Sucks, nothing the driver could've done. If he went out of his car to punch out one of those dumb fools they would've all turned on him and stomped him out bad :smh:. They act big when the cops aren't there. Try jumping on the cop car and your head slammed on the concrete. Groups of people look for any excuse to act stupid.
It should go without saying these ******g idiots do not represent the entire black community but this is the **** that puts a burden on us.

i was hoping the cops would come and beat the **** out of everyone
Too bad NYPD's finest didnt come and pepper spray and whoop some a** out there... ohh that would have been beautiful . 
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this is why you need to carry the cal, let off a couple of shots to move these kids out the way
i usually say in these kind of threads that you guys are no fun and need to let them live but this is unnacceptable
I thought NYC was ahead of the curve on everything? The "hood stomped out" days were at least half a decade ago :smh:
"officer I accidentally ran them over with my car"
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Ridiculous.... I'd have too much rage if people were doing that to my car, TOO much rage.
>D at the comment section though

I want to find out more about what happened between the Audi and the cyclist. Not gonna lie, if it's cus the audi almost ran over the cyclist, I can see how this could escalate like that. I been in similar situations where drivers almost kill me and I would have some Hulk status rage. Not saying its right though, just saying sometimes emotions get the most of you.

What the song at 2:00 btw
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mob mentality....

"Now let's see, which some of you would like to stand in front of my accelerating car"
say i felt felt my life was threatened
run em all over

shoulda did this

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wow, I feel totally disgusted after watching that vid. I mean I frequent soho when i'm in nyc and I know that the drivers down broadway are some douches themselves....especially the rich nyu students but mannnn I wish there was chemical agent that could just be released and knock these ...whatever style their going for, kids out for atleast a day.

totally appalling....the basic disregard and acting like a bunch of fools. Pack mentality at it's finest....I mean they didn't do any real damage but it's just the act of acting like hood boogers.

I mean if this was any other borough....this would have ended pretty bad....but satisfying.
People from the hood stupid people always know how to ruin something. I guarantee next year's FNO in NYC is going to have a larger police presence.

dont generalize everyone from the hood is stupid.
what the heck is wrong with people these days...
and jumping on cars is being "turnt up" now?
All i saw in the vidoe was young people doing what young people do (im 19..not a O.G. yet)..yall act like they dragged the man out the car
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