Females with no father figure= disaster

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Slim

Originally Posted by kix4kix

IMO it is much deeper than they look for father-like traits in their mate. All women do that, if you don't think so, you kidding yourselves. The deeper pain is the fact of knowing that the one man that created you wants nothing to do with you. That is painful !!@$ man...if the man that made you aint there, why would any other man stay?
Deep psychological stuff man. My first love was this way, and she swore up and down I was always doing her wrong. The fact was, it had become what she expected from males. Some women with no fathers just can't learn to actualize that not all men are cowards.
This +%@@ right here is terrible. Any of y'all have any luck getting through all the issues?

All women want security, women with no fathers want the secret service.

But I agree w/ jawnyquest. A lot of you guys in here are terrible at trying to figure out women
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Slim

Originally Posted by kix4kix

IMO it is much deeper than they look for father-like traits in their mate. All women do that, if you don't think so, you kidding yourselves. The deeper pain is the fact of knowing that the one man that created you wants nothing to do with you. That is painful !!@$ man...if the man that made you aint there, why would any other man stay?
Deep psychological stuff man. My first love was this way, and she swore up and down I was always doing her wrong. The fact was, it had become what she expected from males. Some women with no fathers just can't learn to actualize that not all men are cowards.
This +%@@ right here is terrible. Any of y'all have any luck getting through all the issues?

All women want security, women with no fathers want the secret service.

But I agree w/ jawnyquest. A lot of you guys in here are terrible at trying to figure out women
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People in general without father figures = disaster

Some of y'all should really work on self-reflection and start thinking more critically.  I mean, what is the role that men play in this equation if all of these girls are lacking father figures?  Oh, let me guess, it's always the woman's fault that the father leaves
.  Are boys not lacking father figures?  Does this not affect them??

It's obvious that some of y'all have some serious issues with women.  Maybe you should work on them instead of constantly trying to over-analyze, diagnose, and criticize each and every thing about the few women on which you base your generalizations.

They arent generalizations they are stats/facts etc that prove these thoughts ppl speaking on. And one of the major facts that favors usually its the woman fault is that stat-wise most of these woman have multi-baby daddies while the dudes usually have this one messed up chick then go off be married etc.

Even without stats and facts its clear that if a chick has 4 5 kids all by diff dudes and her mom, her moms mom is the same. And all the dudes go off leave and find someone get married happily ever after while the woman keeps having baby daddy after baby daddy. Its easy to see she is the common denominator, the problem.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People in general without father figures = disaster

Some of y'all should really work on self-reflection and start thinking more critically.  I mean, what is the role that men play in this equation if all of these girls are lacking father figures?  Oh, let me guess, it's always the woman's fault that the father leaves
.  Are boys not lacking father figures?  Does this not affect them??

It's obvious that some of y'all have some serious issues with women.  Maybe you should work on them instead of constantly trying to over-analyze, diagnose, and criticize each and every thing about the few women on which you base your generalizations.

They arent generalizations they are stats/facts etc that prove these thoughts ppl speaking on. And one of the major facts that favors usually its the woman fault is that stat-wise most of these woman have multi-baby daddies while the dudes usually have this one messed up chick then go off be married etc.

Even without stats and facts its clear that if a chick has 4 5 kids all by diff dudes and her mom, her moms mom is the same. And all the dudes go off leave and find someone get married happily ever after while the woman keeps having baby daddy after baby daddy. Its easy to see she is the common denominator, the problem.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Slim

Originally Posted by kix4kix

IMO it is much deeper than they look for father-like traits in their mate. All women do that, if you don't think so, you kidding yourselves. The deeper pain is the fact of knowing that the one man that created you wants nothing to do with you. That is painful !!@$ man...if the man that made you aint there, why would any other man stay?
Deep psychological stuff man. My first love was this way, and she swore up and down I was always doing her wrong. The fact was, it had become what she expected from males. Some women with no fathers just can't learn to actualize that not all men are cowards.
This +%@@ right here is terrible. Any of y'all have any luck getting through all the issues?
I can't speak on anyone elses situation. But for me, the relationship ran its course, and as OP's case, my chick found a new one like the next week. I wasn't mad though, I try to look past people and search for the causes of their actions. Fact was, poor thing was terrified of being alone, and I was a college freshman -far from a sure thing, what makes it a catch 22 for these females is that they can never truly believe that a man is there for the long haul, so they ALWAYS have backup plans. Which as well all know, is pretty detrimental to actually having a longterm relationship.
All women want security, women with no fathers want the secret service.
And of course the chick I should be with wants to get her George Washington on and maintain isolation. Smh.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Slim

Originally Posted by kix4kix

IMO it is much deeper than they look for father-like traits in their mate. All women do that, if you don't think so, you kidding yourselves. The deeper pain is the fact of knowing that the one man that created you wants nothing to do with you. That is painful !!@$ man...if the man that made you aint there, why would any other man stay?
Deep psychological stuff man. My first love was this way, and she swore up and down I was always doing her wrong. The fact was, it had become what she expected from males. Some women with no fathers just can't learn to actualize that not all men are cowards.
This +%@@ right here is terrible. Any of y'all have any luck getting through all the issues?
I can't speak on anyone elses situation. But for me, the relationship ran its course, and as OP's case, my chick found a new one like the next week. I wasn't mad though, I try to look past people and search for the causes of their actions. Fact was, poor thing was terrified of being alone, and I was a college freshman -far from a sure thing, what makes it a catch 22 for these females is that they can never truly believe that a man is there for the long haul, so they ALWAYS have backup plans. Which as well all know, is pretty detrimental to actually having a longterm relationship.
All women want security, women with no fathers want the secret service.
And of course the chick I should be with wants to get her George Washington on and maintain isolation. Smh.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Red mpls (brother malcolm) I feel you but I can sift through my issues and problems all day and that wasn't the point of the thread. I'm just giving a heads up to a lot of dudes out here getting driven up the wall by these chicks. Unfortunately in our community(black) girls with no father figure is very common and its sad to say but our generation is having kids crazy right now and that generation will be even worse......... back on topic KingJay YOU NEVER WIFE A $#++! Comeone dude that's rule #1, but a $#++ with daddy issues!? Dude you got caught in the looks.
I understand that this is one topic, but it's reflective of a much larger trend on here where men making sweeping indictments and stereotypes about women while failing to see how whatever the topic is plays out in the lives of males as well.  Like, in this post you state that in the Black community, GIRLS not having a father figure is "very common" and that "our generation is having kids crazy right now and that generation will be even worse."  Aren't there just as many Black BOYS growing up without father figures??  If you look at essentially any measure of outcomes in the Black community (high school graduation, college attendance, incarceration, mortality, etc.), boys are doing MUCH worse than girls.  So why is essentially everyone in this thread ignoring the impact of fatherlessness on MALES???

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People in general without father figures = disaster

Some of y'all should really work on self-reflection and start thinking more critically.  I mean, what is the role that men play in this equation if all of these girls are lacking father figures?  Oh, let me guess, it's always the woman's fault that the father leaves
.  Are boys not lacking father figures?  Does this not affect them??

It's obvious that some of y'all have some serious issues with women.  Maybe you should work on them instead of constantly trying to over-analyze, diagnose, and criticize each and every thing about the few women on which you base your generalizations.

They arent generalizations they are stats/facts etc that prove these thoughts ppl speaking on. And one of the major facts that favors usually its the woman fault is that stat-wise most of these woman have multi-baby daddies while the dudes usually have this one messed up chick then go off be married etc.

Even without stats and facts its clear that if a chick has 4 5 kids all by diff dudes and her mom, her moms mom is the same. And all the dudes go off leave and find someone get married happily ever after while the woman keeps having baby daddy after baby daddy. Its easy to see she is the common denominator, the problem.

Probably the most asinine post in this thread.  Please show me the "statistics" and "facts" that reinforce your "arguments."  Please.

Otherwise, keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about.  Please.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Red mpls (brother malcolm) I feel you but I can sift through my issues and problems all day and that wasn't the point of the thread. I'm just giving a heads up to a lot of dudes out here getting driven up the wall by these chicks. Unfortunately in our community(black) girls with no father figure is very common and its sad to say but our generation is having kids crazy right now and that generation will be even worse......... back on topic KingJay YOU NEVER WIFE A $#++! Comeone dude that's rule #1, but a $#++ with daddy issues!? Dude you got caught in the looks.
I understand that this is one topic, but it's reflective of a much larger trend on here where men making sweeping indictments and stereotypes about women while failing to see how whatever the topic is plays out in the lives of males as well.  Like, in this post you state that in the Black community, GIRLS not having a father figure is "very common" and that "our generation is having kids crazy right now and that generation will be even worse."  Aren't there just as many Black BOYS growing up without father figures??  If you look at essentially any measure of outcomes in the Black community (high school graduation, college attendance, incarceration, mortality, etc.), boys are doing MUCH worse than girls.  So why is essentially everyone in this thread ignoring the impact of fatherlessness on MALES???

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People in general without father figures = disaster

Some of y'all should really work on self-reflection and start thinking more critically.  I mean, what is the role that men play in this equation if all of these girls are lacking father figures?  Oh, let me guess, it's always the woman's fault that the father leaves
.  Are boys not lacking father figures?  Does this not affect them??

It's obvious that some of y'all have some serious issues with women.  Maybe you should work on them instead of constantly trying to over-analyze, diagnose, and criticize each and every thing about the few women on which you base your generalizations.

They arent generalizations they are stats/facts etc that prove these thoughts ppl speaking on. And one of the major facts that favors usually its the woman fault is that stat-wise most of these woman have multi-baby daddies while the dudes usually have this one messed up chick then go off be married etc.

Even without stats and facts its clear that if a chick has 4 5 kids all by diff dudes and her mom, her moms mom is the same. And all the dudes go off leave and find someone get married happily ever after while the woman keeps having baby daddy after baby daddy. Its easy to see she is the common denominator, the problem.

Probably the most asinine post in this thread.  Please show me the "statistics" and "facts" that reinforce your "arguments."  Please.

Otherwise, keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about.  Please.
I can relate on some of the scenarios in this thread shorty had a dude knocking her down 2 weeks later I just charged it to the game as a lesson learned.She always had an attitude also like she had no respect for men at all, She'll do certain %+$$ and when I checked her about it she would argue with me about for hours and catch a %!!@# fit.
I can relate on some of the scenarios in this thread shorty had a dude knocking her down 2 weeks later I just charged it to the game as a lesson learned.She always had an attitude also like she had no respect for men at all, She'll do certain %+$$ and when I checked her about it she would argue with me about for hours and catch a %!!@# fit.
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