EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I just brought up the possibility of the terrorists being white Americans has changed the overall tone of the news reporters on CNN.

If they do happen to be white Americans I really hope they don't do the whole they are such smart kids and they went to this school etc.

All that doesn't matter @ the end of the day they are terrorists.
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White hat guy's bowlegged gait could be their undoing as Anderson Cooper just pointed out

I didn't even notice it at first...
I can't tell if they are white. You guys got better eyes than me.

If they do turn out to be some MIT pissed off white guys in all honesty there will be an entirely different narrative than the angry Arab terrorist. They will be talked about as misunderstood and "mentally Ill"

Just the way it goes. At the end of the day they are evil terrible terrorists. Don't care what color or background they are
Are you actually insinuating that if these guys turn out to be white that the news will somehow turn this into a "OMG These guys were so smart to mastermind this act"?

Go somewhere else with that **** son. Your an idiot.
Not what he's saying at all.

Then please enlighten me. Because thats sure what it sounded like to me.

Have you forgotten how they covered Adam Lanza and James Holmes?
Then please enlighten me. Because thats sure what it sounded like to me.
I can't tell if they are white. You guys got better eyes than me.

If they do turn out to be some MIT pissed off white guys in all honesty there will be an entirely different narrative than the angry Arab terrorist. They will be talked about as misunderstood and "mentally Ill"

Just the way it goes. At the end of the day they are evil terrible terrorists. Don't care what color or background they are
Thats what he was saying.
Are you actually insinuating that if these guys turn out to be white that the news will somehow turn this into a "OMG These guys were so smart to mastermind this act"?

Go somewhere else with that **** son. Your an idiot.
Not what he's saying at all.

Then please enlighten me. Because thats sure what it sounded like to me.

Have you forgotten how they covered Adam Lanza and James Holmes?

OK I get what your saying. They are scum either way and I agree. But you have to admit an American (whether they are white/black/hispanic/Asian) attacking us is rightfully categorized as something much different than a foreigner who is part of an Anti-American group and is attacking us out of hatred for the USA. Its going to be talked about differently. But I dont think that takes away from the fact that everyone thinks that these people are terrible human beings and deserve to rot in the worst possible place imaginable.
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I can't tell if they are white. You guys got better eyes than me.

If they do turn out to be some MIT pissed off white guys in all honesty there will be an entirely different narrative than the angry Arab terrorist. They will be talked about as misunderstood and "mentally Ill"

Just the way it goes. At the end of the day they are evil terrible terrorists. Don't care what color or background they are

Well, pissed off MIT students aren't going to have the same narrative as angry Arab terrorist.

You're jumping the gun on the misunderstood and mentally ill part. Are Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, and Ted Kacyzki characterized as mentally ill and misunderstood? It takes a different kind of person to construct bombs compared to mass shooters.
He looks like ricky rubio.

:rofl: I knew dude looked familiar and douchebagerish

I don't think that pic clearly shows he was without a backpack though. He had on his right side in the videos. Why is the FBI not releasing more video footage?
OK I get what your saying. They are scum either way and I agree. But you have to admit an American (whether they are white/black/hispanic/Asian) attacking us is rightfully categorized as something much different than a foreigner who is part of an Anti-American group and is attacking us out of hatred for the USA. Its going to be talked about differently. But I dont think that takes away from the fact that everyone thinks that these people are terrible human beings and deserve to rot in the worst possible place imaginable.
Stop it, just stop it with the phony BS. We all know how it is in this country.
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