EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Dudes were waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.  :lol: :lol:

And that my friends, is why you leave it to the experts.  All this armchair detective crap is entertaining, but shouldn't be taken as seriously as some folks online were taking it.  Dudes were POSITIVE that they were right.  :lol:

Cue CamronNope.gif

Its worth trying! We all wanna know and find out, hope the first 2 guys arent hurt, at least they can sue the NY Post and get paid :lol:

Hope they can catch these guys in the next 72 hours
Guys are probably dead somewhere. It's sad, but these situations never turn out in the favor of the investigation because the nature of the suspects.
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.

A·mer·i·can [uh-mer-i-kuhn]
1. of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen.
Guys are probably dead somewhere. It's sad, but these situations never turn out in the favor of the investigation because the nature of the suspects.
I've been wondering this. Isn't there a good chance that they have taken their own lives already? Btw I don't ask in the tone of conspiracy.
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.

A classic example that if you look somewhat white, you can be labeled as an American :smh:
Dudes were waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.  

And that my friends, is why you leave it to the experts.  All this armchair detective crap is entertaining, but shouldn't be taken as seriously as some folks online were taking it.  Dudes were POSITIVE that they were right.  

Cue CamronNope.gif
Its worth trying! We all wanna know and find out, hope the first 2 guys arent hurt, at least they can sue the NY Post and get paid

Hope they can catch these guys in the next 72 hours
I completely agree--no harm in trying to sleuth a little IF people don't take it as gospel.  reddit and other sites deemed those 2 NY Post dudes as suspects and look at their FB pages.  That's the harm in taking armchair detective work too seriously.  Leave the accusations to the experts because us folks on the internet are privy to probably 10% of the intelligence the feds have.  
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.

A·mer·i·can [uh-mer-i-kuhn]
1. of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen.

How can you tell what country someone is from by looking at them?
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.

A·mer·i·can [uh-mer-i-kuhn]
1. of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen.
Still doesn't answer the question.

Personally, I really can't tell off these blurry photos. Guess we'll wait and see.
Guys are probably dead somewhere. It's sad, but these situations never turn out in the favor of the investigation because the nature of the suspects.

Tim McViegh...Eric Rudolph...Ted Kaczynski. None of them ended up dead somewhere.
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.
A classic example that if you look somewhat white, you can be labeled as an American

That's on par with being labeled a terrorist because you have brown skin and an accent.  
For those saying they look american...

1. What does that even mean?
2. How can you even tell if they are americans or not by a few pics? Pics aren't even good quality.

A·mer·i·can [uh-mer-i-kuhn]
1. of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen.

How can you tell what country someone is from by looking at them?

:lol: I'm saying though...The US is extremely diverse so pretty much anyone can look "American"
I completely agree--no harm in trying to sleuth a little IF people don't take it as gospel.  reddit and other sites deemed those 2 NY Post dudes as suspects and look at their FB pages.  That's the harm in taking armchair detective work too seriously.  Leave the accusations to the experts because us folks on the internet are privy to less than [COLOR=#red]%1[/COLOR] probably 10% of the intelligence the feds have.  


That's on par with being labeled a terrorist because you have brown skin and an accent.  

I'm just saying, who cares if they're American? Regardless of their nationality, race, country of origin, etc., they are (allegedly) bad dudes and need to have justice exacted on them.
Im just gonna say, if you think this is all the FBI has, then youre mistaken. So relax. This is what they released to the public because they have reasons to believe these 2 were involved.


If they had higher quality photos there would be no reason to withhold them. They released the pictures so the public can help identify these guys.
Their attire looks American to me. Ethnicity is hard to tell but they don't look white to me. Actual nationality/identity/ideological beliefs are impossible to tell solely off pictures. Those of you throwing out the "disgruntled college kid" theories could be just as off base as those assuming the culprits are Islamic terrorists could be. To get actual insight into motivation, they'll need to catch these guys and/or identify them. I doubt they stuck around Boston, but I guess we'll see. I hope they catch them quickly so we can get some closure and end some of the media frenzy.
and just like that...the interwebz was way off in their accusations.

and just like that...the interwebz was way off in their accusations.

Dudes were waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.  :lol: :lol:

And that my friends, is why you leave it to the experts.  All this armchair detective crap is entertaining, but shouldn't be taken as seriously as some folks online were taking it.  Dudes were POSITIVE that they were right.  :lol:

Cue CamronNope.gif

Dudes were waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.  :lol: :lol:

And that my friends, is why you leave it to the experts.  All this armchair detective crap is entertaining, but shouldn't be taken as seriously as some folks online were taking it.  Dudes were POSITIVE that they were right.  :lol:

Cue CamronNope.gif
came in here to say this. exactly this

ol "reddit is smarter than the feds think bols"

"4Chan detectives got this!" :rofl: :rofl:
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That's on par with being labeled a terrorist because you have brown skin and an accent.  

I'm just saying, who cares if they're American? Regardless of their nationality, race, country of origin, etc., they are (allegedly) bad dudes and need to have justice exacted on them.

I agree 100%. Was being more sarcastic than anything. In all reality, being labeled American because you're white or a terrorist because you have brown skin and an accent are both equally wrong.
I agree 100%. Was being more sarcastic than anything. In all reality, being labeled American because you're white or a terrorist because you have brown skin and an accent are both equally wrong.

Thanks for clarifying and I agree 100%. America =/= white people and Terrorists =/= olive/tan skinned people. We'd be smart and better off not compartmentalizing who looks American and who looks like a terrorist.
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