Finally asked a Japanese girl

Those videos were painful

I'm glad things have changed a little.
@ dude tryin to pull chicks w. paul blart as his wingman...

w/e tho...if it works out, yall can share clothes.
Neek, you do know enough about Japanese to realize bukkake, by definition, involves multiple guys. Unless you're planning to go and eat udon with her.
text her tonight...dont wait...dont follow those stupid man laws that you need to wait a couple days

BTW, from the start i always knew you were into those chicks from your previous posts

Ganguro is like a darker version of gyaru, I think. More tan more white eye makeup, more wild looking. From there i get's really ugly with the worstversion I seen being known as Yamanba (literally mountain hag). Google it if your curiosity get's the better of you, but be warned.
Yeah so I texted her today. It was great because she was very interested. she kept texting me. I asked her if she was working today and she said yes. So nohanging out today. But she was very into what I do and such. So i left it as next time you are free lets hang out!
Wow! I never thought you would have any girl problems neek, you seem too cool,calm, and collected. but you should probably wait until the next day at least totext her and set something up. Dont set things up too far ahead because chicks love sponteneity. Just play it cool and keep her laughin and you'll bediggin before long my dude.
Originally Posted by mrneek

Yeah so I texted her today. It was great because she was very interested. she kept texting me. I asked her if she was working today and she said yes. So no hanging out today. But she was very into what I do and such. So i left it as next time you are free lets hang out!

lol lets hope there is a next time
Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Ganguro is like a darker version of gyaru, I think. More tan more white eye makeup, more wild looking. From there i get's really ugly with the worst version I seen being known as Yamanba (literally mountain hag). Google it if your curiosity get's the better of you, but be warned.
okay, they look like witch doctors. I don't get why they do that to themselves. (wow I sound so American...)

I like your avy. Did Season 2 of the anime ever come out?
That is great!
I love the success stories lol, now i have to try and get another one of my own with this korean shorty that i wouldnt mind bagging.
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