Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

The market determines how much someone's job is worth, once the government tries to artificially increase the worth of someone's value bad things happen, i.e.outsourcing and automation.
Also, we have unemployment benefits that reduce incentives to work which further perverts the supply of labor as people sit on the sidelines, instead of having a financial incentive to get back out there as soon as possible.

Have you ever received unemployment benefits?
the poor need the rich? for what to exploit them

they earned it by dribbling a ball well? or pretending for a living? oh yea such a tough job they definitely should make more than heart and brain surgeons and the people we ask to educate our children

fact is this country trains you to worship the rich and never question why most of em make so much and do so little good with it
The thing about actors and ball players that most people who harp on the salary don't acknowledge everybody else, they get paid on the value they bring to the table.

It doesn't matter if you dribble a ball, or pretend for a the end of a day you are an entertainer and you get paid for your contribution to your employer's entertainment of the public.

A movie with an A-list star is presumably going to draw an audience and entertain millions bringing in a ton of money.

When Tiger Woods plays the masters, the purse goes up for the champion just due to him being there.

Kobe gets injured and the Lakers fail to sell out games for the first time in god know how long, because he puts fans butts in seats.

Entertainers deserve their money.

Can any of us say that we have the marketability to entertain tens of millions of people. That's why we make less.
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No service I have received from any fast food joint has EVER been worthy of $15.00 an hour. Except maybe Chic-fil-a, those folks hit you with enough politeness to make you sick. Do I see raising the minimum wage as a benefit? Sure, but $15.00 is a hell of a lot of money for a job that doesn't require any sort of education. You want to talk about a failing system? What incentive would people have to pursue further education if they had options to work fast food for more money than some recent college grads make?
we complaining about giving the people who work in THIS country a few extra dollars
BUT we give BILLIONS of dollars in aid to OTHER countries every year
and i dont see any people tryna do something about it
idk me myself i rather support people in my own country first than someone else
No service I have received from any fast food joint has EVER been worthy of $15.00 an hour. Except maybe Chic-fil-a, those folks hit you with enough politeness to make you sick. Do I see raising the minimum wage as a benefit? Sure, but $15.00 is a hell of a lot of money for a job that doesn't require any sort of education. You want to talk about a failing system? What incentive would people have to pursue further education if they had options to work fast food for more money than some recent college grads make?
Why bother finishing high school when you can dropout and make as much as your teacher.

They would do this anyway, only two ways to sustain profit margin, cut back or raise the price.
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The funny part is the tax payers pick up the slack with taxation and social services, but we rather talk about how these people should kick rocks than hold business accountable for their practices.

The $15 wage is a negotiation tactic.
So let's pay people less and hand out more food stamps because it's actually more cost effective........ Perfect :smh:
[thread="593512"]I've changed my mind. Give them $15 and fire half the staff.[/thread]
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[thread="593512"]almost every time i walk into a fast food establishment (rarely ever), I see buncha workers standing around doing nothing[/thread]
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[thread="593512"]especially at chipotle. i've spoken up to the dudes at chipotle clowning off while 1 dude struggles to move the line[/thread]
as long as the give me more than that lil teaspoon helping of meat i agree
So let's pay people less and hand out more food stamps because it's actually more cost effective........ Perfect
But paying them more might actually lead to more people on food stamps.

If an employer has a hundred hours of work to give at $5 an hour, for a total payroll bill of $500, then...

You already know what is going to happen if the wage jumps to $10 an hour.

Employer says, "well, Im not taking a hit to profitability because of this minimum wage," I'll just reduce my number of hours to 50, and have the same payroll.

Now, half of your employees just got laid off and are on unemployment.
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Supply and demand affects wages paid too...

"oh you don't want to work for $X.XX per hour? No worries, someone else will"
But paying them more might actually lead to more people on food stamps.

If an employer has a hundred hours of work to give at $5 an hour, for a total payroll bill of $500, then...

You already know what is going to happen if the wage jumps to $10 an hour.

Employer says, "well, Im not taking a hit to profitability because of this minimum wage," I'll just reduce my number of hours to 50, and have the same payroll.

Now, half of your employees just got laid off and are on unemployment.

Isn't this happening anyway, with no increases?
I make around 15 an hour right now and my goal is to get a promotion or better job to make more money, not wait on wage increases.

Im doing intense manual labor for that $15/hr. It's literally back breaking work. My job is a union job, I can't just ask for a raise like some others who can show strong work ethic and have good relations with management. Fast food workers asking for $15 does make me feel some type of way. They should be trying to climb the corporate latter from where they are. I doubt they're even looking for better opportunities. I told my mom at like 15 that I would never work in fast food, and I never did. It's a choice. No one is forcing these people to apply there and accept those wages. Apply for jobs that afford what you need them to and leave the minimum wage for high schoolers.

That said, I don't care if they get $15. No skin off my back. Im trying to get to a salaried 100k after taxes, and they wont be slowing me down by getting what they get.

To anyone who says "Actors and Athletes make millions to put a ball in a hoop!" 

SHUTUP! Those people are considered the best in the world at something that they put ALL of their time getting better at to get to where they are today. Especially pro athletes. They get paid because they worked hard all their years in school. And the reason they get paid the way they do is because the league and its sponsors generate billions of dollars in commerce off of their performance. When an A-list actor gets 10 million to do a film its because they are creating something that will presumably make 100s of millions of dollars and employ X amount of people who work on the project. If you think its easy, go do it. I've dabbled in sports and acting neither is easy money and the time given up traveling and working affords little stability.
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