Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

i hope they do get a raise in minimum wage. I don't see how you expect anyone to live on such a meager income.
I make around 15 an hour right now and my goal is to get a promotion or better job to make more money, not wait on wage increases.
Im doing intense manual labor for that $15/hr. It's literally back breaking work. My job is a union job, I can't just ask for a raise like some others who can show strong work ethic and have good relations with management. Fast food workers asking for $15 does make me feel some type of way. They should be trying to climb the corporate latter from where they are. I doubt they're even looking for better opportunities. I told my mom at like 15 that I would never work in fast food, and I never did. It's a choice. No one is forcing these people to apply there and accept those wages. Apply for jobs that afford what you need them to and leave the minimum wage for high schoolers.

That said, I don't care if they get $15. No skin off my back. Im trying to get to a salaried 100k after taxes, and they wont be slowing me down by getting what they get.
To anyone who says "Actors and Athletes make millions to put a ball in a hoop!" 
SHUTUP! Those people are considered the best in the world at something that they put ALL of their time getting better at to get to where they are today. Especially pro athletes. They get paid because they worked hard all their years in school. And the reason they get paid the way they do is because the league and its sponsors generate billions of dollars in commerce off of their performance. When an A-list actor gets 10 million to do a film its because they are creating something that will presumably make 100s of millions of dollars and employ X amount of people who work on the project. If you think its easy, go do it. I've dabbled in sports and acting neither is easy money and the time given up traveling and working affords little stability.

You say it's no skin off your back but you feel some type of way about it. If fast food pulls in millions to billions per year then why cant the workers get a pay increase? No one say "when an athlete gets a pay increase it's gonna cause more unemployment or inflation". You're saying pro athletes get paid more because they worked hard all their years in school. Doctors didn't?
i hope they do get a raise in minimum wage. I don't see how you expect anyone to live on such a meager income.

better question is how do they expect to live at such a meager income?

i worked at mcDs at 16, i didnt look at it as a career

i remember a dude who worked with me there was 25 years old an rented a room at the local YMCA in my city an took the bus to work an would always try an get yambs who came in.

i dont want to call him a loser, such a harsh word

but he had no drive, no &$^&^#$ drive

yes.......lets GIVE them 15 bucks an hour for a job you can train a teen as a first gig
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Yes they should get a better job, but is it all that easy? Ask the jobless and frustrated thread guys how easy it is to get a job
How do most of you feel about FDR's "Second Bill of Rights"?

FDR's major concern was the gap between the have's and have nots, which is probably wider nowadays.

What about capping CEO compensation and making it fair? At the end of the day, a lot of CEO's are not highly skilled themselves :smile:lol).

In 1950 the ratio of CEO pay to Average worker pay was 20 to 1, it went to 42 to 1 by 1980, 120 to 1 by 2000 and it is at a whopping 204 to 1 as of 2013.

I'm no socialist, but captialism is clearly out of control. The have's, sure some of them are highly skilled, but let's be real there are tons of them that are not.

Cap on CEO pay will go a long way on relieving the strain unfair compensation is putting on social services.
I would think that most people over the age of 18 who are working there, probably have 2nd jobs. I'm sure there are cases out there, but I just don't know who would want to make a career out of working at a fast food place. Times are hard for A LOT of people out there, but I always viewed working in the fast food industry as a stepping stone to something else.
Cap on CEO pay will go a long way on relieving the strain unfair compensation is putting on social services.
Not it won't.

Corporations are huge. With hundreds of thousands to millions of employees. You could take away a CEOs pay and equally divide it up amongst the employees and it wouldn't make a difference.

Executive compensation is another one of those things that media likes to harp on to prey on naivete of the general populace.

Is it exorbitant, yes! But will it right the wrong of low wages if stopped, no.

Morever, I would argue that the stewardship of a multinational conglomerate is a task deserving of handsome compensation.
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Yes they should get a better job, but is it all that easy? Ask the jobless and frustrated thread guys how easy it is to get a job

NO &$^%

i know how hard it is to get a job, i did tell you im a college drop out right? My choice..................I never asked for a hand out when i was struggling my *** off, my parents dont spoil me

i worked my *** off just like i do in the gym, that same mentality i use in the gym i put to use in the real world
So...full time, 40 hours/week they expect to make $30k+ to flip burgers?  There are TEACHERS who have a degree, have done student teaching, etc that make that in some areas.  

Don't try to bring up that they get summers off, "I've had teachers that were only worth minimum wage", etc
meanwhile at in n out people are starting at 12 bucks an hour and getting benefits a couple months later.

guys l think @Al Audi  might work out..
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Thankful I have a job that can afford me real food. Fast food is a plague :x The worst part about the low wages the workers get is that they probably can't afford to eat anything but fast food/junk food off of those wages. Eating well isn't cheap but it leads to such a better quality of life.
So then what do you think should determine wages?

seems it should be based on skill and importance.
yeah but most of the time it isnt that way

seems it's never that way :lol:

i hope they do get a raise in minimum wage. I don't see how you expect anyone to live on such a meager income.

better question is how do they expect to live at such a meager income?

i worked at mcDs at 16, i didnt look at it as a career

i remember a dude who worked with me there was 25 years old an rented a room at the local YMCA in my city an took the bus to work an would always try an get yambs who came in.

i dont want to call him a loser, such a harsh word

but he had no drive, no &$^&^#$ drive

yes.......lets GIVE them 15 bucks an hour for a job you can train a teen as a first gig

you have to consider the people with no other options though.

they're not all that 25 year old loser. where I live a lot of the people working day shift at fast food places and minimum wage spots tend to be older, I'm gonna guess late 40s early 50s. my grandma on my dads side had to work at McDonalds part time to help pay bills because her other job wasn't cutting it, and the other one wasn't eem minimum wage.

it's not always as simple as drive, or making a career choice. some people literally have to live off of this job sadly.

$15/hr though, that's god damn ridiculous :lol:

How do most of you feel about FDR's "Second Bill of Rights"?

FDR's major concern was the gap between the have's and have nots, which is probably wider nowadays.

What about capping CEO compensation and making it fair? At the end of the day, a lot of CEO's are not highly skilled themselves :smile:lol).

In 1950 the ratio of CEO pay to Average worker pay was 20 to 1, it went to 42 to 1 by 1980, 120 to 1 by 2000 and it is at a whopping 204 to 1 as of 2013.

I'm no socialist, but captialism is clearly out of control. The have's, sure some of them are highly skilled, but let's be real there are tons of them that are not.

Cap on CEO pay will go a long way on relieving the strain unfair compensation is putting on social services.

crony capitalism ain't no joke.
So...full time, 40 hours/week they expect to make $30k+ to flip burgers?  There are TEACHERS who have a degree, have done student teaching, etc that make that in some areas.  

Don't try to bring up that they get summers off, "I've had teachers that were only worth minimum wage", etc

Agreed, however they do get increases. Education budgets are always getting slashed, and many work a 2nd job over the Summer. We don't value education in this country, and it shows.
people in the us got it so twisted.. the struggle is REAL and its real hard. I'm not gonna lie.

I grew up in a single parent minority household. so immediately the odds were stacked against me... i washed cars at a honda dealership in hs bopped around and did a few different things.. went to community college then transferred to a university, worked a full day and drove an hr to take night classes... two jobs to put myself through school...took student loans bc my moms couldnt afford to put me through school... fast forward 10 years later, I'm still working my *** off...I could have sat around and waited but it wasnt in MY DNA - now, my income is in the top 6% of the US ..

never had nothing handed , took nothing for granted 
Thankful I have a job that can afford me real food. Fast food is a plague :x The worst part about the low wages the workers get is that they probably can't afford to eat anything but fast food/junk food off of those wages. Eating well isn't cheap but it leads to such a better quality of life.

a lot of ppl can afford real food

ppl are just stupid and lazy

watch your expenses and eat for purpose

that whole eating well isnt cheap is BS

fast food IMO is a luxury

i cant afford McDs, i can afford to shop at a grocery store though an i eat good
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Not it won't.

Corporations are huge. With hundreds of thousands to millions of employees. You could take away a CEOs pay and equally divide it up amongst the employees and it wouldn't make a difference.

Executive compensation is another one of those things that media likes to harp on to prey on naivete of the general populace.

Is it exorbitant, yes! But will it right the wrong of low wages if stopped, no.

Morever, I would argue that the stewardship of a multinational conglomerate is a task deserving of handsome compensation.

The point isn't to divide it amongst other employees but to invest in social services. Educators are unfairly compensated in our society.

What is "handsome compensation"?


There's a lot of **** workers making good money.

Also, manual labor isn't respected in our society, it just isn't. No love for the blue collar here.
a lot of ppl can afford real food

ppl are just stupid and lazy

watch your expenses and eat for purpose

that whole eating well isnt cheap is BS

It's not BS man. You're telling me it's more affordable to eat a healthy, balanced diet than to eat fast food/junk food all the time? I disagree with you.
Thankful I have a job that can afford me real food. Fast food is a plague
The worst part about the low wages the workers get is that they probably can't afford to eat anything but fast food/junk food off of those wages. Eating well isn't cheap but it leads to such a better quality of life.
a lot of ppl can afford real food

ppl are just stupid and lazy

watch your expenses and eat for purpose

that whole eating well isnt cheap is BS

fast food IMO is a luxury

i cant afford McDs, i can afford to shop at a grocery store though an i eat good
Exactly.  The idea that "it's all someone can afford" is absurd.  Go to a grocery store, buy the ingredients to make something that is better for you anyway and learn to not rely on fast food as a crutch.  It's a matter of laziness and lack of discipline.
people in the us got it so twisted.. the struggle is REAL and its real hard. I'm not gonna lie.

I grew up in a single parent minority household. so immediately the odds were stacked against me... i washed cars at a honda dealership in hs bopped around and did a few different things.. went to community college then transferred to a university, worked a full day and drove an hr to take night classes... two jobs to put myself through school...took student loans bc my moms couldnt afford to put me through school... fast forward 10 years later, I'm still working my *** off...I could have sat around and waited but it wasnt in MY DNA - now, my income is in the top 6% of the US ..

never had nothing handed , took nothing for granted 


this is why i love NT

people like you motivate me in real life, an we have so many ppl in this community who had the odds against them an made it

you earned it man, you had drive, i respect all NTrs like yourself

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