Finally asked a Japanese girl


Damn this dude got a shirt made out of the same pattern as the comforter every NTer got.
horoscope is looking good as well! Dragon Overview The year of the Ox may slightly hinder the Dragon's independent spirit. There will be gains, but you mayhave to adapt to situations with different strategies than your usual style. There are three favorable months to provide periods of substantial progress andyou would do well to take notice of these times and make the most of the opportunities offered. You will have many situations socially that provide great joythroughout the year. The single Dragon will be happy to know that romance is favored this year, so you may find someone to share your experiences. Beconservative in your spending or it could result in problems next year.
So this girl is from Japan Japanese? Just making sure since your preferences might have shifted a little since your famous posts of years ago. That and the hugright off the bat seems atypical of Japanese but I could be wrong.

Do you know your blood type? Japanese seem to be concerned about that kind of thing since it's like a horoscope. Maybe you can ask her why they use theChinese Zodiac but go by the Gregorian calendar year and not the Lunar calendar where the whole thing originated? Just a few random thoughts since you broughtup Chinese astrology.
Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

i thought u were blk neek...asain on asian pron ftl!
good work sir.

Same here. Thought he was black like I am and we both had this special place in our hearts and pants for Japanese women. Well enough of that, go get it homie.
Yo neek what spots are good for sushi & Japanese food in Vegas ?

My sister and her husband are staying at my parents house in south vegas and I'm about to roll up there for the long weekend on presidents day &valentines day weekend.

I've been talking to this filipina chick who lives there and went to UNLV there and is a registered nurse. The girl is filipina who was born and raised inHawaii. But yeah I want to take her out for some good sushi when I'm up there to see her .

I am filipino also .
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Yo neek what spots are good for sushi & Japanese food in Vegas ?

My sister and her husband are staying at my parents house in south vegas and I'm about to roll up there for the long weekend on presidents day & valentines day weekend.

I've been talking to this filipina chick who lives there and went to UNLV there and is a registered nurse. The girl is filipina who was born and raised in Hawaii. But yeah I want to take her out for some good sushi when I'm up there to see her .

I am filipino also .

Go to Ichiza in Chinatown. Very good Japanese place. haha
Originally Posted by mrneek

so should I text her tomorrow again. I really just want her to text me so that would be certain she likes me. ya dig

dude jus hit her up whenever u feel like it..... she's gonna know that your interested.. as long as u dont overdo it you'll be alright.. she'salready interested now, u jus gotta reel her in some more.. chix dig it when you show some type of effort... but it all depends on what you're trying 2 dowith this chic tho
I asked her when she was free. she said tues or wed. Should I text her tommorow. Or wait till she just text me and wants to hang out.
yea.. text her until you guys hang out or whatever, since you guys will have been texting for a few days by then she'll feel more comfortable when you guysmeet up and so will you... just hit her up on some "hows ur day going" type stuff and ask basic questions and stuff. when you text just abouteverything is fair game
I dont want to seem desprete. What are the chances of her texting me first. I want that to happen. lol
lol.. as long as u dont hit her up numerous times b4 she responds u wont seem desperate... but if she's really interested she'll text u first.. u justgotta get her 2 that point... once she starts 2 get comfortable with you and enjoy your conversation she'll definately start 2 contact you first on aregular basis, might even hit u with an unexpected call
neek, space out times your first texting her if she doesn't text you first.
invite her out to a gathering or group event so it doesn't scare the #+** outta her and come off as you just tryna smash and seem like a good character:smile:unless she is in the same boat and looking to smash. You're in Vegas, pretty sure theres a million things to do, including her, and with MAGIC and co.coming up, more things to go to with her NT, get it crackin', gotta get that "valentine's" started...
Originally Posted by LeftyJeenyus

neek, space out times your first texting her if she doesn't text you first.
invite her out to a gathering or group event so it doesn't scare the #+** outta her and come off as you just tryna smash and seem like a good character:smile: unless she is in the same boat and looking to smash. You're in Vegas, pretty sure theres a million things to do, including her, and with MAGIC and co. coming up, more things to go to with her NT, get it crackin', gotta get that "valentine's" started...

Good Idea's. And like I said before. She loves our culture as well!. She has a lot of knowledge in it. Well of course shes japanese and they have been onthis forever.
Update: So no texting her at all today. last text I sent her was 2 days ago and i said "Let me know when your free" She said eaither tuesday orwednesday.

So i am hoping she text me first tomorrow.
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