EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

You can say it's stupid or mock it as much as you want. Though in doing so, you add nothing to the discussion. I suspect this may be your intention.

Why are you distorting my position? You've done it multiple times in addition to personal attacks. I've been nothing but civil and respectful with you and everyone else.

Of course I didn't intend to add anything to the discussion with my remark! I was goofing on the things you said earlier...nothing more. It was a joke.

Besides, I've already contributed plenty to the discussion. Don't disregard my input now that I've offended you.

I've also never attacked you personally. I don't think you're stupid. I think your opinion on this subject is stupid. I'm allowed to think and say that.
The backpack that Djohar Tsarnaev was carrying was White and the backpack at the explosion was Black with a Grey colored strap doesn't even look similar.

There are pictures showing 2 other men dressed in khaki colored pants/black coat with a hat who have the similar type of backpacks and seen leaving the scene without the backpacks. I somewhat doubt that these two "Suspect" brothers are guilty.

So they shoot a campus police, carjack and rob a person, throw explosives at cops, shoot at cops because they were innocent? Or was it the other 2 guys that did that?
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Of course I didn't intend to add anything to the discussion with my remark! I was goofing on the things you said earlier...nothing more. It was a joke.

Besides, I've already contributed plenty to the discussion. Don't disregard my input now that I've offended you.

I've also never attacked you personally. I don't think you're stupid. I think your opinion on this subject is stupid. I'm allowed to think and say that.

According to all reports, law enforcement was already leaving the area. The suspect was outside of the lockdown zone. The lockdown was no longer in effect. It was a random guy that found the terrorist. So no, I don't attribute the capture of the terrorist to law enforcement..


You're stupid.


You can say that what I think is stupid, but distorting the crux of my position is intellectually dishonest on your behalf.
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You can say that what I think is stupid, but distorting the crux of my position is intellectually dishonest on your behalf.

:lol: oops...forgot about that. I apologize.

And again...it was a goof. Learn to insert a little levity into your conversations.
Did they ever release the video of one of the suspects actually placing down his backpack?
I remember reading that they had an unreleased video footage of that.
What i don't understand is how suspect #2 just kept going to class and parties as if he was safe.

Dude was really feeling himself.
A couple recent posts in this thread should be reported by moderators to authorities. If you don't like this country or the people in it who are extremely patriotic and proud, leave. If you honestly believe that chants of USA or cheers for the Boston PD were untimely or ill-intentioned, leave.

Im tired of people who take these abstract views and turn their mouth into their butthole. No American wants to hear about the rights of someone chucking grenades and pressure cooker bombs at police. If you are innocent and being set up by America, you see your picture on the news and turn yourself in immediately. You don't go shooting it out with the fuzz and cooking bb stew.

And this is coming from someone who firmly believes that the one building falling during 9/11 was extremely suspect. I'm not pro-government or a 100% congress backer, but damn give this tired anti-American sentiment up. I've been to other countries and seen how the world lives, trust me, you don't want to live anywhere else. Listen to the interviews with all these immigrants saying how wonderful it is to be in America. Then you have the older brother mad because he can't make it and finds Islam and blows Americans up. I've never been a proponent for big brother like monitoring of the Internet, but if someone has 30 YouTube videos in support of terrorism and extremist groups, I'll give up my Greg Jennings touchdooowwwwn privacy to find them.
*bolded* Wow is it really that serious? Yall doing it like that on NT now? Might go back to lurking. I hv a feeling nt is ran/supervised by the government, smh!
lol word . . . i noticed certain members accusing rusty and naf1 of "supporting terrorists" . . . like that's a pretty heavy accusation for some dudes just posting their opinions on whether or not it was the right time to chant USA

thats wildin . . . yall got to watch what you type . . . thats a huuuuuuge accusation
What i don't understand is how suspect #2 just kept going to class and parties as if he was safe.

Dude was really feeling himself.
He even tweeted to "stay safe, ain't no love in the city" 6 hours after the bombings

Is there footage of him dropping the bag? I know his brother is likely to be involved no doubt, because of his past (and if his brother did something, he likely did). But all I've seen that puts Brother 2 as a suspect is that pic showing he was near where the bag and the kid, RIP, was, and of course running and hiding for 18 hours. Did he shoot the cop or did his brother?

What made him a suspect

If he did do it, hopefully they interview him.
He even tweeted to "stay safe, ain't no love in the city" 6 hours after the bombings​

Is there footage of him dropping the bag? I know his brother is likely to be involved no doubt, because of his past (and if his brother did something, he likely did). But all I've seen that puts Brother 2 as a suspect is that pic showing he was near where the bag and the kid, RIP, was, and of course running and hiding for 18 hours. Did he shoot the cop or did his brother?​

What made him a suspect​

If he did do it, hopefully they interview him.​

Did you really just ask what made this kid a suspect?
SMH. Can't speak for their actions after Thursday night. But it's crazy how all that was really needed to make them suspects was to have a backpack/be near a backpack and be near the victims and finishline. Anybody carrying beer/water/etc. coulda fit that description

*Unless they had footage of them dropping the bag that turned out to be it

I ain't taking a backpack nowhere after this.
He even tweeted to "stay safe, ain't no love in the city" 6 hours after the bombings​
Is there footage of him dropping the bag? I know his brother is likely to be involved no doubt, because of his past (and if his brother did something, he likely did). But all I've seen that puts Brother 2 as a suspect is that pic showing he was near where the bag and the kid, RIP, was, and of course running and hiding for 18 hours. Did he shoot the cop or did his brother?​
What made him a suspect​
If he did do it, hopefully they interview him.​

Did you really just ask what made this kid a suspect?

Yes. Prior to the real life movie that took place Thursday-Friday night, what initially made them suspects? Being photographed with a bag near the victims and finishline?
Well what happened to his backpack when he was shown walking away?
Was it some sort of coincendence that his backpack is next to the kid and than the bomb goes off and he is shown leaving without a backpack?
So he ran away for 18 hours because he was scared?
I honestly dont think they did it. Deep in my heart.
The younger bro didn't exhibit the behavior of a dude who would have done something like that . . . he had a cool little life here, he tweeted about wanting a wife and kids one day (so he's not one of those crazy religious dudes who think that dying young for your religion is an honor, and he didn't kill himself in the boat, knowing that he's facing OD prison time) and someone who just committed one of the worst tragedies in recent American history certainly wouldn't be out at parties and tweeting his condolences to the victims of the tragedies.

Only thing that hurts the older bro's case is that he had those questionable videos in his YouTube playlist
Any updates on his health condition?

Have they released any details from the shoot out at the boat or from the robbery/MIT cop shooting/showdown with cops etc?
Well what happened to his backpack when he was shown walking away?
Was it some sort of coincendence that his backpack is next to the kid and than the bomb goes off and he is shown leaving without a backpack?
So he ran away for 18 hours because he was scared?
That's what I was asking, is there actual footage of him dropping the backpack that turned out to be it

And if you were a suspect in a case like this, you don't really expect the cops to just smile and ask you to come along . . . plus weren't their faces already getting plastered all over the news before the chase began? With Boston hurting and their pictures on CNN as the suspects, they were going to get got before the police even got em
I don't care that he "seems" like a good kid and that his tweets were "normal".
Sometimes, scratch that, a lot of times people can put up a front and one day wake up and decide this is what they are gonna do.
Reading his mind is just basing innocence off assumption.
What we do know is:
He is shown placing bag down.
He is shown walking away a mere 15 seconds without a bag on his shoulder.
He was involved in some way in killing a cop.
Involved in a shootout( if he was innocent why didn't he stop when the cops were barricading him?)
He Is Involved in a massive manhunt and hiding away from the police.
Those are facts. Not assumptions.
Regardless of my reputation you can't dispute that and if you do than I don't know what to tell you.
I honestly dont think they did it. Deep in my heart.

Then why did the brothers attempt to clear their name by shooting police, carjacking and robbery. dropping bombs, and hiding in a boat bleeding to death?
*Unless they had footage of them dropping the bag that turned out to be it​

I'm ASSUMING that they have this footage, otherwise they don't have a case.

Just because they haven't released this footage doesn't mean they don't have it.

They could shut all of the conspiracy stuff down by releasing that vid at some point.
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