FABOLOUS was arrested for domestic violence.

U never met a full grown adult that needed chastising???
And again children are smaller so why is it acceptable just cause ur responsible for their upbringing
Still haven’t given me a legitimate reason
you as a free willing adult shouldn't need to, much less think it is your place to "discipline" (especially physically) your partner who should also be a free willing adult
if that is the case then it's clear the two don't respect each other and shouldn't be together
Please tell me someone who uses full strength to hit a child compared to when people usually use full strength on a woman like in this case with fab. Like what are we doing here my guy. Just stop already.

Bruh I’m not saying using full strength
People use the strength appropriate for the situation
Like a drunk friend or relative
That’s doing too much
U ain’t tryna use full strength
Or at least I hope it doesn’t require that
Ur usually using enough
To chill them out
Or get them to stop
Without going overboard
Ur tryna make other points
And still not fully fleshing out ur points
I don’t think it’s ok to hit women
But I do get why it happens
Also don’t think it’s ok to hit kids
But I get why it happens as well
Just cause I don’t agree
Or think it’s ok
Doesn’t mean I don’t get the reason
Or have/haven’t done it
All I’m sayin
Ain’t so black and white
Or has a fine line
Which ur trying too make
That’s all
So say ur kid roars up at u
After u tell him to put up his toys
He says “**** u daddy I ain’t doing ****”
Then kicks u in the leg
It’s ok to whoop ur kid
But a female does the exact same thing
and it’s unacceptable

Even if in some bizarro world what you wrote made a sliver of sense, that still ignores the fact he punched her 7 times and apparently knocked two teeth out.

If you knock two of your kids teeth out because you punched them while "disciplining" them, they locking your *** up and taking your kids from you.
Please tell me someone who uses full strength to hit a child compared to when people usually use full strength on a woman like in this case with fab. Like what are we doing here my guy. Just stop already.

By the time I hit 12 it was no more belts.

Pops was straight caving my chest in :lol:

That **** hurt but even then I don’t think he was giving it his all.
you as a free willing adult shouldn't need to, much less think it is your place to "discipline" (especially physically) your partner who should also be a free willing adult
if that is the case then it's clear the two don't respect each other and shouldn't be together
Agree 100%
Even if in some bizarro world what you wrote made a sliver of sense, that still ignores the fact he punched her 7 times and apparently knocked two teeth out.

If you knock two of your kids teeth out because you punched them while "disciplining" them, they locking your *** up and taking your kids from you.
I’m not equated or equaling
Fab situation to anything
U don’t apparently read
Or ur comprehension is trash
If u go back to the first post
I stated how it’s accepted to discipline a child
But not a female
And was trying to say
That how maybe hitting anyone in general shouldn’t be accepted
Ur talking about something else entirely
I’m saying no one should be hit
Not trying to justify hitting

My dude got 2 accounts
And forgot to log out of the other one
to quote himself
And give himself props :lol: :smh:
I’m not reading it
Mind giving my a synopsis
Btw I think chastising a child
should be acceptable
I’m just making the point of
How they are more defenseless than women
But how folks Like to say
Ur stronger than her blah blah blah
She argues that whupping black kids isnt good for their mental health and plays a role in deviant behavior etc. She traces the roots of whupping back to slavery and how we were whupped by our masters. She breaks down why it isnt good to whup your kids. I haven't read it but I heard a lot about the book.
Fam, the "hence my comment" was referring to my comment that i quoted underneath that. Which is evident by the semicolon.

Just chill for the night, B.
I’m not equated or equaling
Fab situation to anything
U don’t apparently read
Or ur comprehension is trash
If u go back to the first post
I stated how it’s accepted to discipline a child
But not a female
And was trying to say
That how maybe hitting anyone in general shouldn’t be accepted
Ur talking about something else entirely
I’m saying no one should be hit
Not trying to justify hitting

My reading comprehension is trash? :lol:

My *****, first of all you write like you never passed the third grade. You're comparing disciplining a child to hitting your significant other. No matter how much I personally disagree with spanking, or whatever you wanna call it, equating that to hitting a grown *** person you CHOOSE to be in a relationship with is absolutely asinine.

Like somebody else said, go log off.
She argues that whupping black kids isnt good for their mental health and plays a role in deviant behavior etc. She traces the roots of whupping back to slavery and how we were whupped by our masters. She breaks down what it isnt good to whup your kids. I haven't read it but I heard a lot about the book.
I may read it
Repped again
I think there’s some truth to that
My reading comprehension is trash? :lol:

My *****, first of all you write like you never passed the third grade. You're comparing disciplining a child to hitting your significant other. No matter how much I personally disagree with spanking, or whatever you wanna call it, equating that to hitting a grown *** person you CHOOSE to be in a relationship with is absolutely asinine.

Like somebody else said, go log off.
U know reading comprehension
And writing are 2 different abilities to have right???
And again u haven’t read ****
I just said
So why are u saying I’m equating anything
I just said that I’m not equating anything
Then u go and write I’m equating both
I’m never even responding to u
Cause u obviously don’t comprehend well
So don’t even respond to me
cause I won’t read it
And I’m not putting u on ignore
Just gonna gloss over ur posts
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