EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

what the hell?

all this speculation is getting out of control.
now they sayn no arrest or name 
:lol: You serious? I guess I should have gotten over Sandy Hook even though no one I knew personally was affected. Same with Aurora, 9/11, etc.

I was living in NY during 9/11 and it was one of the worst days of my life. Something that I'll never forget and will obviously stay with me forever.

But yea...I should move on. >D

I'm not even from NY and the reality of 9/11 hasn't fully sunk in. That was too much.
You're telling me if bombs go off in Cleveland you would feel nothing?

OK, :lol:.

I would feel saddened, but that's where it would stop. Why live in fear?! I've seen murders occur in broad day light, no lie. I don't walk around in fear fam, sorry. Odds are, I'm more likely to die from a car accident than I am a 'bomb' from a terrorist. So I'll take my chances and live a happy, unfearful life.

:lol: You serious? I guess I should have gotten over Sandy Hook even though no one I knew personally was affected. Same with Aurora, 9/11, etc.

I was living in NY during 9/11 and it was one of the worst days of my life. Something that I'll never forget and will obviously stay with me forever.

But yea...I should move on. >D

What exactly should you be dwelling on here fam?
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well just like people cant just get up and decide to move and live legally in america its the same for other countries. and i dont do anything illegal either but does that mean i want to be watched by someone 24/7. thats like saying "I dont have anything illegal on me officer u can decide to pat me down and check me when ever u feel like it"

You have a cellphone and use the internet, right? You don't think your every move is being tracked? Folks are getting upset at cameras, when just about every other aspect of your life is being monitored.
I would feel saddened, but that's where it would stop. Why live in fear?! I've seen murders occur in broad day light, no lie. I don't walk around in fear fam, sorry. Odds are, I'm more likely to die from a car accident than I am a 'bomb' from a terroist. So I'll take my chances and live a happy, unfearful life.
What exactly should you be dwelling on here fam?

I'm not dwelling on anything. I live my life the way I want and to the fullest, but I'm not desensitized to the point where major tragedies are forgotten. Like I said before, something as simple as going to the movies has changed for me. Have I stopped going? No. But I try to be aware of my surroundings when in a theater.

Fear is living like a doomsday prepper where your everyday life is compromised due to paranoia.
You're telling me if bombs go off in Cleveland you would feel nothing?

OK, :lol:.

I would feel saddened, but that's where it would stop. Why live in fear?! I've seen murders occur in broad day light, no lie. I don't walk around in fear fam, sorry. Odds are, I'm more likely to die from a car accident than I am a 'bomb' from a terrorist. So I'll take my chances and live a happy, unfearful life.

Not necessarily fear, but I'm telling you, you would be much more aware of your surroundings.

Murders are much different than random bombs going off in the middle of populated areas.
You have a cellphone and use the internet, right? You don't think your every move is being tracked? Folks are getting upset at cameras, when just about every other aspect of your life is being monitored.
Yeah them feds got my boy for 10 years by them cell phone towers... as long as you have a phone they can find your location cause our phones bounce off towers.. **** is real...

This dude is late as hell to the party with the conspiracy theories about wheelchair dude. Been debunked already.
well just like people cant just get up and decide to move and live legally in america its the same for other countries. and i dont do anything illegal either but does that mean i want to be watched by someone 24/7. thats like saying "I dont have anything illegal on me officer u can decide to pat me down and check me when ever u feel like it"

You have a cellphone and use the internet, right? You don't think your every move is being tracked? Folks are getting upset at cameras, when just about every other aspect of your life is being monitored.
MAAAAAAAAAAN u know what i mean. dont sit here and act like u want someone watching and recording u ALL THE TIME waiting for u to do something
It's sad that there is a picture of Krstyle Campbell already dead on the Internet

That's gotta be the worst as a parent
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