Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

This debate has gone in for a little while now. Automated tellers and such (like over the phone services) are bound to happen and take over. I think I read Japan had a chain of fast food restaurants like this already
Already exist, just aren't widespread yet.


Can prepare appriximately 360 burgers per hour
Oh I know it's already out there. They already have stores where you don't need the cashiers and baggers. It's gon get real funky when it becomes widespread. Hope the kids start getting into these stem fields so they can become the one's creating these machines before they start to create themselves.
Read the first two pages.
It's awful how some of the posters devalue other human beings.
If you believe that the people that work at McDonald's shouldn't be able to make a living at their jobs, because "it's McDonald's"
That's really sad, man

If someone works full time , they should make enough money from that job to live off of and support themselves.
They shouldn't have to get another job, we're overworked in this country as is.
And you shouldn't resort to saying-- "Hey! They chose this ****** job!"
"**** them! They don't deserve a wage like mine--I have DEGREES!"
Hi. As a college grad myself, you're a piece of ****.
But it's not just you. There's lot's of you's. That's what scares me.

The minimum wage- for all full time jobs- should be raised to the amount that economists have determined to be able to live in America.
Regardless of how "low" that job has been deemed by the idiotic masses.
Automation is happening in the pharmaceutical industry also, once it starts to effect the "skilled" labor that's when it'll get grimey. Those with their nose up will soon realize they are too replaceable and no better than the "others".
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there are jobs that machines can't do.... 

so it's either find one of those or like dude a few posts ago said, become the person that builds or services those machines 
Economically speaking raising the minimum wage does not have any positive benefits in the long run. Even if they receive $15/hr, there will be a reduction in employees, a more strict hiring process; food prices will go up etc., etc.  Increases in minimum wage are not cost free; the cost will be passed to someone.

There lies the problem, raising the minimum wage wouldn't solve the problem. CEO compensation has never been approached though. Even when minimum wage is raised the buck is always passed to the consumer (raised prices) first and then the front line workers pay (reduction in jobs)

Unions were supposed to keep this from happening, but they are useless now, and most have sold out.

You need to take a look at this for a different angle JJ. The U.S. is no longer a country that makes things, we are a service industry economy. The workers who occupy these fast food jobs still need to make a living and the pay they currently make is well below the poverty line. This country is headed straight for disaster, but that's a topic for an entirely different thread. I think people are out of touch when they think $15 an hour  is a lot of money; in the country we currently live in, it's table scraps.

Another thing that is ignored. We have outsourced tons of jobs. Great, you can hash out an apology email so you feel like you deserve your $40k salary, :lol:
What does me buying a pair of shoes from you have to do with me being tight on money :lol: . Can't I turn that around and say you're strapped for cash since you're selling shoes? Neither here or there but whatever. If you choose to buy the more expensive items and/or want the extra fixings then YES it will still be expensive, but isn't that self explanatory? And nobody is here trying to make anyone sound like a fool. We're having a discussion, someone will disagree and reply.

I'm glad you got the point but before you were telling me I was "disproving" myself and cracking jokes about me eating "dinosaur eggs." Who was trying to make who look like a fool? That seems to be your aim in every thread. Comment and laugh at whatever you deem to be the dumb post on NT for the day. I've rarely seen a post from you with any substance, just saying.

I never said you were tight on money just tight on your budget, for food, because you're advocating for cheap groceries. Nothing wrong with that. I choose to spend my money on expensive clothing/kicks and food and you buy used sneakers and cheaper groceries to save. I'm sure you could splurge too if you want but it's your choice not to, right? Neither is right or wrong. Like I said, different priorities.

Good discussion though G. Hope you and your little guy are doing well. No hard feelings.
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there are jobs that machines can't do.... 

so it's either find one of those or like dude a few posts ago said, become the person that builds or services those machines 
For now. Which is a good thing. People still have to create these machines. But we need to increase the importance of STEM to make that happen.
Economically speaking raising the minimum wage does not have any positive benefits in the long run. Even if they receive $15/hr, there will be a reduction in employees, a more strict hiring process; food prices will go up etc., etc.  Increases in minimum wage are not cost free; the cost will be passed to someone.

Well **** some of the employees are ***** anyway so maybe hiring does need to be more strict.And how much will food prices go up? Because people throw that around all the time without giving figures. Making it seem like they Big Mac gon be 10 dollars now.

I was giving examples of possibilities. My main point was that companies will do what it takes to see the profit they want. Companies will respond to minimum wage increase by reducing production costs and a variety of other changes.
And stores like cvs and some supermarkets have a self checkout machine too

I'm all for raising the min wage a bit but those protesting need to realize that there can also be a real possibility of machines being installed to do their job

Having worked at cvs before I could tell you self checkouts will never replace humans, them things break down 2-3 times a day get frozen, money gets stuck in the slots and who fixes them on spot? another human
Having worked at cvs before I could tell you self checkouts will never replace humans, them things break down 2-3 times a day get frozen, money gets stuck in the slots and who fixes them on spot? another human
Technology improves
I'm glad you got the point but before you were telling me I was "disproving" myself and cracking jokes about me eating "dinosaur eggs." Who was trying to make who look like a fool? That seems to be your aim in every thread. Comment and laugh at whatever you deem to be the dumb post on NT for the day. I've rarely seen a post from you with any substance, just saying.

I never said you were tight on money just tight on your budget, for food, because you're advocating for cheap groceries. Nothing wrong with that. I choose to spend my money on expensive clothing/kicks and food and you buy used sneakers and cheaper groceries to save. I'm sure you could splurge too if you want but it's your choice not to, right? Neither is right or wrong. Like I said, different priorities.

Good discussion though G. Hope you and your little guy are doing well. No hard feelings.
It's all good bro. It's hard to sense someone's tone of voice via written text. Never have I been angry or aggressive towards anyone on NT.
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Technology improves

Hasn't improved since the initial roll out in 2008. new machines, new os same problems. Self checkouts are for 10 or less small items if you have more than that demand a cashier
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Hasn't improved since the initial roll out in 2008. new machines, new os same problems. Self checkouts are for 10 or less small items if you have more than that demand a cashier
When I happened to use one, everything went smooth. I wouldn't equate the problems at your area to all other stores. To say that it'll never replace humans is a bit ridiculous imo. Will tech replace human work soon? Maybe not, but it is gonna happen.
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Not in our lifetime (or at the tail end) I'd say but in 75 years EVERYTHING will be automated or same day delivery.
that's pretty ignorant ... .

you're telling me that a single mom working 40+ hours a week is lazy because

after getting up at 6am to get herself ready ... get the kid(s) ready... drop them at school... drive in traffic to work... bust her *** in the office..... get off.... ride in traffic back to pick the kids up..... help out with homework....pick up one kid from practice.... get them ready for bed 

she wasn't in the mood to cook dinner and stopped off for fast in between all that chaos? 

oh aiight... 
yes considering 30 or so yrs ago same single mom found a way to cook meals every single day of the week and did a lot of jobs work etc... that hasn't been made easier with technology.
Not in our lifetime (or at the tail end) I'd say but in 75 years EVERYTHING will be automated or same day delivery.
I'd say maybe 30-50

Vons delivers where I'm at
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When I happened to use one, everything went smooth. I wouldn't equate the problems at your area to all other stores. To say that it'll never replace humans is a bit ridiculous imo. Will tech replace human work soon? Maybe not, but it is gonna happen.

Not going to happen. it worked for you, good your smart. I've literally stood there and watched ppl try to buy a coke and get frustrated and leave with out buying anything.
I just think they should be able to unionize. Once that happens, they can actually negotiate for a realistic wage and protect themselves, rather than simply demand x amount of dollars with no other infrastructure to support them.

Without provisions and rules in place, they might get that wage increase, but I guarantee a good deal of people will lose their job because the companies will begin making outrageous demands to justify that wage increase.

Doesn't mean a thing for employees to "unionize." It would be McDonalds that has to do so, but that will never happen if they're smart.

"Not a hard job", so tell us, what is a "hard job"? At what difficulty = $15? I've sat behind a desk and answered emails for 21bucks an hour. That was also a "not hard job" IMO.

It's not hard labor and it doesn't require an education. Anything above $10 an hour is crazy for these people.
Most old people can't handle automation. When that generation dies we will start seeing it a lot more since the majority of the population will have already seen it and will be computer literate. It will be the norm at a lot of places. Just how long is the question. Some of these older people that try to use the self-checkout :x :smh:
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that's pretty ignorant ... .

you're telling me that a single mom working 40+ hours a week is lazy because

after getting up at 6am to get herself ready ... get the kid(s) ready... drop them at school... drive in traffic to work... bust her *** in the office..... get off.... ride in traffic back to pick the kids up..... help out with homework....pick up one kid from practice.... get them ready for bed 

she wasn't in the mood to cook dinner and stopped off for fast in between all that chaos? 

oh aiight... 
lol in a office um most of the work in a office is done with technology same with housework... um I promise you most offices have things like cpu, printers, copy machines.... don't have switchboards... and most homes have things like dishwashers ppl have vacuums etc...washers and dryers.... microwaves...

again you do realize yrs past ppl didn't have any of these things and still found time to cook a decent meal everyday... You do realize americans in general are the unhealthiest and out of shape EVER!!!!!

Um I wonder why.... could it be they are lazy and rely to much on tech thus making them lazy in other aspects of life? Um of course not, humans just had some sort of evolution/change in body and became fatter etc.... well according to you that's the way it
yes considering 30 or so yrs ago same single mom found a way to cook meals every single day of the week and did a lot of jobs work etc... that hasn't been made easier with technology.
are you a single parent? 

how many kids do you have? 
Most old people can't handle automation. When that generation dies we will start seeing it a lot more since the majority of the population will have already seen it and will be computer literate. It will be the norm at a lot of places. Just how long is the question. Some of these older people that try to use the self-checkout :x :smh:

Some of the most frustrating situations that could hold up a line. Also the rich pricks that say the'll use automated but the cashier has to do it for them because they don't do retail....
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