EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Eventually, Tamerlan Tsarnaev emerged from cover and began walking toward officers, firing as he went, the chief said.

When he ran out of ammunition, officers tackled him and tried to handcuff him, Deveau said Saturday.

But then, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev came barreling at them in the stolen vehicle, the chief said. The officers scrambled out of the way, and the vehicle then ran over the older brother and dragged him for a short distance.


So you're telling me he was able to EMPTY his clip, then proceed to WALK to the officers and instead of the 10 officers putting 200 rounds into his forehead, they ran up and tackled him?

Sounds fishy to me breh

Sean Bell didnt even have a gun and they put 70 rounds into him. You would think they cops wouldve let off 500 bullets into the Civic, I dont how the hell these dudes were able to switch seats/get out/shoot at the cops/DRIVE THROUGH the cop cars.
This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.

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Seriously, aren't there certain requirements that need to be met to be a mod?

Seriously, this is a free site, much like a free country - where we could express what we feel as long as we're not breaking any rules that are implemented.

I have my feelings towards things, and you have yours. The conglomerate of NT staff come from all walks of life. That's what makes us all great. We all have different political views, feelings and answers to different things, but what's great is we can all come together and converse in peace.

I've spent countless hours serving this community, sent and received THOUSANDS of PM's to and from members looking for guidance and helped recover the funds of numerous members that rightfully belonged to them from scamming incidents that arouse from transactions that were initiated from this site. My status here as Mod has been vouched for by members for years.

What I said is no different than what's being said in the 'Boston Conspiracy thread'. I would appreciate that you DON'T bring in my status in this community based on how I feel about these fluke bombings. Where's the proof of these people being the alleged bombers? Oh, did we not just murder someone was being accused of something with no sufficient evidence besides photos of them standing there with baseball caps?! Please! I expect more from a country that boasts freedom, liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.

I've been here for more years than you can count with both hands. Please; next time - show more respect towards opinions.
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So you're telling me he was able to EMPTY his clip, then proceed to WALK to the officers and instead of the 10 officers putting 200 rounds into his forehead, they ran up and tackled him?

Sounds fishy to me breh

Sean Bell didnt even have a gun and they put 70 rounds into him. You would think they cops wouldve let off 500 bullets into the Civic, I dont how the hell these dudes were able to switch seats/get out/shoot at the cops/DRIVE THROUGH the cop cars.

Yet according to some people we have no right to ask any questions. We're supposed to take whatever the media tells us and shutup. No matter how odd it may sound.
Seriously, this is a free site, much like a free country - where we could express what we feel as long as we're not breaking any rules that are implemented.

I have my feelings towards things, and you have yours. The conglomerate of NT staff come from all walks of life. That's what makes us all great. We all have different political views, feelings and answers to different things, but what's great is we can all come together and converse in peace.

I've spent countless hours serving this community, sent and received THOUSANDS of PM's to and from members looking for guidance and helped recover the funds of numerous members that rightfully belonged to them from scamming incidents that arouse from transactions that were initiated from this site. My status here as Mod has been vouched for by members for years.

What I said is no different than what's being said in the 'Boston Conspiracy thread'. I would appreciate that you DON'T bring in my status in this community based on how I feel about these fluke bombings. Where's the proof of these people being the alleged bombers? Oh, did we not just murder someone was being accused of something with no sufficient evidence besides photos of them standing there with baseball caps?! Please! I expect more from a country that boasts freedom, liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.

I've been here for more years than you can count with both hands. Please; next time - show more respect towards opinions.
So you're telling me he was able to EMPTY his clip, then proceed to WALK to the officers and instead of the 10 officers putting 200 rounds into his forehead, they ran up and tackled him?

Sounds fishy to me breh

Sean Bell didnt even have a gun and they put 70 rounds into him. You would think they cops wouldve let off 500 bullets into the Civic, I dont how the hell these dudes were able to switch seats/get out/shoot at the cops/DRIVE THROUGH the cop cars.
you realize they couldn't care less if sean bell lived or not right?

they want to catch these types of people alive to interrogate them. to see if they have more bombs, or are part of a deeper system
Seriously, this is a free site, much like a free country - where we could express what we feel as long as we're not breaking any rules that are implemented.

I have my feelings towards things, and you have yours. The conglomerate of NT staff come from all walks of life. That's what makes us all great. We all have different political views, feelings and answers to different things, but what's great is we can all come together and converse in peace.

I've spent countless hours serving this community, sent and received THOUSANDS of PM's to and from members looking for guidance and helped recover the funds of numerous members that rightfully belonged to them from scamming incidents that arouse from transactions that were initiated from this site. My status here as Mod has been vouched for by members for years.

What I said is no different than what's being said in the 'Boston Conspiracy thread'. I would appreciate that you DON'T bring in my status in this community based on how I feel about these fluke bombings. Where's the proof of these people being the alleged bombers? Oh, did we not just murder someone was being accused of something with no sufficient evidence besides photos of them standing there with baseball caps?! Please! I expect more from a country that boasts freedom, liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.

I've been here for more years than you can count with both hands. Please; next time - show more respect towards opinions.

I respect opinions wholeheartedly. I also have the right to call people out when they spew conspiracy drivel. I don't doubt that you have done your bit for this site. What I do take umbrage with is knee jerk cries of nonsense. "Fake bombings?" "Losing faith?" Please, dude. You're right, your opinion isn't different than those in the conspiracy theory thread. That's hardly a feather in your cap though.
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Oh, did we not just murder someone was being accused of something with no sufficient evidence besides photos of them standing there with baseball caps?

I thought he was murdered for shooting at police during a car chase.......

there should be a better vetting process for mods.
Republicans have got me worried. This whole enemy combatant crap and saying hings like we are on a battlefield and we are at war with radical Islam.

What a bunch of idiots.

4 people just got shot in Akron execution style last week, are we also at war with those insane killers?

:x :smh: this country is ran by idiots.

Brilliant choice of gif.

Conspiracy theory: nt mod reborn with a new name?

when will the video of them setting the bombs down release?
when Detox is released and Cam finishes his Saturn.
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Respect your opinion?you said the bombing was scripted and fake. I have friends and family who were both across the street from the bombs as they exploded, and running up Boylston St in the marathon as they went off. They told me themselves how real the things they saw were.
I thought he was murdered for shooting at police during a car chase.......

Both suspects were shooting at the cops for up to 10 minutes. Suspect #2 got into two firefights with cops and lived.

They pleaded for him to come out the boat after unloading on it.

"Suspect #2 you're shooting at us, so if you put that gun down and climb out the boat, you'll live!"

But he climbed out on his own(w/ obvious gunshots to neck,hand,legs, head) or FBI HRT went to get him (when he was armed and near death)

Both suspects were shooting at the cops for up to 10 minutes. Suspect #2 got into two firefights with cops and lived.

They pleaded for him to come out the boat after unloading on it.

"Suspect #2 you're shooting at us, so if you put that gun down and climb out the boat, you'll live!"

But he climbed out on his own(w/ obvious gunshots to neck,hand,legs, head) or FBI HRT went to get him (when he was armed and near death)


"Who cares if the official story doesn't make sense man. We got the terrorist. That's all that matters. Now lets go out and celebrate!!! USA! USA!"
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Both suspects were shooting at the cops for up to 10 minutes. Suspect #2 got into two firefights with cops and lived.

They pleaded for him to come out the boat after unloading on it.

"Suspect #2 you're shooting at us, so if you put that gun down and climb out the boat, you'll live!"

But he climbed out on his own(w/ obvious gunshots to neck,hand,legs, head) or FBI HRT went to get him (when he was armed and near death)


"Who cares if the official story doesn't make sense man. We got the terrorist. That's all that matters. Now lets go out and celebrate!!! USA! USA!"

You're right... I bet we don't even have soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan.... these sheep just want to follow the official story for everything
I thought he was murdered for shooting at police during a car chase.......

there should be a better vetting process for mods.

Evidently he has not been following the case if that's all the evidence he has acquired to make that statement.
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