Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

Your belief is wrong.

The whole premise of minimum wage is to "give" people more than they would make under a system of true unregulated capitalism.

Yes, they work, but the value of their work is being falsely inflated by a price floor.

And once again, let me say...I don't hate these people, and I don't diminish their struggles, but what I wrote are just the facts.

The value of their work is worth a lot, considering how much profit they make for the company and higher ups. You're bringing up a straw man argument.
Here's a compelling question that I honestly don't know the answer to, but never hear addressed.

In the long run, would a $15 minimum wage even do anything for the lowest of the low?

I mean, if they make $15, then the guy above them has to get a pay bump, and I doing what I do have to get a pay bump, cuz I still should be paid 10-15 times more than them.

Plus, when all those minimum-wage workers get extra money, chances are good they will just consume more...more cans of beans, more dvds, more television, etc.

So then, doesn't that just push the price of goods up as more dollars chase the same amount of goods?

Once all adjustments are made, and all inflationary effects of a federal minimum wage hike go into affect, aren't you just exactly where you are at before: the same amount of purchasing power as before with just a different number on it?
I agree that 15 is probably just a tactic with their actually threshold in this negotiation being 10-11.
Who are you to dictate what someone has earned? That's all subjective. To me college was pretty simple, to others going for the same degree it was like pulling teeth. Did they earn more than I did? My point is you can't use the idea of "it's easy" to justify what they should earn.

And let's not sit here and act like McDonald's isn't generating billions. They can afford the wages

do you feel bad for the children who throw our nikes together for pennies on the dollar overseas?

man these flyknits are so comfy right now as i type

how bout billion dollar nike bring some jobs to America give these grown folks some work instead with skill and benefits instead of demanding 15 for fast food that way young teens can get that work instead
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I'll never understand the blind love for the rich in this country

or why everyone thinks if fast food workers get a bump in pay they should to

do you think you should get a bump anytime the average salary in an unrelated line of work goes up?

or just when its a job YOU think is beneath you?
Basically, the $15 is a aim at the stars, but the $9-10 is the realistic number.

I certain if McDonald's started paying $15hr, they wouldn't have restaurants every couple of blocks away like they do now. To maintain their current profit margin they would cut back on storefronts or raise food prices, so you better hope your at a location they plan to keep or be prepared to pay higher prices.
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The value of their work is worth a lot, considering how much profit they make for the company and higher ups. You're bringing up a straw man argument.
No, I am not.

The value of labor is whatever the market says it is worth. Period. 

The minimum wage perverts the ability of the market to set wages. Period.

And the perversion amounts to the giving of wages above and beyond what should be paid under a true free market. Period.

All facts.
do you feel bad for the children who throw our nikes together for pennies on the dollar overseas?

man these flyknits are so comfy right now as i type

how bout billion dollar nike bring some jobs to America give these grown folks some work instead with skill and benefits instead of demanding 15 for fast food that way young teens can get that work instead

I'm actually for this, wouldn't mind paying more for a "made in the USA" Nike product. God knows the prices are still going up, with them cutting corners (materials and packaging) and still using the slave labor. Who's getting the extra money they're charging? It's not the workers, who do the work and make the company profitable.
I'll never understand the blind love for the rich in this country

or why everyone thinks if fast food workers get a bump in pay they should to

do you think you should get a bump anytime the average salary in an unrelated line of work goes up?

or just when its a job YOU think is beneath you?

i know ppl who made 15 or just barely made 15 with a college degree, some even less

ppl at mcDs want to earn 30k with union benefits are you like for real for real?

unrelated work?

lets keep it related then, food service jobs are low paying

do you have any idea how much the avg line cook makes?
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No, I am not.

The value of labor is whatever the market says it is worth. Period. 

The minimum wage perverts the ability of the market to set wages. Period.

And the perversion amounts to the giving of wages above and beyond what should be paid under a true free market. Period.

All facts.

Garbage, the "market" is in its 4th decade of wage stagnation. That's a fact.

Free market is nothing but the race to the bottom.
I'll never understand the blind love for the rich in this country

or why everyone thinks if fast food workers get a bump in pay they should to

do you think you should get a bump anytime the average salary in an unrelated line of work goes up?

or just when its a job YOU think is beneath you?
Skipping the first, I'll address all others.

First, there is no such thing as an unrelated line of work.  There is only labor, pure and simple. Labor that chases compensation.  No job operates in a vacuum.

Neither is compensation absolute. It is relative to the value of the work you do and the going rate for other types of labor.

If tomorrow, fast food was paying $70,000 a year, without a corresponding bump in other careers, there would be a lot less construction workers, dental hygienists, accountants, paralegals, etc.

Everything is relative. So yes, when the bottom man on the pay grade goes up, all others should correspondingly adjust.
people have no problem with actors or athletes making what they make but will fight tooth and nail to keep another average joe from making more than YOU think he should I'll never understand this
^^^But they're in a different business. It's way harder to act and okay with the best in the world. I can go into McDonald's and be promoted to Supervisor in prolly a month. I'm not joking either.

They're just gonna raise the prices on everything else. They're on the bull
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my manager told me this - The world doesnt owe you a liviing -
But do they pay you like you're the best ........ All these little slogans, statements and saying sound nice one paper but greatly lack a sense of reality...

Dudes in here talking about attending a for profit University so you can be 50 grand in debt only to find out your desired career has been shipped overseas. Then you have trades, best believe that the male non felon fast food and retail workers that aren't in college do learn trades (even though trade school is just as expensive as these for profit colleges) do you see what's happening to the trade workers once they hit their 50s with no union and only shutdown work available .............

It's not even like they're asking to be rich or middle class working at McDonald's all they want is a living wage
Yes, they pay me a competitive wage so to the point where I'm not looking to leave.  
i know ppl who made 15 or just barely made 15 with a college degree, some even less

ppl at mcDs want to earn 30k with union benefits are you like for real for real?

unrelated work?

lets keep it related then, food service jobs are low paying

do you have any idea how much the avg line cook makes?
from google 


  1. The average salary for all line cooks is about $14  per hour. Experienced line cooks at high-end restaurants can earn up to $18.25  per hour. The awesome benefit of free meals is not included in your hourly wage. "
this is the epitome of getting your cake and eating it too... if anything i think they are overpaid because they cant even do something so simple and put the right food in your bag without messing up... and they stay not giving napkins :smh:
i think everyone talking all this **** should post this hard *** jobs the have and let us tell you what you should make
Garbage, the "market" is in its 4th decade of wage stagnation. That's a fact.

Free market is nothing but the race to the bottom.
You are correct in your first point about wage stagnation.  But that's "our market" which is far from a free market.

We have things like the minimum wage, and unemployment that reduce incentives.
people have no problem with actors or athletes making what they make but will fight tooth and nail to keep another average joe from making more than YOU think he should I'll never understand this

The rich have tricked so many, keep the masses fighting while the "free market" ships your job over seas and exploit the poor so they can gain more profits. While telling you "work hard, you'll get there."
everybody isnt an actor or an athlete

are you not entertained by them?

i hate that debate, those jobs are for like 1% of the population an they pay does not bother me. they earned it, yes its a lot but it is what it is.

thats show business, those same ppl who want 15 dollars an hour are the same ones who wanna go to see Jay Z on tour also or copp the new LeBrons

everybody wants more you have to earn more, just how i feel

rich need the poor an the poor need the rich

o yea politics is BS, its all about $
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You are correct in your first point about wage stagnation.  But that's "our market" which is far from a free market.

We have things like the minimum wage, and unemployment that reduce incentives.

Reduce incentives to what? Also, you said the market sets the wages, but we're in wage stagnation, how can you say these workers shouldn't ask for more?
Reduce incentives to what? Also, you said the market sets the wages, but we're in wage stagnation, how can you say these workers shouldn't ask for more?
I said a free market normally sets wages. We do not have a free market. We have a market with minimum wage price floors.

Also, we have unemployment benefits that reduce incentives to work which further perverts the supply of labor as people sit on the sidelines, instead of having a financial incentive to get back out there as soon as possible.

Once again, let me reiterate. I'm not saying that any of this stuff is inherently bad or good, I'm just stating facts.
In some states, teachers and policemen/firemen don't even make $15 an hr. Hell, starting in the Army as a PVT you don't evne make 30k (~$18k) and their work extrapolates to more than an average 40hr work week (although admittedly their benefits like BAH, GI bill, medical offset that). More than likely, it's an overly ambitious number with the idea of meeting somewhere lower in the middle. Price of everything else is going to go up though therefore negating the increase either way unless places who rely on minimum wage labor (McDonalds for example) are willing to accept lower profit margins .
the poor need the rich? for what to exploit them

they earned it by dribbling a ball well? or pretending for a living? oh yea such a tough job they definitely should make more than heart and brain surgeons and the people we ask to educate our children

fact is this country trains you to worship the rich and never question why most of em make so much and do so little good with it
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