F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

This took me out :rofl:
Someone explain this to me like I’m 5 years old….

What happened to Lewis Hamilton?
The F1 2022 season had completely new technical rules. That meant completely new car designs. One of the unexpected side-effects of these new rules was that it caused some of the cars to "porpoise" on the long straights... the car would bounce like a porpoise at high speeds. That makes it very uncomfortable... and painful for the drivers. Some teams were able to solve this, or at least, minimize this bouncing... but Merc were not able to do so. They've been trying to figure it out, but haven't found any solutions. As I understand it, they can change the setup of the car to reduce it, but at the cost of performance. For some reason, perhaps in their setups, Lewis is suffering more than George. Merc have also stated that they're trying different solutions, hence why their cars are different.

Anyway, Baku has a HUGE straight where the bouncing was pretty extreme. After a full race weekend, it took it's toll on Lewis.
The F1 2022 season had completely new technical rules. That mean completely new car designs. One of the unexpected side-effects of these new rules was that it caused some of the cars to "porpoise" on the long straights... the car would bounce like a porpoise at high speeds. That makes it very uncomfortable... and painful for the drivers. Some teams were able to solve this, or at least, minimize this bouncing... but Merc were not able to do so. They've been trying to figure it out, but haven't found any solutions. As I understand it, they can change the setup of the car to reduce it, but at the cost of performance. For some reason, perhaps in their setups, Lewis is suffering more than George. Merc have also stated that they're trying different solutions, hence why their cars are different.

Anyway, Baku has a HUGE straight where the bouncing was pretty extreme. After a full race weekend, it took it's toll on Lewis.

He’s getting beat out by his teammate all the time tho.

That’s what has me 😮
Hard to say... Could be a variety of reasons. Maybe Lewis is being used to test different setups, hence it might be 'handicapping' him vs George. Or maybe the current Merc just suits George's driving style more. We've seen something like this at RBR, where the car just works better with Max's driving style... as well as McLaren for Lando. Does that mean Lando/George is better than Daniel/Lewis? Of course not... but driving style and a car suiting one driver over another is definitely a thing that can happen.
Hard to say... Could be a variety of reasons. Maybe Lewis is being used to test different setups, hence it might be 'handicapping' him vs George. Or maybe the current Merc just suits George's driving style more. We've seen something like this at RBR, where the car just works better with Max's driving style... as well as McLaren for Lando. Does that mean Lando/George is better than Daniel/Lewis? Of course not... but driving style and a car suiting one driver over another is definitely a thing that can happen.

You think the cars purposing is ever going to stop?
Porpoising is nothing new and has been in motorsports for decades. It's just the laws of physics, aerodynamics, etc. It just happens more on cars which rely on generating downforce from their floors. I'm told it happens a lot in Indycar as well as endurance sports cars. It's an issue for F1 now cuz of the new regulations. I don't think they can ever stop it... but can minimize it. Like the RBR and Ferrari... both porpoise on the straights... it's just not as extreme as the Merc and is more under control as soon as the car slows down.
Porpoising is nothing new and has been in motorsports for decades. It's just the laws of physics, aerodynamics, etc. It just happens more on cars which rely on generating downforce from their floors. I'm told it happens a lot in Indycar as well as endurance sports cars. It's an issue for F1 now cuz of the new regulations. I don't think they can ever stop it... but can minimize it. Like the RBR and Ferrari... both porpoise on the straights... it's just not as extreme as the Merc and is more under control as soon as the car slows down.

You’re the best Sinner
Yea, I read that Lewis' car is being used to test different upgrades so all of the unpredictable things have been happening to his car. I guess he feels that he's out of the title hunt so he'd rather help develop the car so it can be competitive next season. Lewis has also had some unlucky results due to untimely pit stops/safety cars.
it’s time to officially chalk up Merc’s season as a total L. Porpoising is back, falling down the grid from FP1 to FP2. The W13 is a dud.
---- VinMillerHearn58 VinMillerHearn58

I'm not surprised that Ferrari is completely blowing it with reliability issues.

I STILL wouldn't count Merc out at this stage in the season for a few reasons:

1- Ferrari Power unit issues will be turning into grid penalties very very soon (as will most of the rest of the grid)
2- Red Bull's reliability has not been as good as Mercedes so far (max even had a DRS issue yesterday AGAIN)
3- Merc could solve the porpoising issue by Silverstone
4- If the Car stops bouncing on straights, there's no two drivers I'd rather have on the grid right now than George and Lewis Nobody's race craft is as good as theirs, they minimize errors and are able to overcome challenges that others haven't been able to.

Also I think I mentioned a few months back that I didn't like George Russell- I take it back. Love that guy. Outstanding driver, and seems like a great teammate to Lewis.

Give Lewis and George a car that can match the pace of the Ferarris and Red Bulls and we've probably got the most entertaining season in YEARS on our hands.

The gap between lewis and max in the standings is substantial right now but a few wins for Lewis plus a few DNF's, errors or otherwise for Max and the story could be completely different by the end of the summer.
^ That rumor's been going around for a while and looks like it's picking up pace again. Nicky seems like a nice guy, but his performance just hasn't been good. Oscar deserves a shot, so let's see what he can do.
Looks like the FIA will be issuing a technical directive on this.

Some background first, for those interested.
And Ferrari will be as well…meaning Red Bull has no competition for the rest of the season :smh:

I think there's still more to come from the FIA. Sounds like this is a work in progress.

But RB still has some lingering reliability issues and Max has like a 20% DNF rate for his career which I think is the highest among active drivers.
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