Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

Man, what? An average combo meal is like $7.

A pack of chicken breasts is the same price. What you be eating breh?
a value has to be given to time

and you're not going to be eating chicken plain.... you need seasoning, something to go with it, a drink, etc.... 

in the long run, going to the grocery store is cheaper, but it's an accumulation of savings over time -- it's not immediate 
This guy hit the nail on the head. Time is a very big reason why people eat FAST food. The price of convenience
I'm gonna call BS on this if we're talking McDonald's.  I strongly doubt most people and certainly not all who drive up to or walk into a McDonald's are thinking, "I'm going here because despite the $2 more/meal I'm spending on a Big Mac, Large Fries & Enormous Coke than I would be if I were to grill chicken breast, roast potatoes and drink water at home, that is worth it to me because of the time I'm saving/convenience of this wonderful establishment."

Nah, processed, unhealthy, friend, greasy, covered in sauce food tastes better and people are lazy.  They're not putting a value on their time and instead earning during the hour saved but instead it's just easy.  There's a difference.
I'm gonna call BS on this if we're talking McDonald's.  I strongly doubt most people and certainly not all who drive up to or walk into a McDonald's are thinking, "I'm going here because despite the $2 more/meal I'm spending on a Big Mac, Large Fries & Enormous Coke than I would be if I were to grill chicken breast, roast potatoes and drink water at home, that is worth it to me because of the time I'm saving/convenience of this wonderful establishment."

Nah, processed, unhealthy, friend, greasy, covered in sauce food tastes better and people are lazy.  They're not putting a value on their time and instead earning during the hour saved but instead it's just easy.  There's a difference.

Folks with no money aren't thinking about tomorrow. They're thinking about today.
Quite a few NTers will be very upset when those self checkout machines will be able to figure out that those are rib eye steaks on the scale, not grapes.

so i aint the only one who does this
if there are a bunch of self checkout machines, a store should have a worker or two just to make sure no one is chaeting the thing and in case something malfunctions
I'm gonna call BS on this if we're talking McDonald's.  I strongly doubt most people and certainly not all who drive up to or walk into a McDonald's are thinking, "I'm going here because despite the $2 more/meal I'm spending on a Big Mac, Large Fries & Enormous Coke than I would be if I were to grill chicken breast, roast potatoes and drink water at home, that is worth it to me because of the time I'm saving/convenience of this wonderful establishment."

Nah, processed, unhealthy, friend, greasy, covered in sauce food tastes better and people are lazy.  They're not putting a value on their time and instead earning during the hour saved but instead it's just easy.  There's a difference.
what if im hungry and 2 hours away from home? i should just thug it out until i can get home to cook a meal? 

what if i been up since 6am, worked late and am just getting around to having dinner at 10pm? i should stop being "lazy", cook a meal, do dishes, and then head to bed? 

some real ballsy judgement going on in here... 
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I'm gonna call BS on this if we're talking McDonald's.  I strongly doubt most people and certainly not all who drive up to or walk into a McDonald's are thinking, "I'm going here because despite the $2 more/meal I'm spending on a Big Mac, Large Fries & Enormous Coke than I would be if I were to grill chicken breast, roast potatoes and drink water at home, that is worth it to me because of the time I'm saving/convenience of this wonderful establishment."

Nah, processed, unhealthy, friend, greasy, covered in sauce food tastes better and people are lazy.  They're not putting a value on their time and instead earning during the hour saved but instead it's just easy.  There's a difference.
what if im hungry and 2 hours away from home? i should just thug it out until i can get home to cook a meal? 

what if i been up since 6am, worked late and am just getting around to having dinner at 10pm? i should stop being "lazy", cook a meal, do dishes, and then head to bed? 

some real ballsy judgement going on in here... 
Are you talking about the rule or the exception?  I'm not saying fast food shouldn't exist or EVERYONE who relies on it is lazy...I said most, which while there is no evidence, I believe to be true.  I'd put money on it that if you were to survey every person coming out of a McDonald's parking lot, the majority would not be 2 hours away from home or up since 6am, just getting around to dinner at 10pm (because of work), etc.  The option should be available to people.  I'm not debating that.  But be realistic, is that **** food really a need?  You seem like you're taking it way too personal.
My biggest problem regarding the minimum wage/living wage issue is that nobody has been able to calculate a "living wage". It's hard for me to back something that doesnt hold water. I get it, standard of living have risen, and the dollar is worth less than it has been.

What would this calculation be based on? Do you take into consideration that 17 year old living at home with their parents and no obligations, and a single parent with 2-3 children have different living standards? How about kids or workers that live in low economic neighborhoods compared to middle to high income neighborhoods. If so, how is that calculated?
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Are you talking about the rule or the exception?  I'm not saying fast food shouldn't exist or EVERYONE who relies on it is lazy...I said most, which while there is no evidence, I believe to be true.  I'd put money on it that if you were to survey every person coming out of a McDonald's parking lot, the majority would not be 2 hours away from home or up since 6am, just getting around to dinner at 10pm (because of work), etc.  The option should be available to people.  I'm not debating that.  But be realistic, is that **** food really a need?  You seem like you're taking it way too personal.

when I brought up time value it was met with "nah ppl just lazy"... grouping every fast food customer into one bucket...

as if the exceptions are so rare.. athletes eat the hell out of some fast food

I take it personal when ppl call parents that grid day in n day out lazy.. yes... esp single working parents
see.... you're being as general as possible to make your point

you're calling everyone that eats fast food lazy.... regardless of the situation that put them in that fast food restaurant 

you think fitness instructors don't eat fast food? pro athletes don't eat fast food? 

Floyd Mayweather eats fast food after his fights ..... how lazy is he? ***** just went 12 rounds and could have whatever he wants made by a chef in his crib by the time he gets home.... ***** felt like a coppin a Chalupa tho.... 

you talking nonsense man.... 

no duh America is full of fat lazy people.... but those aren't the only customers pulling up to the drive thru
um one for every Floyd lol how many ppl are just flat out lazy....? exactly. and you keep naming these rare 1 in 10,000 type of ppl in American society. How many ppl on average put in the amount of physical labor a fitness trainer, as a pro athlete.

You keep mentioning single moms... hello there were single moms waaaaaaaaaaaay before yesterday. They had much harder jobs and work loads. had far less technology/aid to assist to make their lives easier, yet they still managed to eat fast food/microwavable meals faaaaaaaar less. And cooked more often.

Please explain how this isn't due to technology and the fact life being easier it transferred to other aspects of life ie... being lazy etc?
my last post addresses most of that

stop trying to pass your opinions off as facts.. you don't know what corners were cut by moms/parents back in the day stop pretending u was living that life...

and your made up stats have no basis.. U just making up random numbers ... do more over weight ppl eat fast food than fit people.. probably.. but it ain't as skewed as u make it out to be... as if a normal sized person in McDonalds is some leprechaun riding a unicorn type ****..

and being overweight doesn't mean a person is lazy.. some ppl just like to eat and not exercise.. doesn't mean they don't work their butts off in other aspects of life
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Man, what? An average combo meal is like $7.

A pack of chicken breasts is the same price. What you be eating breh?

a value has to be given to time

and you're not going to be eating chicken plain.... you need seasoning, something to go with it, a drink, etc.... 

in the long run, going to the grocery store is cheaper, but it's an accumulation of savings over time -- it's not immediate 

This guy hit the nail on the head. Time is a very big reason why people eat FAST food. The price of convenience

I'm gonna call BS on this if we're talking McDonald's.  I strongly doubt most people and certainly not all who drive up to or walk into a McDonald's are thinking, "I'm going here because despite the $2 more/meal I'm spending on a Big Mac, Large Fries & Enormous Coke than I would be if I were to grill chicken breast, roast potatoes and drink water at home, that is worth it to me because of the time I'm saving/convenience of this wonderful establishment."

Nah, processed, unhealthy, friend, greasy, covered in sauce food tastes better and people are lazy.  They're not putting a value on their time and instead earning during the hour saved but instead it's just easy.  There's a difference.

How can you call BS? That is exactly what I'm saying. You cant just play the "americans are lazy" card. Then americans are lazy for driving to work and paying the $12 to park downtown per day. Would you argument change if the food at mcdonalds was actually healthy?
my last post addresses most of that

stop trying to pass your opinions off as facts.. you don't know what corners were cut by moms/parents back in the day stop pretending u was living that life...

and your made up stats have no basis.. U just making up random numbers ... do more over weight ppl eat fast food than fit people.. probably.. but it ain't as skewed as u make it out to be... as if a normal sized person in McDonalds is some leprechaun riding a unicorn type ****..

and being overweight doesn't mean a person is lazy.. some ppl just like to eat and not exercise.. doesn't mean they don't work their butts off in other aspects of life
um ok so we will just use facts and stats then... since common sense isn't a strong suit of yours.... To think lol ppl today have it harder then ppl of yesteryear... Yea you gotta be some sort of 80's 90's baby.

Partly due to the fast food culture, about 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, and other illnesses.

In 1970, the USA spent 6 billion dollars on fast food annually. In 2006 the spending was 142 billion. 142 billion dollars on nutritionally deficient high calorie food. That's $460.00 for every man, woman, and child in the USA. That’s almost enough to end world hunger forever.

So despite obesity being 3 times higher... and ppl spending 20+ times as much of fast food... couple with average household eats 4 home cooked meals a week.... Its all because they work harder and in todays time work and life in general is less efficient and far more strenuous then decades ago.

In essence your saying technology has made work and life for ppl harder..thus they work much harder and don't have time for things like cooking exercising.
Question: what kind of backround do you need to work at Mc'donalds? Work experience? How do you even get a job at Mc'donalds I think that's the hardest part
Question: what kind of backround do you need to work at Mc'donalds? Work experience? How do you even get a job at Mc'donalds I think that's the hardest part
From my understanding it isn't that difficult. Someone I know who is in HS was looking for a job for the summer and they have no work experience whatsoever. He applied to mcdonalds and in a few weeks they called him back and he got the job, but ended up leaving it after a few weeks for to work in some sneaker store.
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um ok so we will just use facts and stats then... since common sense isn't a strong suit of yours.... To think lol ppl today have it harder then ppl of yesteryear... Yea you gotta be some sort of 80's 90's baby.

Partly due to the fast food culture, about 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, respiratory problems, and other illnesses.

In 1970, the USA spent 6 billion dollars on fast food annually. In 2006 the spending was 142 billion. 142 billion dollars on nutritionally deficient high calorie food. That's $460.00 for every man, woman, and child in the USA. That’s almost enough to end world hunger forever.

So despite obesity being 3 times higher... and ppl spending 20+ times as much of fast food... couple with average household eats 4 home cooked meals a week.... Its all because they work harder and in todays time work and life in general is less efficient and far more strenuous then decades ago.

In essence your saying technology has made work and life for ppl harder..thus they work much harder and don't have time for things like cooking exercising.
I have plenty common sense, you just have horrible reading comprehension

First off, at what point did I ever say we have it harder domestically then we did back then ...and I do say WE because I was in fact born in 81 and ate more home cooked meals than fast food. Our version of fast food was the local pizza spot for a slice and/or beef patty. And just because it was cooked at home don't mean it was any better than fast food. A can of Spagetti O's might as well be a 6 piece nugget. And that can of grease on your grandma's stove for that greasy *** fried chicken might be worse for you than what Colonel Sanders is whippin up. 

Secondly, what do those stats tell me about the people that eat fast food? Absolutely nothing. It tells us that Americans as a whole are fat -- which im sure we all agree on. And it tells us that people eat fast food a lot. Well.....DUH.... the availability, price, and variety make it a very convenient option.... 

Put all these fast food chains on every corner 30 years ago and then tell how much money is being spent now vs then (won't even bring up the obvious -- everyone's favorite word, "inflation") There's no comparison to be made when the **** wasn't even an option back then in the first place. LOL @ 1970.... are you even serious right now? 

And again, what do figures about spending say about the actual customers? A skinny person spends the same dollar bill that a fat one spends. You think all these thirst trapping chicks on IG with the flat stomachs ain't eating some ******** a few times a week? Difference between these people and the fat ones is that they work it off. You really gotta cut it out acting like people meeting their weight requirements ain't at Taco Bell at 2am after the club -- like thats some rare *** sight.  
Question: what kind of backround do you need to work at Mc'donalds? Work experience? How do you even get a job at Mc'donalds I think that's the hardest part
all you need is a pen to fill out the application and be of age....
im really mad you said, "some sort of 80's, 90's" baby... 

that's a wide *** gap my man lol.... not sure what point you were getting at 
From my understanding it isn't that difficult. Someone I know who is in HS was looking for a job for the summer and they have no work experience whatsoever. He applied to mcdonalds and in a few weeks they called him back and he got the job, but ended up leaving it after a few weeks for to work in some sneaker store.

Ok, because I've had interviews and didn't get hired. I'm 29
all you need is a pen to fill out the application and be of age....

Yea but I've had interviews and have not gotten the job. I get nervous when they ask me where I want to work. I usually say idk in the front the cashier or the drive thru. I'm 29 years old.
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