Falling in love for the weekend (confessions)

Aside from the aforementioned. I simply stated "its an interesting read".. Did you not find the "****old" an intriguing read? ARE you a ****old? I never placed a label on you in that regard. Just offered a direction. Open your mind.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

You sound like a douche. Post your pic if you say you're good looking and god gift to women etc . Otherwise ducktale
Originally Posted by Phen0m

Originally Posted by Dropten

mdwst9 wrote:
to me sounds like OP is just boring...and weird lol
You saw this girl 4 days in a row for dates. IMO u do too much in the beginning. Spread out the love and you will have more successful relationships. Take the time out and actually get to know these women thru thick and thin and then u will find out what true love it. Yes that beginning love is great but it doesnt compare to being truly in love with someone.
I think your issue lies deep within and your trying to make urself feel better by trying to justify it.
Cant do that. Gotta get it in then get out. I find flaws quickly and I get turned off easily.
Im super picky but about the wierdest things.
1- She must have some calf development. I hate women with thick thighs and twig legs. Nothing better than a women in a skirt with nice legs.
2- Must wear thongs, g-strings or boy shorts on a reg. Women who wear regular underwear no matter how "pretty" they are turn me off.
I hate panty lines. It looks tacky to me.
3- Skin. Skin must be naturally soft with minor blemishes(dont mind freckles). I dont mind stretch marks either. But it cant be on her legs(not thighs) or arms. I dont mind scars. Infact, i like them.
I hate pale skin. It just seems sickly to me and seems theyre prone to skin issues
4- Minimal make up. I go more for natural beauty. I hate make up but dont mind some eye shadow or liner. I hate lipstick and lip gloss with a passion. I like to kiss and when a woman has that *##+ on her lips I cant take it, cause it gets on mine and they gotta keep reapplying.
5- Must have decent feet, I like cute feet. I never met a girl with bad hands and I dont care if she bites her nails cause I do.
6- She must be naturally nuerturing. If im to have children with her, she needs to be motherly. I get a great feeling when I see a woman close to her children.
7- ear lobe. I dont like when there's no ear lobe and its like the ear goes straight to the neck.
8- Posture. Must have great posture. bad posture seems like weakness to me.
9- Must be physically strong. I really dislike weak women.

This reads to me that you probably are a goodlooking guy.. but you clearly arent as attractive as you desire to be, you probably have, what you deem.. are a few physical flaws that you wish you could change..perhaps a few different personality characteristics.

  What you are obviously looking for in a partner, is someone hardworking, cares about her appearance personally, but isnt into looking good for other people(guys)..hence the no makeup.. confident, caring and someone who is reliable and wont leave a relationship on a whim.. ie the "good with children" aspect.  Youre looking for someone older obviously, as most younger females, tend to be the opposite of a few aspects, and youre looking for someone who is overall "motherly" to you in nature.

Aside from the way you laid them out in your post.. this isnt all that abnormal.. You can find this person, if you take the time to find this person. 

   But you have to keep in mind the fact that you may be so extreme in your analyzation of the opposite sex.. is because you really dont want to find females that truly suit you, because you are afraid of them not excepting in the longrun, whatever flaws it is that you are trying to hide.. beyond whats on the exterior..

This reads to me that you probably are a goodlooking guy.. but you clearly arent as attractive as you desire to be, you probably have, what you deem.. are a few physical flaws that you wish you could change..perhaps a few different personality characteristics.

Nah, im pretty content with my looks. But im not egotistical or anything. I have flaws and I aceept flaws in both me and women. But some are a turn off to me.

What you are obviously looking for in a partner, is someone hardworking, cares about her appearance personally, but isnt into looking good for other people(guys)..hence the no makeup

Though im not fond of the idea of the person im with looking good for "other people", the makeup has nothing to do with it. I genuinly hate make-up. I like a woman who is confident with who she is naturally. 
   But you have to keep in mind the fact that you may be so extreme in your analyzation of the opposite sex.. is because you really dont want to find females that truly suit you, because you are afraid of them not excepting in the longrun, whatever flaws it is that you are trying to hide.. beyond whats on the exterior..

Im not going to lie. Im a pretty difficult person to deal with sometimes. I have high expections but im a pretty layed back guy. My problem is I keep finding flaws. All the things ive listed are things I discovered I like or dont like from my past relationships or from observations. I have no issues with bringing my flaws forward. If that person doesnt like it then thats the way it is. I cant help that. What I want is a person I can deal with 100% and live up to all my expectations. Maybe I havnt given anyone the chance to, but i dont know if im willing to take that chance and waste my time.
Originally Posted by Phen0m

Aside from the aforementioned. I simply stated "its an interesting read".. Did you not find the "****old" an intriguing read? ARE you a ****old? I never placed a label on you in that regard. Just offered a direction. Open your mind.

Your aim was to try a convince me I have a disorder. Youve been questioning my mental stability since your first reponse. Ok, fine. But you kept
pushing it and youve convinced yourself I have some type of sickness. Your "interesting read" was your way of validating the possiblity of me having a "disorder". You tried to have me question myself, tried to make me believe I was crazy and needed help.

Now your backing out from your reason for having me lookup SPD. Seems like your starting to question yourself
I havent wavered on my thoughts of your mental state. I do think you need to hash somethings out mentally. Ive said that from beginning to end.

I dont get paid for responding here, so I personally gain nothing from convincing you that you have a disorder, whether you do or not. I might have one myself no? So what exactly does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The facts of your story still remain, and thats what I have spoken on throughout this exchange.

At the end of the day. On this public message board, I can only offer perspective, and a POV. So thats all I am inclined to do OP.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

What are some of your ideas or perceived flaws of women you encounter?
1- She must have some calf development. I hate women with thick thighs and twig legs. Nothing better than a women in a skirt with nice legs.
2- Must wear thongs, g-strings or boy shorts on a reg. Women who wear regular underwear no matter how "pretty" they are turn me off.
I hate panty lines. It looks tacky to me.
3- Skin. Skin must be naturally soft with minor blemishes(dont mind freckles). I dont mind stretch marks either. But it cant be on her legs(not thighs) or arms. I dont mind scars. Infact, i like them.
I hate pale skin. It just seems sickly to me and seems theyre prone to skin issues
4- Minimal make up. I go more for natural beauty. I hate make up but dont mind some eye shadow or liner. I hate lipstick and lip gloss with a passion. I like to kiss and when a woman has that *##+ on her lips I cant take it, cause it gets on mine and they gotta keep reapplying.
5- Must have decent feet, I like cute feet. I never met a girl with bad hands and I dont care if she bites her nails cause I do.
6- She must be naturally nuerturing. If im to have children with her, she needs to be motherly. I get a great feeling when I see a woman close to her children.
7- ear lobe. I dont like when there's no ear lobe and its like the ear goes straight to the neck.
8- Posture. Must have great posture. bad posture seems like weakness to me.
9- Must be physically strong. I really dislike weak women.

Just a few things

OP maybe you need to join the other team
Im not attracted to men

Watch this movie "Love Jones" and most of your questions shall be answered.

I had the same issue, you just have to reinvent over and over again.
Checking it out now...thanks
Originally Posted by Pepper

Watch this movie "Love Jones" and most of your questions shall be answered.

I had the same issue, you just have to reinvent over and over again.

I love that movie , nia long
Originally Posted by ToneLow

Originally Posted by Dropten

You know when you first start dating someone and you really start feeling them. You go out your way to do things for them and get the warm feeling when your around them. But after a while things start getting a little stale and you start finding things about them you dont like. And eventually start losing interest.

Didnt read it all but I usually get this feeling as soon as I bust.
Edit- read a little more and you're worse than most dudes who just want to have sex with a chick then get rid of em. You actually have to get her feelings involved just to not have sex...I dont even know what to say to you.


This.. I'm rude and sometimes a jerk but you were methodical..The rose thing was out of a movie almost (may use it). You spent almost a week with this girl just to break down her walls , sex and end up making her cry...Not cool.

Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.

I made this thread trying to find other people that shared my views on dating to further validate  that what I was doing wasnt all that wrong.
Phemon, you didnt convince me I have a disorder but I did take into consideration of what consiquences my actions would have.

Either way, thanks NT for any advice you gave.
Sometimes we need it if we like it or not.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS
Yea im a loner for the most part. Always was. I dont have any issues socializing with people though. I just prefer quite 1on 1 type of enviroments.
As for friends, I do have some. But not close friends like I used to. Im originally from queens Ny. Grew up there and had 2 main friends id chill with. I knew them over 10 years. But we just went our seperate ways after awhile. One was on some, thug, sell drugs, smash JO type stuff and I was more into starting a fam type stuff. We clashed and I decided to wrap it up with him. Other one, hes just got weird so I wrapped that up as well. Now I live in another state which is totally different from Ny. I dont trust too many people out here cause their mentality is so different and their ignorant. 
Almost practically my story as well.  I prefer to do most things alone but I do like company now and then.
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

The rose thing was out of a movie almost (may use it).   
Make sure you have The Weeknd playing on medium volume when you do
Originally Posted by Dropten


Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.

I made this thread trying to find other people that shared my views on dating to further validate  that what I was doing wasnt all that wrong.
Phemon, you didnt convince me I have a disorder but I did take into consideration of what consiquences my actions would have.

Either way, thanks NT for any advice you gave.
Sometimes we need it if we like it or not.

Nice, good for you. Hope it works out.
Originally Posted by Dropten


Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.

I made this thread trying to find other people that shared my views on dating to further validate  that what I was doing wasnt all that wrong.
Phemon, you didnt convince me I have a disorder but I did take into consideration of what consiquences my actions would have.

Either way, thanks NT for any advice you gave.
Sometimes we need it if we like it or not.
One more reply from me, then im done, scouts honor.  But I actually have a friend.. who does something similar to this quite often, where he'll breakoff a girl, break them down, then.. wait it out and see if they have the fortitude to crawl back to him.  

   If a concubine is what you aim, then this methodology is apt.  If you are entertaing the prospect of this girl being a long term possibility.. I would use caution, as her willingness to return, speaks to a likelihood of her submitting to your will, for fear of losing you once more, and thusly allowing you to dominate the relationship.

But per you, thats not what you aim.. so definitely make use of that introspective and foresight that you seem to possess.
Originally Posted by Phen0m

Originally Posted by Dropten


Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.

I made this thread trying to find other people that shared my views on dating to further validate  that what I was doing wasnt all that wrong.
Phemon, you didnt convince me I have a disorder but I did take into consideration of what consiquences my actions would have.

Either way, thanks NT for any advice you gave.
Sometimes we need it if we like it or not.
One more reply from me, then im done, scouts honor.  But I actually have a friend.. who does something similar to this quite often, where he'll breakoff a girl, break them down, then.. wait it out and see if they have the fortitude to crawl back to him.  

   If a concubine is what you aim, then this methodology is apt.  If you are entertaing the prospect of this girl being a long term possibility.. I would use caution, as her willingness to return, speaks to a likelihood of her submitting to your will, for fear of losing you once more, and thusly allowing you to dominate the relationship.

But per you, thats not what you aim.. so definitely make use of that introspective and foresight that you seem to possess.

wait it out and see if they have the fortitude to crawl back to him


Why you trying to put stuff in my head man

Im not like that at all. I like my women strong, non-dependant but still feels they need me at times.
I let women do what ever they want, as long as its within the boundaries of our relationship. Im not the controlling type.
I do get "controlling" when they challenge my manhood or mess with my pride. I treat a woman like a woman and I expect to be treaded as a man.

I spoke with her for a bit. She wanted to meet and talk in person. Said she felt she didnt give me a chance to explain. Basically shes was too upset to listen to the "BS" I was saying. Maybe she could be the one??  I dont know, she has baggage im a little afraid of and im afraid of finding out more.

BTW, your friend needs help. He needs to stop messing with these girls hearts. If you gonna let them go, let them go.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by Phen0m

Originally Posted by Dropten


Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.

I made this thread trying to find other people that shared my views on dating to further validate  that what I was doing wasnt all that wrong.
Phemon, you didnt convince me I have a disorder but I did take into consideration of what consiquences my actions would have.

Either way, thanks NT for any advice you gave.
Sometimes we need it if we like it or not.
One more reply from me, then im done, scouts honor.  But I actually have a friend.. who does something similar to this quite often, where he'll breakoff a girl, break them down, then.. wait it out and see if they have the fortitude to crawl back to him.  

   If a concubine is what you aim, then this methodology is apt.  If you are entertaing the prospect of this girl being a long term possibility.. I would use caution, as her willingness to return, speaks to a likelihood of her submitting to your will, for fear of losing you once more, and thusly allowing you to dominate the relationship.

But per you, thats not what you aim.. so definitely make use of that introspective and foresight that you seem to possess.

wait it out and see if they have the fortitude to crawl back to him

Why you trying to put stuff in my head man

Im not like that at all. I like my women strong, non-dependant but still feels they need me at times.
I let women do what ever they want, as long as its within the boundaries of our relationship. Im not the controlling type.
I do get "controlling" when they challenge my manhood or mess with my pride. I treat a woman like a woman and I expect to be treaded as a man.

I spoke with her for a bit. She wanted to meet and talk in person. Said she felt she didnt give me a chance to explain. Basically shes was too upset to listen to the "BS" I was saying. Maybe she could be the one??  I dont know, she has baggage im a little afraid of and im afraid of finding out more.

BTW, your friend needs help. He needs to stop messing with these girls hearts. If you gonna let them go, let them go.

wth did you not just do the same thing?

you talk about love, but then you have a criteria list that includes ear lobes as a turn off?

You sound like you're power hungry to see how much you can control and manipulate women so you
don't have to feel vulnerable at your end.

Giving yourself reasons ahead of time to call it quits so you don't have to stick around very long.

You got yourself on a pedestal, treat these women like they're on a pedestal, and then decide it's
time to move on when your "over it".

You're not supposed to treat people like they're special when they're not.
My turn offs are what it is. Aint gonna change.

How you suppsed to convince a world there's a war if you dont blow up a couple of buildings?

Basically, if you want the full effect, you need to take the right steps to make it happen.
If that involves me putting these women on a pedestal, then thats what I have to do to get the feeling im looking for.
Originally Posted by Dropten


Just got a text from her saying "hello".

Im about to make this right. I cant continue knowing I left her crying like that.
Theres alot of things I have to get off my chest, hopefully she understands. I dont know, maybe we can continue dating, cause I was really feeling her.
Then why end it.  It doesn't seem like you ever lost the feeling, you just assumed you would and that's your problem.
You saw each other 3 or 4 days in a row, obviously something was there
Mess around and get a crazy chick that will make you pay for that offence. Playing with a womans feelings is so reckless.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Mess around and get a crazy chick that will make you pay for that offence. Playing with a womans feelings is so reckless.

women love that saying dont yall? I dont mind bricks in my winshield. Bricks to the head make up for it
Originally Posted by cap1229

Playing with a womans feelings is so reckless.

I'm not trying to stir up trouble, but isn't this usually an empty threat?

I think the worst a girl has ever done to me was steal my school stuff or elbow my balls but that's the extent of it. Like what are you guys actually going to do, wreck our cars? (Don't do that, that's not cool at all).
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