First fatal crash in self driving car (UBER)

I mean driverless car are cool and all but I feel that's giving way too much leeway to an entity to control a part of your life.

Everyone is all hyped now but just wait and I mean it will happen no doubt but wait until hackers get complete control over thousands of cars all at once causing a mass transit crisis cause all of these cars are connect through da internet of things
That is my big concern about the IoT. We're giving away the little things we still control in our life to conglomerates that we might never get back just for the sake of convenience, which sounds more and more like laziness to me. How long before your wheel-less, pedal-less car takes you from A to B through all the tolls on your commute? You know that moving box will throw ads at you.
Looked at the first couple comments on the first page and it seems like dudes are blaming the car...

But I didnt read anything in OP that actually explains the situation. All you read is that she was struck at a crosswalk.

The fact that a human driver was behind the wheel to monitor the car as well seems suspicious to me... I'm hesitant to place blame entirely on the driver and the autonomous vehicle. That's 2 failed safety checks in an ambiougsly explained situation.

If she just jutted out into the street, especially at a green light cause dudes stay doing this downtown in my city...
sounds like the police chief's initial impression after watching the video is that the self-driving car is not at fault

pedestrian stepped out of the shadows from a center median into traffic, nighttime, was about 100 yards away from a crosswalk, and the chief believes that a human driver would not have avoided the collision either.
sounds like the police chief's initial impression after watching the video is that the self-driving car is not at fault

pedestrian stepped out of the shadows from a center median into traffic, nighttime, was about 100 yards away from a crosswalk, and the chief believes that a human driver would not have avoided the collision either.

Right, and thats what was making me suspicious, the fact that there WAS a human still behind the wheel and the chick still got taken out.

2 + 2 was equaling 5 with the ambiguous explanation we got from the article OP posted. Hate to say it, but from the jump after reading that article I felt the jaywalker was 100% at fault.

Still copping the fully loaded Tesla in the next few years.
I actually enjoy driving my car. I live in a city, so I don’t need to drive it most days, but when I do I generally enjoy it. Car are so easy to drive now days anyway with all this new tech so I get why people are excited about the idea are driverless cars.

Ex-con was behind wheel of self-driving Uber that killed woman
By Yaron Steinbuch

March 20, 2018 | 4:23pm

The operator of a self-driving Uber vehicle that fatally struck a woman in Arizona was a convicted felon who served almost four years in the slammer for attempted armed robbery, according to a report.

Rafaela Vasquez, 44, was behind the wheel of a Volvo when it hit Elaine Herzberg, 49, as she was walking a bike outside a crosswalk in Tempe on Sunday night, officials said. The SUV was in autonomous mode at the time of the accident.
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Ex-con was behind wheel of self-driving Uber that killed woman
By Yaron Steinbuch

March 20, 2018 | 4:23pm

The operator of a self-driving Uber vehicle that fatally struck a woman in Arizona was a convicted felon who served almost four years in the slammer for attempted armed robbery, according to a report.

Rafaela Vasquez, 44, was behind the wheel of a Volvo when it hit Elaine Herzberg, 49, as she was walking a bike outside a crosswalk in Tempe on Sunday night, officials said. The SUV was in autonomous mode at the time of the accident.

What is the relevance of this?
They're really resorting to slandering the driver.
His prior criminal convictions have nothing do do with his ability to drive.
What is the relevance of this?

You need to read the article (I’m posting from mobile so that’s all I could copy) Apparently they hired an ex con transgendered person as the driver. IDK about you but this screams conspiracy to me

The article also stated that the car had to be taken control of every 0.8 miles during their test
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I cannot believe how many of you are excited for this.. You do understand how much money this will take away from the citizens in this country, right? Transportation is one of the last bastions of hard work=pay off.

I swear most of you wouldnt care about a single thing, freedom being the main one, as long as you got wifi and a new phone. Technology like this isnt going to advance a dang thing but the companies who produce the tech and DONT have to pay millions of people any longer.

Complaining about driving is pretty pathetic, and using safety to push it is even more so. The world isnt safe and I wouldnt want to live in a perfect world anyway.

Off my soapbox.
:rofl:@ transportation being equal to hard work.

Technology like this does lead to advances actually. More time for actual work/study/research.... When you say tech like this what do you mean?

Nobody is coming for your cars, you can keep them. One of this nations best attributes is its highway system, that isn't going anywhere either.

Lastly, I am genuinely curious as to why you think complaining about driving is pretty pathetic, all trends point to individuals living in cities (ie not driving).....Not to mention ride share, biking, and public transportation....How far do you drive to work?
Looks like a poorly lit road and the biker walked right in front. Driver sound asleep until the last second.
Seems to me like it will be a never ending road to perfect this technology. If and when the day comes, how much probable error will be allowed to have this technology on the road, if any? I can't imagine they won't require the driver to be fully alert and ready to take command of the wheel in case of a malfunction. There will be so much liability in question. If you own one of these things and it ends up killing someone because of some error, you best believe there will be some type of accountability thrown your way. F that!
Seems to me like it will be a never ending road to perfect this technology. If and when the day comes, how much probable error will be allowed to have this technology on the road, if any? I can't imagine they won't require the driver to be fully alert and ready to take command of the wheel in case of a malfunction. There will be so much liability in question. If you own one of these things and it ends up killing someone because of some error, you best believe there will be some type of accountability thrown your way. F that!

As opposed to how it is now?
As opposed to how it is now?

You don't think the owner will try and place the blame entirely on the autonomous car? In today's world, who gets the blame for a death caused by car accident? The driver does. I can almost guarantee you they will make you sign some type of liability agreement with these autonomous cars. No way these manufacturers aren't going to try and protect themselves.
Dude was legit asleep like he was on a plane or something. You know for a fact he lost his job plus he's got to deal with this legally and emotionally.
Looks like a poorly lit road and the biker walked right in front. Driver sound asleep until the last second.

Nah, any driver with half a brain woudve seen her even in the middle lf the street seconds before even with that poorly lit road.

And keywords are middle of the street, its not like the car was in the left lane and she just came off the curb. She was already halfway across. She coudve looked right to see if any cars were coming but also the driver who has to be wary of pedestrians shoudve spotted her as well.
City roads weren't designed with self driving cars in mind. This is too dangerous for pedestrians imo
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