First fatal crash in self driving car (UBER)

I hope all you knocking these self-driving cars don't invest in them. More guap for me.

Current chair of the National Automobile Dealers Association Wes Lutz also said dealers aren’t so hot on autonomy right now. Lutz admits that customers like the idea of safety features and assisted highway cruising, but most aren’t interested in a car that can drive itself all of the time. “I just think we’re jumping the gun on this thing,” he said. “Why don’t we ask the consumer if that’s what they want to do?”

Current chair of the National Automobile Dealers Association Wes Lutz also said dealers aren’t so hot on autonomy right now. Lutz admits that customers like the idea of safety features and assisted highway cruising, but most aren’t interested in a car that can drive itself all of the time. “I just think we’re jumping the gun on this thing,” he said. “Why don’t we ask the consumer if that’s what they want to do?”
what's the point of this article? of course he isn't interested at the moment because it has not been perfected. but once the technology advances he will switch opinions because the money/profit will be seen. It's similar to what happened with digital streaming of media. Blockbuster thought there was no future in digital streaming, look where they at now.

You lack logical/rational thinking, it's really amazing.
it dont matter if customers don't want it/arent willin to spend on it, plenty of still born tech is scattered on da graveyards of automotive history cuz da public was unwilling to adopt it.
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It’s gonna be awesome like Total Recall.
yeah, customers aren't exactly gushin at da lips at letting go of a steering wheel full time..

da guy who is "Current chair of the National Automobile Dealers Association"

admitted as such.
There was a lot in the article, but on the point of buyer behaviors customers have been buying autonomous vehicles for years. Parallel and park assist is now alost decade old tech, and drive correct based on lane imaging is now standard in luxury vehicles..........

Of course nobody is buying fully automated cars, they aren't available yet...
but on the point of buyer behaviors customers have been buying autonomous vehicles for years. Parallel and park assist is now alost decade old tech, and drive correct based on lane imaging is now standard in luxury vehicles..........

not sayin much since "cruise control" is level 1 autonomy...

i dont know basically anyone who trusts cruise control confidently, ish scary AF when traffic slows down and your car is cruising at 55mph.
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