfare thing as if that has anything to do with this. You've been watching Faux News too much.
so they were refugees in need of assistance, what is wrong with that exactly? they were obviously different people then than now.
they provided aid for their family, are you going to blame their family too?

also, who is this we? you are not the government. this whole 'we provided them with aid, education and jobs' thing is beyond stupid. YOU didn't do a damn thing.
and actually, the fact that you choose to bring this up shows how xenophobic you truly are. i guarantee had this been some run of the mill, blue collar, white american doing these bombings, these things wouldn't even be brought up.

they got scholarships and education opportunities because they obviously worked for it. what they just hand out scholarships for no reason now?
also, you don't know what opportunities they did or did not have. bunch of assumptions. you don't know if they suffered the opposite of that.
lol @ this dude talking about them getting "the ability at high level jobs" when 90% of americans don't even get that chance. :lol:

also, they didn't owe anyone a damn thing. they were contributing members of american society at the time, what more can you ask for.
bottom line is, you don't really know the whole story, so you can't sit there and make all these assumptions.
So who crowned you king of how people should react after a terrorist attack?

Why do people keep asking me this? If you're telling I'm wrong, who crowned you king?

I don't claim to be the king or authority on how people should react to terrorist events, because I'm not.

I merely voiced my own personal feelings on the celebration. Then you guys started personally attacking me. :lol:
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They had plenty of opportunities. Little brother went to one of the best high schools in the state.
They recieved welfare. That is a well known fact.

How are those generalizations when they are well known facts?
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True Americans as people who don't party the day after they just killed 3 people including an eight year old boy.
True Americans as people who don't repay the country that is supporting them with welfare and refugee.
True Americans who don't lead a manhunt and put thousands at danger.

who are you to say who a true american is?
oh wait.. let me guess...
a true american
foh :rofl:


I heard a reporter ask about that during the briefing last night after they caught him. The US attorney said he wasn't read his Miranda Rights, but 'right now they are just taking him to the hospital, so they will take it from there' whatever that means.

edit// the reports specifically asked whether there were any exceptions to being read the Miranda rights.
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No one is arguing that he does not deserve his rights. Well at least the majority are not.
I wonder when that hit the Federal Prosecutor's desk. If they even followed protocol in making the arrests.

I'm sure someone will FOI it.

Link doesnt look all that legitimate in terms of "sources".

Also terror suspects donot have to be read miranda rights
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