Females And The Places They Enjoy Eating: Update: Dude Answers Back To NT

NT might have the best grammar and word choice on the net in terms of forums.

Sidenote, how are their only 3 comments on his blog figured people would be going hard at this dude.
NT might have the best grammar and word choice on the net in terms of forums.

Sidenote, how are their only 3 comments on his blog figured people would be going hard at this dude.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl


Originally Posted by TkTheGirl




until this responce the whole blog was only 2 entries...he should thank us for giving him something to talk about...and in two parts
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl




until this responce the whole blog was only 2 entries...he should thank us for giving him something to talk about...and in two parts
[h3]Successful Black Man Chronicles: "He Hate Me: A Tale of Misguided Anger" Pt. 1[/h3]
Grab a Snickers.

Somehow my lighthearted entry about "Hood Joints and Restaurants" found its way to the Niketalk message board and word got back to me.  Turns out, everyone was up in arms about how "pompous" and superficial I sounded in my blog. Mind you, this righteous response is coming from a website that was founded upon coveting overpriced shoes that are probably made by impoverished kids in sweatshops for pocket change.  Anyway, I'm arrogant, fair enough; but, when I used the phrase "Successful Black Man," a riot almost ensued.  There was mounds of outcry about how I sound like "one of those black people who got a lil money and thinks they are too good" or how this is the black male version of when a female uses "Strong Black Woman," and I'm here to dispute all of these unfounded claims.  This has the potential to be the longest blog in history, so I am going to have to divide this into two parts.

What's interesting to me is... if I make these three isolated statements:  "I am successful." "I am black." I am a man." I probably would not hear anything about it, but when I combine the three into "successful, black man" people get so annoyed and talk about how arrogant I am.  Also interesting, is that if I made a video with my pants sagging off my #%$, a fitted hat, a blunt in my mouth, thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, and talked about how many !%+$@** I !%+@, how many luxurious cars I have, and how many guns I have to shoot you with, there would not be this same outcry.  How do I know?  Because I witness this everyday on the TV and radio and it gets praised. 

Seriously, could someone please explain how are these "artists" any less arrogant than me.  Why is there not the same level of resentment for them as me?  Why is it that my invisible blog that uses three consecutive words can start an entire conversation amongst strangers who don't know me, but these same artists, who influence your kids more than you do, get a pass?  It could be because your mind has been conditioned to EXPECT a black man to be thugging, with his pants sagging, and making his money illegally; or maybe, more accurately, you subconsciously just hate the idea of a black man being successful, legally.  Or is it because if someone does a song and dance jig for you, everything's okay?

If everyone says I am an arrogant, pompous !%$%*$#, then I must be.  Truthfully, I don't walk around with the MENTALITY that I am better than anyone else, but it's my blog and I chose to let the reader know the type of person they are dealing with, i.e. a successful black man.  Anyone who knows me will take me for a chill type dude.  I'm not out to hurt anyone or make anyone feel bad about their situation.  However, I am a realist.  Logically, if I assess your situation and I assess my situation, they are not going to be equal.  One will outweigh the other, depending on your values and criteria for success.  So if I look on one side of the room and I see that the majority of black males, in my age group, have any combination of these:  thuggin, in jail or been to jail, uneducated, has one or more "baby mommas," has no legal job or just a job (not career), still live with their parents, no car; and then I look to my side and I see that I have a career, no kids, and a degree, a homeowner, how can I NOT feel like I am "better" than that person.  It may not be polite to express that publically, but obviously, I will still FEEL a certain way.  So, if I chose to mention the obvious, which is understood anyway, why make a big fuss?  My friend told me I should slow down with the phrase, successful black man, because it implies that it is not normal for a black man to be successful.  My reply simply was, "it's not."  The majority of black men have not done anything for me to think otherwise and statistics support this.  Obviously, I understand that there are good ones, since I am one, but if you have an issue with the FACT above, then prove me wrong.  I'm not going to get on people who are helpless, but if you have two arms, two legs, and a brain, then I will not tolerate excuses from you.  There are blind people and handicapped people who are making things of themselves.

How about this as a solution... how about, instead of criticizing me for acknowledging that I am doing well in a situation where other's aren't, you focus your energy on bringing those other people up, so that I won't have a reason to toot my own horn.  Do you think I like the fact that black men are not doing well in society and they make me look so marketable?  NO, it honestly pisses me off.  Well, a small part of me does, who doesn't like the feeling of being a commodity, but honestly, I would much rather prefer that all black men were productive citizens like myself.  Unfortunately, because people focus on insignificant people like me and don't focus on the larger problem, we have to have conversations like these.  I want to help the problem.  I talk to kids.  If you ask the skateboard kids who live around my way what I tell them, they will tell you that I've talked to them about school, going to college, and making something of themselves in life.  I help my little cousin with his homework and told him he can be something when he brings in bad grades and his parents can't reach him.  What are you doing besides worrying about what I'm doing?

This is no different from the 2007 New England Patriots running up the score on other teams.  Some people got mad, but my philosophy is that if the other team was doing its job, i.e. playing defense, there would be nothing to complain about.  So do YOUR job.  Focus onYOU being successful and not what I am doing, so I can enjoy myself in peace and not worry about appearing "too good."

Can someone explain to me how anyone can be "too good."  This is a horrible phrase and this is a subconscious, mental oppression that trickles down from slavery (que in the "here we go again" folks) and the black experience in America.  This statement, "too good" is almost as bad as these timeless classics:  "talkin white" "think you smart?" "You aint a real %@$%#." etc.  Someone says something witty or offensive to someone else and the offended replies, "are you getting smart with me?"  Seriously, you can't tell me this isn't something that originates directly from slave masters and slaves that is still ingrained in us today.  Heaven forbid that a %@$%# be smart in any situation.  Sadly, because you chose to elevate your lifestyle to something more productive, you get labeled, "too good."  If you speak proper english, wear form fitting clothing, have nice things, refuse to date girls that will curse you out everyday with blue weave in their hair, or even eat the proper foods, people say you think you are too good.  Too good for what?  How about instead of trying to force me down to your level, you uplift yourself to my level.  It's sickening how much black people consciously and subconsciously try to weigh each other down - Eww.  Part 2 coming soon;  The plot thickens.

"People fear what they don't understand; hate what they can't conquer.  Guess it's just the theory of man." - NAS Hate Me Now


[font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]this uncle tom is feelin' himself for no damn reason.. [/font]
[font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]queue the * successful blackman memes* for this clown[/font]
[h3]Successful Black Man Chronicles: "He Hate Me: A Tale of Misguided Anger" Pt. 1[/h3]
Grab a Snickers.

Somehow my lighthearted entry about "Hood Joints and Restaurants" found its way to the Niketalk message board and word got back to me.  Turns out, everyone was up in arms about how "pompous" and superficial I sounded in my blog. Mind you, this righteous response is coming from a website that was founded upon coveting overpriced shoes that are probably made by impoverished kids in sweatshops for pocket change.  Anyway, I'm arrogant, fair enough; but, when I used the phrase "Successful Black Man," a riot almost ensued.  There was mounds of outcry about how I sound like "one of those black people who got a lil money and thinks they are too good" or how this is the black male version of when a female uses "Strong Black Woman," and I'm here to dispute all of these unfounded claims.  This has the potential to be the longest blog in history, so I am going to have to divide this into two parts.

What's interesting to me is... if I make these three isolated statements:  "I am successful." "I am black." I am a man." I probably would not hear anything about it, but when I combine the three into "successful, black man" people get so annoyed and talk about how arrogant I am.  Also interesting, is that if I made a video with my pants sagging off my #%$, a fitted hat, a blunt in my mouth, thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, and talked about how many !%+$@** I !%+@, how many luxurious cars I have, and how many guns I have to shoot you with, there would not be this same outcry.  How do I know?  Because I witness this everyday on the TV and radio and it gets praised. 

Seriously, could someone please explain how are these "artists" any less arrogant than me.  Why is there not the same level of resentment for them as me?  Why is it that my invisible blog that uses three consecutive words can start an entire conversation amongst strangers who don't know me, but these same artists, who influence your kids more than you do, get a pass?  It could be because your mind has been conditioned to EXPECT a black man to be thugging, with his pants sagging, and making his money illegally; or maybe, more accurately, you subconsciously just hate the idea of a black man being successful, legally.  Or is it because if someone does a song and dance jig for you, everything's okay?

If everyone says I am an arrogant, pompous !%$%*$#, then I must be.  Truthfully, I don't walk around with the MENTALITY that I am better than anyone else, but it's my blog and I chose to let the reader know the type of person they are dealing with, i.e. a successful black man.  Anyone who knows me will take me for a chill type dude.  I'm not out to hurt anyone or make anyone feel bad about their situation.  However, I am a realist.  Logically, if I assess your situation and I assess my situation, they are not going to be equal.  One will outweigh the other, depending on your values and criteria for success.  So if I look on one side of the room and I see that the majority of black males, in my age group, have any combination of these:  thuggin, in jail or been to jail, uneducated, has one or more "baby mommas," has no legal job or just a job (not career), still live with their parents, no car; and then I look to my side and I see that I have a career, no kids, and a degree, a homeowner, how can I NOT feel like I am "better" than that person.  It may not be polite to express that publically, but obviously, I will still FEEL a certain way.  So, if I chose to mention the obvious, which is understood anyway, why make a big fuss?  My friend told me I should slow down with the phrase, successful black man, because it implies that it is not normal for a black man to be successful.  My reply simply was, "it's not."  The majority of black men have not done anything for me to think otherwise and statistics support this.  Obviously, I understand that there are good ones, since I am one, but if you have an issue with the FACT above, then prove me wrong.  I'm not going to get on people who are helpless, but if you have two arms, two legs, and a brain, then I will not tolerate excuses from you.  There are blind people and handicapped people who are making things of themselves.

How about this as a solution... how about, instead of criticizing me for acknowledging that I am doing well in a situation where other's aren't, you focus your energy on bringing those other people up, so that I won't have a reason to toot my own horn.  Do you think I like the fact that black men are not doing well in society and they make me look so marketable?  NO, it honestly pisses me off.  Well, a small part of me does, who doesn't like the feeling of being a commodity, but honestly, I would much rather prefer that all black men were productive citizens like myself.  Unfortunately, because people focus on insignificant people like me and don't focus on the larger problem, we have to have conversations like these.  I want to help the problem.  I talk to kids.  If you ask the skateboard kids who live around my way what I tell them, they will tell you that I've talked to them about school, going to college, and making something of themselves in life.  I help my little cousin with his homework and told him he can be something when he brings in bad grades and his parents can't reach him.  What are you doing besides worrying about what I'm doing?

This is no different from the 2007 New England Patriots running up the score on other teams.  Some people got mad, but my philosophy is that if the other team was doing its job, i.e. playing defense, there would be nothing to complain about.  So do YOUR job.  Focus onYOU being successful and not what I am doing, so I can enjoy myself in peace and not worry about appearing "too good."

Can someone explain to me how anyone can be "too good."  This is a horrible phrase and this is a subconscious, mental oppression that trickles down from slavery (que in the "here we go again" folks) and the black experience in America.  This statement, "too good" is almost as bad as these timeless classics:  "talkin white" "think you smart?" "You aint a real %@$%#." etc.  Someone says something witty or offensive to someone else and the offended replies, "are you getting smart with me?"  Seriously, you can't tell me this isn't something that originates directly from slave masters and slaves that is still ingrained in us today.  Heaven forbid that a %@$%# be smart in any situation.  Sadly, because you chose to elevate your lifestyle to something more productive, you get labeled, "too good."  If you speak proper english, wear form fitting clothing, have nice things, refuse to date girls that will curse you out everyday with blue weave in their hair, or even eat the proper foods, people say you think you are too good.  Too good for what?  How about instead of trying to force me down to your level, you uplift yourself to my level.  It's sickening how much black people consciously and subconsciously try to weigh each other down - Eww.  Part 2 coming soon;  The plot thickens.

"People fear what they don't understand; hate what they can't conquer.  Guess it's just the theory of man." - NAS Hate Me Now


[font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]this uncle tom is feelin' himself for no damn reason.. [/font]
[font=Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif]queue the * successful blackman memes* for this clown[/font]
My family lives in a good neighborhood in the suburbs, and our favorite restaurant is Chilis 
seriously who gives a @#$@ about what the other person's favorite restaurants are? On top of that I'm pretty sure most dudes would appreciate girls who prefer restaurants like that, instead of having to go to places where a damn pasta (that you can make at home in 5 minutes) costs $40
My family lives in a good neighborhood in the suburbs, and our favorite restaurant is Chilis 
seriously who gives a @#$@ about what the other person's favorite restaurants are? On top of that I'm pretty sure most dudes would appreciate girls who prefer restaurants like that, instead of having to go to places where a damn pasta (that you can make at home in 5 minutes) costs $40
My girl loves Olive Garden (
) and we go to all kinds of food places (Yelpers!), still she likes Olive Garden.
My girl loves Olive Garden (
) and we go to all kinds of food places (Yelpers!), still she likes Olive Garden.
Originally Posted by Phen0m

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


There is a girl he knows, specifically, who is the poster child for this.  I doubt this will blog will get to her, so let me tell you what this chick did.  The menu did not have anything she wanted, so she ordered a chicken pasta dish.  When she ordered it, she asked the waiter if he had Alfredo sauce in the back (lol), and she gave the waiter specific instructions to basically customize the entire dish to be Fettuccine Alfredo (LOL).  So after she puts in her customized order, which they better get right!, she proceeds to make the following statement to him... with conviction, might I add.  ::ahem:: "ALL restaurants should have buffalo wings."  So he contests this statement by saying, "That doesn't make any sense at all.  What if you're at an Italian restaurant, or a seafood restaurant."  She refutes completely with this impregnable logic, "It don't matta; I don't care. All restaurants need to have buffalo wings." -_-

Originally Posted by Phen0m

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


There is a girl he knows, specifically, who is the poster child for this.  I doubt this will blog will get to her, so let me tell you what this chick did.  The menu did not have anything she wanted, so she ordered a chicken pasta dish.  When she ordered it, she asked the waiter if he had Alfredo sauce in the back (lol), and she gave the waiter specific instructions to basically customize the entire dish to be Fettuccine Alfredo (LOL).  So after she puts in her customized order, which they better get right!, she proceeds to make the following statement to him... with conviction, might I add.  ::ahem:: "ALL restaurants should have buffalo wings."  So he contests this statement by saying, "That doesn't make any sense at all.  What if you're at an Italian restaurant, or a seafood restaurant."  She refutes completely with this impregnable logic, "It don't matta; I don't care. All restaurants need to have buffalo wings." -_-

Ol' successful black woman trapped in a man's body sounding *!# cat.
You better snap out of it kid...
Ol' successful black woman trapped in a man's body sounding *!# cat.
You better snap out of it kid...
Dude prolly be taking the gold diggin chicks out then they go get piped by someone else and joke about how lame he was.....
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