EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

All those people you just listed were in very traditional, boring places in life. Nobody dreams of playing the organ in church or being in the history club or Youth Court
You pretty much proved my point . . . dudes were probably lames who weren't popular in school and didn't get much yambs. This guy was the opposite . . . very popular, very social, went to parties, and was active in the athletics, his life wasn't boring.​
As far as the married dudes . . . I don't think it really is farfetched for a "happily" married dude to get bored or tired of a wife's nagging
. Not saying that's why he did it, I honestly don't know much about any of those names you just posted or the cases that go along with them, but I don't think a potentially nagging wife is gonna be the thing that stops a psycho from going over the edge​

And yeah I'd accept being wrong if they put out footage of the bag being dropped or whatever else information is convincing them that these dudes are suspects​
And like I said as far as clearing their name, by Thursday afternoon, they were on CNN as suspects . . . nobody else's accusations had gotten to that point.​
And nah I dont have an older brother​
I hope you're just trolling.
View media item 364938
Why would I honestly type paragraphs to troll

Why are y'all ignoring the holes in this story? These aren't even "they did this for martial law" or "aliens did it" conspiracy theories. They're legitimate questions.

- A  dude who just committed one of the worst crimes in US history is gonna be chillin at a party two days after and tweeting his condolences? He isn't gonna try to leave?

- They carjacked someone and then paid for gas at the same time the carjacking victim was screaming his lungs out telling the store owner that the two dudes were trying to kill him? They bought gas for a stolen car?

- They threw bombs out and the cops just caught them like baseballs and deactivated them in a matter of seconds, they deactivated bombs in their hands like Rubik's Cubes

- 10,000 cops, SWAT, military, etc. scour Boston and don't find any guns, and there weren't guns on dude when he was found, so how did they have a gunfight with the cops?

Just questions. No trolling.
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Meek Meals u cant be serious bruh bruh
What am I saying that makes you think I'm not serious?

I think a lot of y'all just wanna see someone pay for those lives lost and injuries more than you are reasonably looking at what you are being told.
If they didnt shot the cop who did? So again it was just magic that someone had shot a cop and than ten minutes later these dudes are in a chase?

Lol. I cant even take you serious.
That's waaaay more likely than dude being bold enough to tweet about a tragedy that he just caused and then be chilling at parties 2 days later.

What I'm saying isn't even farfetched or ridiculous. Stop using the "you're trolling" cop out.
I'm ASSUMING that they have this footage, otherwise they don't have a case.

Just because they haven't released this footage doesn't mean they don't have it.

Because there is no conspiracy. Nuthing remotely shady like certain aspects on 9/11

They took him alive. That should be a hint. I just don't see one thing that screams conspiracy. In any way seriously

They could shut all of the conspiracy stuff down by releasing that vid at some point.[/quote]
I'm not gonna answer your questions because even the information you think you have is false.
I'm not gonna answer your questions because even the information you think you have is false.
 What information do I "think I have" is false?

I haven't seen anyone answer, just "you're trolling", "can't be serious"
All those people you just listed were in very traditional, boring places in life. Nobody dreams of playing the organ in church or being in the history club or Youth Court :lol: You pretty much proved my point . . . dudes were probably lames who weren't popular in school and didn't get much yambs. This guy was the opposite . . . very popular, very social, went to parties, and was active in the athletics, his life wasn't boring.​

How do you know "nobody dreams of playing the organ in church or being in the Youth Court?" That might be as important to them as "getting yambz" is to you. Dzokhar could have been going to parties, smashing co-eds, and wrestling as captain of his team but been miserable within. Meanwhile, Joe Schmoe could be working the 11-7 shift at Stop and Shop and be perfectly content. You don't know anything about the theory of relativity do you?

As far as the married dudes . . . I don't think it really is farfetched for a "happily" married dude to get bored or tired of a wife's nagging :lol: . Not saying that's why he did it, I honestly don't know much about any of those names you just posted or the cases that go along with them, but I don't think a potentially nagging wife is gonna be the thing that stops a psycho from going over the edge​

That's not the point. You obviously didn't read the moral of the story. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

You're saying an organ player is miserable while Dzhokar is happy because of your own perception of their lifestyles. I'm telling you it could just as easily be the opposite. Dzhokar could be conforming to social norms, appear happy, while he's really suffering internally. Meanwhile the organ player may look like your average mope, but he could easily be in a perfect spot in his life. You're letting your own perceptions deceive you.

I honestly don't think you can be this naive. You're clicking submit without reading your own compulsive reasoning. You're in full defense mode. You don't want to agree.
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What am I saying that makes you think I'm not serious?​

I think a lot of y'all just wanna see someone pay for those lives lost and injuries more than you are reasonably looking at what you are being told.​

That's waaaay more likely than dude being bold enough to tweet about a tragedy that he just caused and then be chilling at parties 2 days later.​

What I'm saying isn't even farfetched or ridiculous. Stop using the "you're trolling" cop out. :lol:

Thats a pretty big coicendence that they were both out at the same time. So the brothers just happened to be in the same area. At the same time. 10 minutes a cop who boxed at the same boxing facility that brother number 1 boxed at was killed.

So. Let me get this straight.
You think someone else killed the cop?
A couple recent posts in this thread should be reported by moderators to authorities. If you don't like this country or the people in it who are extremely patriotic and proud, leave. If you honestly believe that chants of USA or cheers for the Boston PD were untimely or ill-intentioned, leave.

Im tired of people who take these abstract views and turn their mouth into their butthole. No American wants to hear about the rights of someone chucking grenades and pressure cooker bombs at police. If you are innocent and being set up by America, you see your picture on the news and turn yourself in immediately. You don't go shooting it out with the fuzz and cooking bb stew.

And this is coming from someone who firmly believes that the one building falling during 9/11 was extremely suspect. I'm not pro-government or a 100% congress backer, but damn give this tired anti-American sentiment up. I've been to other countries and seen how the world lives, trust me, you don't want to live anywhere else. Listen to the interviews with all these immigrants saying how wonderful it is to be in America. Then you have the older brother mad because he can't make it and finds Islam and blows Americans up. I've never been a proponent for big brother like monitoring of the Internet, but if someone has 30 YouTube videos in support of terrorism and extremist groups, I'll give up my Greg Jennings touchdooowwwwn privacy to find them.

-****, America is my damn country, and I love it to death. I have every damn right to point out the ****** up **** they do, I have every damn right to point out that this makes people hate them, I have every right to point out that people in other countries have legitimate reasons to hate America.

I'm not going anywhere because when I took my oath to become a citizen no where in their is that I have to be blindly ignorant to what goes on in the world, and that I must keep quiet to make real "Muricans" feel comfortable with their ignorance

-You think federal interrogation is some walk in the park. If you done or doing any dirt they will **** wit you regardless. Your immigration status is foggy, deported. You taxes looking fuzzy, audit. Prepare your angus because don't play nice. Go to the media first

-I have been to way more country than you probably, over 20 on stays at least longer than 10 days. And their are many countries there the citizens quality of life is much higher, word to Scandinavia. Stop ******g acting like America is the only country that has it's **** together. LINK

-Wait until your browsing history sets off the wrong data mining algorithm: Accidentally clicked on some Hentai, checked on a new Ben and Jerry's flavor, and then looked on Craigslist for a used white truck. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE NOW BEEN PROFILED AS A POTENTIAL PEDOPHILE!!!!
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ABC News ‏@ABC 2h

#Breaking: Law enforcement sources tell @PierreTABC Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is awake and responding sporadically in writing to questions...

ABC News ABC News ‏@ABC 1h

More: They are asking about other cell members and other unexploded bombs; no details yet on answers (via @PierreTABC)

I take it the first thing he wrote wasn't "I didn't do it."
Safe to say the hospital has some serious security there.

Interrogators should be there, right?

What am I saying that makes you think I'm not serious?​
I think a lot of y'all just wanna see someone pay for those lives lost and injuries more than you are reasonably looking at what you are being told.​
That's waaaay more likely than dude being bold enough to tweet about a tragedy that he just caused and then be chilling at parties 2 days later.​
What I'm saying isn't even farfetched or ridiculous. Stop using the "you're trolling" cop out.
Thats a pretty big coicendence that they were both out at the same time. So the brothers just happened to be in the same area. At the same time. 10 minutes a cop who boxed at the same boxing facility that brother number 1 boxed at was killed.

So. Let me get this straight.
You think someone else killed the cop?
I don't know who killed the cop. But I know that when I asked what made them a suspect, people said, well "why did they kill the cop and throw explosives", the first of which hasn't been proven, and the second isn't even likely

Why would I honestly type paragraphs to troll​

Why are y'all ignoring the holes in this story? These aren't even "they did this for martial law" or "aliens did it" conspiracy theories. They're legitimate questions.​

- A  dude who just committed one of the worst crimes in US history is gonna be chillin at a party two days after and tweeting his condolences? He isn't gonna try to leave?​

- They carjacked someone and then paid for gas at the same time the carjacking victim was screaming his lungs out telling the store owner that the two dudes were trying to kill him? They bought gas for a stolen car? :lol:

- They threw bombs out and the cops just caught them like baseballs and deactivated them in a matter of seconds, they deactivated bombs in their hands like Rubik's Cubes :rofl: ?​

- 10,000 cops, SWAT, military, etc. scour Boston and don't find any guns, and there weren't guns on dude when he was found, so how did they have a gunfight with the cops?​

Just questions. No trolling.​

I haven't had the time to keep up with the news or conspiracies but these are all legit questions that deserve answers.
Why were there bomb drills going on the same day?
CISPA act was passed the same day?
30 innocent people killed in a wedding in Afghanistan by US Military the same day, and not a peep on the news. If 30 US citizens were killed by a foreign military you'd best believe we'd be over there right away strong arming

Why would I honestly type paragraphs to troll​

Why are y'all ignoring the holes in this story? These aren't even "they did this for martial law" or "aliens did it" conspiracy theories. They're legitimate questions.​

- A  dude who just committed one of the worst crimes in US history is gonna be chillin at a party two days after and tweeting his condolences? He isn't gonna try to leave?​

- They carjacked someone and then paid for gas at the same time the carjacking victim was screaming his lungs out telling the store owner that the two dudes were trying to kill him? They bought gas for a stolen car? :lol:

- They threw bombs out and the cops just caught them like baseballs and deactivated them in a matter of seconds, they deactivated bombs in their hands like Rubik's Cubes :rofl: ?​

- 10,000 cops, SWAT, military, etc. scour Boston and don't find any guns, and there weren't guns on dude when he was found, so how did they have a gunfight with the cops?​

Just questions. No trolling.​

I haven't had the time to keep up with the news or conspiracies but these are all legit questions that deserve answers.
Why were there bomb drills going on the same day?
CISPA act was passed the same day?
30 innocent people killed in a wedding in Afghanistan by US Military the same day, and not a peep on the news. If 30 US citizens were killed by a foreign military you'd best believe we'd be over there right away strong arming

Now I will agree with y'all on the CISPA act going under the radar which is bull**** and its horrible what we do with the Drone Strikes :smh: For every terrorist we get with those there's probably 5 innocent kids that lose their lives over in the Middle East. Bomb drills going on though is a reach, that could've been an annual thing, its more coincidence since bomb drills happen much more often than tragedies like that do. That's like saying an apartment had a fire drill the day an actual fire broke out, strictly coincidental w/ no correlation imo. And not saying its right, but the news and people in general have become desensitized to those events happening in Afghanistan, Syria, etc. (not to diminish those horrible circumstances in the slightest), but for it to happen in a major US city is a much more shocking story.
Here's the Civic with the windows shot out, obviously attributed to the cops View media item 376791
The suspect is said to have changed from passenger seat to driver's seat in Mercedes, all the while they "stood their ground". So this is where the older brother gets shot in the chest, tackled(armed with explosives and all), and handcuffed. But not to be outdone, the younger brother manages to hop in the Mercedes, after being shot as well and runs over his brother. How they had been throwing explosives and managed to get off "200 to 300 shots" at cops in 10 minutes without getting sent to oblivion, I have no idea.

It's rather obvious that the civic is at the forefront. Had they suspected that the vehicle was loaded with explosives I highly doubt they'd be that close. Car gets searched a bit later . The APB is put out for the same vehicle involved close to 9 hours later.

Then the brother, wounded and all blasts through the cops ahead and drives the vehicle 300 yards and took off on foot, leaving a trail of blood.

View media item 376793
At that point, they were focused on rendering aid to the transit officer and one of the suspects that was sending rounds at the cops gets away. According to the police chief, "someone, I don't know who, was on the radio setting up a perimeter and blocking off the main streets". He left blood in the Mercedes also according to the police chief, but miraculously he managed to keep that from going anywhere and the trail went cold. Next day they found blood and urine behind a house, miraculously again the trail goes cold. --- This is all according to the police chief in a story to USA Today here

I'll be glad when the radio transmissions are made public with the initial shootout.
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-****, America is my damn country, and I love it to death. I have every damn right to point out the ****** up **** they do, I have every damn right to point out that this makes people hate them, I have every right to point out that people in other countries have legitimate reasons to hate America.

I'm not going anywhere because when I took my oath to become a citizen no where in their is that I have to be blindly ignorant to what goes on in the world, and that I must keep quiet to make real "Muricans" feel comfortable with their ignorance

-You think federal interrogation is some walk in the park. If you done or doing any dirt they will **** wit you regardless. Your immigration status is foggy, deported. You taxes looking fuzzy, audit. Prepare your angus because don't play nice. Go to the media first

-I have been to way more country than you probably, over 20 on stays at least longer than 10 days. And their are many countries there the citizens quality of life is much higher, word to Scandinavia. Stop ******g acting like America is the only country that has it's **** together. LINK

-Wait until your browsing history sets off the wrong data mining algorithm: Accidentally clicked on some Hentai, checked on a new Ben and Jerry's flavor, and then looked on Craigslist for a used white truck. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE NOW BEEN PROFILED AS A POTENTIAL PEDOPHILE!!!!

But is that all talk or are you doing something to change it? What are your solutions?
Anybody listening to the police scanner that morning remember the " GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" followed by the 4 minutes of silence? That was the only thing that had me suspect.
Anybody listening to the police scanner that morning remember the " GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" followed by the 4 minutes of silence? That was the only thing that had me suspect.
Why oh why does this tu quoque approach need to be used EVERY SINGLE TIME an event like this happens?

Again, it really trivializes these things.
-****, America is my damn country, and I love it to death. I have every damn right to point out the ****** up **** they do, I have every damn right to point out that this makes people hate them, I have every right to point out that people in other countries have legitimate reasons to hate America.

I'm not going anywhere because when I took my oath to become a citizen no where in their is that I have to be blindly ignorant to what goes on in the world, and that I must keep quiet to make real "Muricans" feel comfortable with their ignorance

-You think federal interrogation is some walk in the park. If you done or doing any dirt they will **** wit you regardless. Your immigration status is foggy, deported. You taxes looking fuzzy, audit. Prepare your angus because don't play nice. Go to the media first

-I have been to way more country than you probably, over 20 on stays at least longer than 10 days. And their are many countries there the citizens quality of life is much higher, word to Scandinavia. Stop ******g acting like America is the only country that has it's **** together. LINK

-Wait until your browsing history sets off the wrong data mining algorithm: Accidentally clicked on some Hentai, checked on a new Ben and Jerry's flavor, and then looked on Craigslist for a used white truck. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE NOW BEEN PROFILED AS A POTENTIAL PEDOPHILE!!!!

But is that all talk or are you doing something to change it? What are your solutions?

I email my reps, I write hard copy letters. Signed a dozens of petitions that have been sent to the White House. I would give money to a charity helping these families but I don't know #1 if a legit one actually exist #2 Sending money overseas is a really stupid for something like that is risky right now for any American citizen

And a solution to using drone strikes? Ummm how about sending in actual troops......Protip: Your comeback response to this solution will only further prove my point, fair warning
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Now I will agree with y'all on the CISPA act going under the radar which is bull**** and its horrible what we do with the Drone Strikes :smh: For every terrorist we get with those there's probably 5 innocent kids that lose their lives over in the Middle East. Bomb drills going on though is a reach, that could've been an annual thing, its more coincidence since bomb drills happen much more often than tragedies like that do. That's like saying an apartment had a fire drill the day an actual fire broke out, strictly coincidental w/ no correlation imo. And not saying its right, but the news and people in general have become desensitized to those events happening in Afghanistan, Syria, etc. (not to diminish those horrible circumstances in the slightest), but for it to happen in a major US city is a much more shocking story.

I don't think ppl have become desensitized to deaths in Afghan,etc. I believe it's the way the story is presented. If anything the ppl don't hear enough of these stories. A quick 60 second story compared to an entire week of every cable news channel dedicated to a domestic tragedy... The Norway terrorist shootings have all but been forgotten yet with this one I'm sure "we'll never forget" will be brought up at some point.
I also dont understand why there aren't fines in place for news that break out false or misleading info. It's come to the point where you can't even pay attention to the details about a story until months after.
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