Finally asked a Japanese girl



need, i actually didn't download the octopus one...

i freaking downloaded the FISH/CHUM CRAP. OMGG I ALMOST THREW UP. hahaha

i got links if you need the whole series. LMAO

it was nice BBMing you today. hahahaha
Originally Posted by JDMEVOIXMR

Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Ganguro is like a darker version of gyaru, I think. More tan more white eye makeup, more wild looking. From there i get's really ugly with the worst version I seen being known as Yamanba (literally mountain hag). Google it if your curiosity get's the better of you, but be warned.
okay, they look like witch doctors. I don't get why they do that to themselves. (wow I sound so American...)

I like your avy. Did Season 2 of the anime ever come out?

silly babeee.
Originally Posted by mrneek

Yeah so I texted her today. It was great because she was very interested. she kept texting me. I asked her if she was working today and she said yes. So no hanging out today. But she was very into what I do and such. So i left it as next time you are free lets hang out!
instead of that... ask her whens shes free and do something about it. be precise and upfront without sounding too desperate

and no pics yet??
why would you guys want to see pics of another man girl ? That's his personal business. Congrat on being on of the few man that have the guts to ask thegirl you like out. Most of NTers are all talks but no walks
Originally Posted by nkwu11

@ this thread.

Slightly off topic...

but more on topic
DAMN, they got a video of this man trying to get his pimp on. Neek I don't know you, but I'm rooting for you man. Just be real with thisJapanese chick. Never know she might be your true lover rather than a fantasy.
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Originally Posted by mrneek

Yeah so I texted her today. It was great because she was very interested. she kept texting me. I asked her if she was working today and she said yes. So no hanging out today. But she was very into what I do and such. So i left it as next time you are free lets hang out!
instead of that... ask her whens shes free and do something about it. be precise and upfront without sounding too desperate

and no pics yet??

already did that. she said eaither Tues or Wed she is free, because she works all the time. I was trying to get to hang out with her yesterday or today but sheis working! Once I hang out with her I will post pics.
lol oh man. She texted me today saying " Your photos on your website very cool"!

i think she saw my blog as well..

Originally Posted by mrneek

lol oh man. She texted me today saying " Your photos on your website very cool"!

i think she saw my blog as well..

She's into it
Originally Posted by mrneek

lol oh man. She texted me today saying " Your photos on your website very cool"!

i think she saw my blog as well..

smh.gif wait..she saw the pron posts on your blog and shestill cool?? lmao
Originally Posted by mrneek

lol oh man. She texted me today saying " Your photos on your website very cool"!

i think she saw my blog as well..


oh man, who knows, she's probably into all that..
for u....but still
for me
Just be yourself bro... talk about stuff ur into.. U guys are more than likely into the same stuff.. But the best part about texting is there aren't any ofthose long pauses in the convo, and its a little more comfortable 2 get 2 kno somebody
Originally Posted by siemprefresco14

Just be yourself bro... talk about stuff ur into.. U guys are more than likely into the same stuff.. But the best part about texting is there aren't any of those long pauses in the convo, and its a little more comfortable 2 get 2 kno somebody

good advice and That is always wants in the back of my head. We have a lot in common so it will be great. And I agree with the long pauses in convo's. veryakward. But yeah she did look at my blog, which is great because I know she is still hitting me up.
Originally Posted by bustinxjustin

Originally Posted by mrneek

lol oh man. She texted me today saying " Your photos on your website very cool"!

i think she saw my blog as well..

She's into it
you gon be sticking octopus in her booty in no time. this didnt creep me out that bad, as ive seen one with one girl, hundreds of goldfish, and ablender. (thanks GA
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