EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

seriously, idk why NYers still **** with them. thought people would learn by now the only paper worth picking up in NY is NYTimes and metro.
nah lets be easy with that 24 mentality. picture like this is gonna bring out the conspiracy theorists hardbody in this thread. wait for more info....

2 more explosive devices found, but i'm stupid for assuming that (domestic) terrorists are involved.

I'm in Boston and was driving in the Fenway area and it was a mess. Cops rerouting traffic away from boylston st, ambulances non stop heading towards that way. **** is crazy!!!
I'm suprised there are no NTers from Boston who have posted a few eye witness accounts - Although I'm grateful for the news, I want to know what happened really because rumors really cause a panic

(posting from NYC)

i was on the street watching tv on boylston...

sounded like fireworks...but there are hundreds of folks out so ii didnt think anything of it until i saw smoke and folks running away....then a barrage of police and ambulances...

im black...i didnt go towards the commotion...i exited stage left asap
seriously, idk why NYers still **** with them. thought people would learn by now the only paper worth picking up in NY is NYTimes and metro.
nah lets be easy with that 24 mentality. picture like this is gonna bring out the conspiracy theorists hardbody in this thread. wait for more info....

You're right.

Not tryina stir up anything, but that particular moment in time just seems odd. Could just be a regular person watching the end of the race..... you never know, could be something. Didnt even notice til it was pointed out.
You're right.

Not tryina stir up anything, but that particular moment in time just seems odd. Could just be a regular person watching the end of the race..... you never know, could be something. Didnt even notice til it was pointed out.

Cops usually patrol rooftops during major events such as this, right? Might be a cop?
Crazier, and crazier **** has been happening recently in our country alone. What the **** man.

2 confirmed dead and 23 injured.
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