EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I'm saying.

These dudes are out here "asking questions" that literally cant be answered at this time.

**** was a conspiracy before they finished cleaning blood off the finish line.:rolleyes
Oh they can't answer why they continue to release misinformation? I guess they aren't used to releasing press statements, so it's easy to have plenty of oversights in a domestic terrorism case.
I don't understand how THREE grown men get their throats slashed though. Like while your homie is getting sliced up, what are you doing? Getting in line to be next? Makes no sense, but it isn't out of the realm of possibility I guess.

Paid actors. Duh.
Do you have any idea how many statements they have to gather together and piece everything together before there is actually an "Official" story. The only reason they are rushing statements that later come back to be not entirely accurate is because bum *** dudes on the internet think they are entitled to all the evidence in the case and they are trying to appease the public because they want answers (and I dont blame them because I would like to know answers too). But im not sitting here calling conspiracy because they said they guy had an automatic weapon and it was only semi-auto or some other dumb little thing that is easy to overlook at this time.

Its ok to ask questions. But have you ever seen those studies where a guy runs up in a classroom and just does some random running around and then runs out and they interview all the people in the class? Barely anyone gets the description or the act correct. You dont get the real story till everything is pieced together and they get similar accounts from different people. And that isnt even a stressful situation like getting shot at or bombs thrown at you in the middle of the night while searching for a fugitive. They have to piece all the stories together and figure out what actually went down that night.

No1 is saying you have to believe everything the Government feeds you because even I question some things. But you seriously expect them to have all the facts 3 days after this happened when there are thousands of accounts they have to take and examine.

Just like everyone thinking there was one vehicle at the time of the big shootout. The pics from someone who lived in a house (posted a page back) on the street clearly show 2 and now we know kind of how things went down and how the 19 year old got away that night. Im sure there is all kinds of video/pictures from everywhere that is still coming in to the FBI that they are using to build their case.

So again be my guest and ask questions. But to act like they should have the entire story exactly how it happened 3 days later considering how long and drawn out the search was is kind of ridiculous.
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I swear, I come to this thread for the comedic relief now. I'm all for a good conspiracy theory, but if our generation is just a bunch of mindless, thoughtless, anti-government blabber mouths then I don't know what to say. There are people asking questions that can't possibly be answered yet and who won't take anything less than a HD 1080p video of the brothers setting backpacks down, with commentary from jahar when he's able.

I can't say this any more serious than I'm about to and I hope someone listens. If you are being chased by the police for whatever reason, don't pull out a gun and shoot at them. For this action may be taken as a sign of guilt and not just a scared, wrongly accused individual not knowing what else to do. It's funny that the same people who think the government is brainwashing everyone are the same people who let a pimply faced pre-teen adept at making collages and using ms paint to draw circles and arrows, CONVINCE them of a false flag cover up. I understand the age of technology leaves information to be scrutinized, but damn man at least make sense.
So again be my guest and ask questions. But to act like they should have the entire story exactly how it happened 3 days later considering how long and drawn out the search was is kind of ridiculous.
Working together around the clock, briefing the President, and nobody is on the same page?

They completely missed the pictures that the MEDIA was sourcing from the guy in the house and put out an APB for one of the vehicles they checked?

Believe that if you want. :lol:
The media is continuing with the immense coverage.

All day every day

i know ratings rule all, but it's as if everything else thats happening here or abroad just vanished.
People saying this is fake and pointing to inconsistent reports? Uh...isn't that a sign that this wasn't fake? If this was all planned out the "government puppet" media would already know all the deets.

But then if everybody was reporting the same story you'd cry about how its clearly fake.

But if the media all said "we're not going to report on this until we have the official story" you would all be saying "They gotta get their fake story straight before they present it," meanwhile crafting they're own "official" "false flag" story.


Got people in the conspiracy thread saying posters are from the Feds. Literally everything they do is fake and set up by the govt. now.
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[COLOR=#red]BOSTON (CBS)[/COLOR] – The Boston Marathon bombings appear to have been driven by the older of the two suspects, according to CBS News.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a shootout with police Friday as investigators closed in on them.

His younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, was captured and remains under heavy guard at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He was shot in the head, neck, legs, and hand.

Tsarnaev is communicating with authorities in writing. According to CBS News senior correspondent John Miller, he can say about one word at a time. Investigators went through public safety questions with him and tried to find out if he is part of a group.

“His account so far is that this was driven by his brother. It was mostly done online in terms of radicalization, finding instructions, and so on and so forth and there’s no international terrorism organization or Mr. Big behind it,” Miller said Tuesday.

“Now, there’s an important caveat there, which is, everything he said or wrote has to be checked out. They’re not taking that at face value. “

Miller said there are still several unanswered questions about the murder of MIT police office Sean Collier.

“The original question is they walked up to that car and appeared they shot the officer in the head unprovoked, that it was an assassination. But why? How did that fit into their plan? The operating theory now in the investigation is they were short one gun. The older brother had a gun. They wanted to get a gun for the younger brother and the fastest and most efficient way they could think of doing it was a surprise attack on a cop, to take his weapon and go. Officer Collier had a locking holster, it’s like a three-way lock. If you don’t know how to remove the gun, you’re not going to get it out. There was apparently an attempt to yank it and they couldn’t get it and left. “

Chilling new details also came out Monday from the victim who was carjacked during Friday’s rampage.

“They basically said we did the Boston Marathon bombing, but the rest of their conversation is in Russian,” Miller said. ”Now, the carjack victim doesn’t speak much English and he doesn’t speak any Russian. So, he was debriefed very carefully about ‘what else could you hear they said?’

“He said the only word I recognized was Manhattan. That tripped a lot. That’s why we saw last week stopping the trains from Boston to New York, searching the trains, and the NYPD flipped on it’s network of license plate readers at all of the bridges and tunnels coming into the city and loaded all of the license plates associated with these guys, because if they were headed to New York, they wanted to make sure that that tripped before they got in.”

Miller told WBZ NewsRadio 1030 the brothers told him, “we’re not going to kill you, because you’re not American.”

The brothers then forced the victim to make several stops to pick up bombs and cash before he could escape at a gas station.

Miller said the FBI has taken that victim back along the route to reconstruct the events.

“They’re certainly looking to see if there’s any indicator that they either had an additional stash of weapons or bombs along the way or had help from others.”

so your telling me these guys have been on the internet searching for how to make "pressure cooker" bombs and visiting al quada websites and never got flagged online???? Especially after the brother was investigated by the FBI previously? Even the mom said the FBI knew what sites they were going on.......

I just dont believe it, if it were that easy there would be many more attacks.
so your telling me these guys have been on the internet searching for how to make "pressure cooker" bombs and visiting al quada websites and never got flagged online???? Especially after the brother was investigated by the FBI previously? Even the mom said the FBI knew what sites they were going on.......

I just dont believe it, if it were that easy there would be many more attacks.

Well dude did go to Russia for half a year off a fake name.
Well dude did go to Russia for half a year off a fake name.

which would mean its more than just these 2 acting alone.

And im not sure if he used a fake name or there was a misspelling in his name? Ive only heard of a missspelling, but a fake name is logical.

I can see "whoever" trying to spin this as a isolated incident not to scare people, but the reality is there's sleeper cells here in the us and more prevalent than we think.
Well dude did go to Russia for half a year off a fake name.

which would mean its more than just these 2 acting alone.

And im not sure if he used a fake name or there was a misspelling in his name? Ive only heard of a missspelling, but a fake name is logical.

I can see "whoever" trying to spin this as a isolated incident not to scare people, but the reality is there's sleeper cells here in the us and more prevalent than we think.

This I agree with 100%. I don't believe any of this conspiracy of the government doing this and actors and all that but I do agree they are a part of a bigger problem. I mean they let that dude go because he wasn't American.

and also, reading the details of that Waltham murder :wow: Jesus.

I feel the same way. I'm not excusing Dzhokhar, but I just felt like if Tamerlan were alive things might be viewed a bit differently. I know when I was 19 I was still as naive as I was when I was 16. For those of you who have older brothers, you may know the length you'd go to help or protect them. This is an extreme case.

I mean, they had to kill Collier just to get another gun? Jesus. Is it worth it considering they'd only have one magazine in there? I was wondering if Dzhokhar was firing back from the boat, didn't seem like he was, especially after know this and how he fled and hid in the boat.

A man who left behind a child, and a fiancée. Another kid who by all accounts we've heard of was a kind young man. It's just too bad. So many lives could've been saved and changed.
This is real. I know a guy who was at the bombing with his kids he heard it and they left quick. Also my dad works 2 streets over. It was real.

You know how many people you would have to get to plan this out?

There were no actors. Yall are crazy if you think they hired actors. In the pic you can see Jahar and Martin Richard (8 yr old victim). That should tell you enough.

You would have to hire thousands and thousands of actors.

In the words of Russell Westbrook.

"What? Yall ****** trippin"
I feel the same way. I'm not excusing Dzhokhar, but I just felt like if Tamerlan were alive things might be viewed a bit differently. I know when I was 19 I was still as naive as I was when I was 16. For those of you who have older brothers, you may know the length you'd go to help or protect them. This is an extreme case.

I mean, they had to kill Collier just to get another gun? Jesus. Is it worth it considering they'd only have one magazine in there? I was wondering if Dzhokhar was firing back from the boat, didn't seem like he was, especially after know this and how he fled and hid in the boat.

A man who left behind a child, and a fiancée. Another kid who by all accounts we've heard of was a kind young man. It's just too bad. So many lives could've been saved and changed.

The whole situation is sad.

I just came across this article. It's a really good read that captures a small glimpse into the brother's lives leading up until the marathon bombing.

(Reuters) - In America, he had been a cocky and charismatic heavyweight boxer who wore fancy pointy leather shoes and slick white shirts down to the gym.

In Dagestan, the volatile southern Russian region where he lived for a time as a teen and returned to spend the first half of 2012, he became a quiet young man who spent his days online studying Islam, nursing a growing anger against heretics.

Exactly what turned Tamerlan Tsarnaev into the suspect accused of three murders and mass wounding in the Boston Marathon bombings may never be known. He died in a gunfight with police leaving no explanation. His younger brother and alleged co-conspirator Dzhokhar is in hospital, barely able to speak.

But a picture has emerged in the days since Tamerlan was killed of a proud but angry young man who never quite achieved his own idea of the American dream, but found solace instead in a radical form of Islam adopted by fighters in his homeland.

Special Report: The radicalization of Tamerlan Tsarnaev

This is real. I know a guy who was at the bombing with his kids he heard it and they left quick. Also my dad works 2 streets over. It was real.

You know how many people you would have to get to plan this out?

There were no actors. Yall are crazy if you think they hired actors. In the pic you can see Jahar and Martin Richard (8 yr old victim). That should tell you enough.

You would have to hire thousands and thousands of actors.

In the words of Russell Westbrook.

"What? Yall ****** trippin"

I'm glad to hear that your people got out OK. However, don't waste your time or breath explaining the reality of the situation to ANYONE who thinks that there were actors involved. To me, that's some next level stupidity. Even for a conspiracy theorist.
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i just found out that their mom had been arrested for stealing clothes from of all places, lord & taylor..

talk about irony.
You can see where the brothers get their smarts from, mother is a moron. Sounds like she was brainwashed too. "It's because they were muslim". The mother and father better not be allowed entrance.
I'm saying.

These dudes are out here "asking questions" that literally cant be answered at this time.

**** was a conspiracy before they finished cleaning blood off the finish line.
Son there are people that still have questions unanswered from 9/11.

That was 12 years ago. 
I'm saying.

These dudes are out here "asking questions" that literally cant be answered at this time.

**** was a conspiracy before they finished cleaning blood off the finish line.:rolleyes

Son there are people that still have questions unanswered from 9/11.

That was 12 years ago. 

i have questions about the shooting the other day over on hoover..... conspiracy!!!
"His younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, was captured and remains under heavy guard at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He was shot in the head, neck, legs, and hand."


Does this look like someone who got shot in the head,neck and leg?

"His younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, was captured and remains under heavy guard at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He was shot in the head, neck, legs, and hand."


Does this look like someone who got shot in the head,neck and leg?


we need a grainy photo taken at night of a person shot in the head, neck, legs and hand to compare
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