Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

Yeah I might need an NT break, **** is bleak at times getting a peak into the minds of people you don't come across on a daily basis. Skews your reality.
Overt Masculinity is toxic. It leads to a misplaced ideal of what boys and men should be, and when they don’t or aren’t able to live up to that standard which has been programmed into them since birth, every so often they go overboard and shoot up a school.

You have these young boys walking around, troubled and disturbed because they are partly trying to live up to an archaic standard of what a man is supposed to be so when they get rejected or get no play, they respond like this

Who said all though?
if you're not saying all, then it kills your statement. because you said "If something is readily available and high usage exists, experimentation will occur. It happened during the crack epidemic and now during the opioid crisis." you said if its readily available and people around you are using it...a person WILL experiment with it.

I did. Peer pressure is real.
speak for yourself. some of us dont fall to peer pressure. and. it just shows u werent really against it. if you can be peer pressured into something... a part of you wanted to do it. under no circumstances could i be peer pressured into trying drugs, gay sex, robbing a bank, listening to a country album, etc etc... itll just never happen. period.

Right, but for some things you have to work harder to access, which was my point. The harder it becomes, the wider the net, or checks and balances if you will. The wider the net and the more checks and balances, the higher the likelihood of someone becoming detected. Again...the butterfly effect.
what net wouldve stopped a child from taking his parents gun? the same net that would stop me from hypothetically committing a crime next week right?

No one is saying everyone falls victim to temptation.
you implied that as long as you have access and people around you are doing it... you WILL fall victim. reference above.

People are a product of their environment though. You ever live in the hood? There's a phenomenon called nature versus nurture. No matter which way you wanna slice it, the environment does 100% absolutely have an impact on an individual.
people are NOT a product of their environment. thats an absolute statement once again. i mentioned nature vs nuture like 3 posts ago. environment does have an IMPACT... but doesnt ultimately define you. meaning... you cant be a product OF the environment. its an excuse. if you're born in the hood, it doesnt mean you're doomed to be a hood n**** cuz thats all u saw growing up does it? if your dad abused your mom, does it mean you have to be abusive in your relationships too cuz thats what u saw growing up? my dad cheated on my mother and jacked up our family.... am i doomed to do the same thing now? kill that weak noise. nobody can control what situation theyre born into. but once u grow up...where u end up is all on you.
if you're not saying all, then it kills your statement. because you said "If something is readily available and high usage exists, experimentation will occur. It happened during the crack epidemic and now during the opioid crisis." you said if its readily available and people around you are using it...a person WILL experiment with it.

I never said all though. The word "will" doesn't magically make my comment a blanket statement. You need to look past that. I never said if an area is plagued by heroin EVERY person will be a fiend :lol:

My stance has been that the more plentiful and accessible something is, the more users you will encounter. No matter what the hell it is. I almost feel like that's common sense, no?

speak for yourself. some of us dont fall to peer pressure. and. it just shows u werent really against it. if you can be peer pressured into something... a part of you wanted to do it. under no circumstances could i be peer pressured into trying drugs, gay sex, robbing a bank, listening to a country album, etc etc... itll just never happen. period.

You just don't understand the concept of peer pressure then. You don't think kids who don't want to smoke weed or drink sometimes just don't give in because they want to fit in? Man what? Did you go to high school? I remember being in middle school getting handed a bottle and looking around at everyone looking at me like I had no choice.

what net wouldve stopped a child from taking his parents gun? the same net that would stop me from hypothetically committing a crime next week right?

Something like any household with a history of mental illness having limits, conditions, or so on..... anything to lessen the ODDS of this happening so easily. And that's just an idea I'm throwing against the wall. Brainstorming.

It may not prevent all or even the majority because yes kids can access guns via different means. But it widens the net and gets more people involved to possibly thwart the event.

you implied that as long as you have access and people around you are doing it... you WILL fall victim. reference above.

They will. Not all. Just like people will see a McDonald's commercial for a Big n Tasty and go out and buy one. They will.

people are NOT a product of their environment. thats an absolute statement once again. i mentioned nature vs nuture like 3 posts ago. environment does have an IMPACT... but doesnt ultimately define you. meaning... you cant be a product OF the environment.

People are product of their environment among other conditions. I agree with that. Environment is a STRONG indicator of how you will turn out. I never said it was only the environment that influences one's future though. That's 101 level psychology/sociology/criminology backed by scientific method and life experience.
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Metal detectors won't stop these situations from happening. People don't think they'll just find another way in? It's like what do you do? Beef up security personnel and hope they don't get cold feet when ish is about to go down?
Installing Metal Detectors won't STOP them, but it would damn sure make it more difficult. MUCH more difficult
Dear White People Your Privilege Is Killing Us
So, stop pretending it doesn’t exist
Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 9.30.04 AM.png

I spent all night trying to reconcile the glory of #Beychella with the reality that my spiritual experience will not last. And true to from as I scoped out my timeline that was thankfully crowded with testimonies from Black women who can’t contain themselves after being baptized by the superstar who loves us more than we know — I landed on another news bulletin about a White terrorist who blew himself up in his home — which he had turned into a “homemade explosives factory.”

The tale of the “maybe” White supremacist named Benjamin Morrow who was twenty-eight-years old — lived in Wisconsin — and died while building what has been dubbed — “Mother of Satan” — has shaped up to resemble the other scenarios that feature White men — performing deadly actions — with the benefit of the doubt from law enforcement — who can’t stand the notion of taking an accusatory stance — even when the evidence is glaringly damning.

Morrow was well-stocked with sophisticated “explosive materials” as well as other items that you would typically associate with a career terrorist — including — guns — “a ballistic helmet” — “a vest” — and “2,000 rounds of ammunition.”

The fact that there are reports that this young White man who studied chemistry at Pensacola Christian College in Florida — may have been a White supremacist proves that even after he grazed his home to the ground with him in it — investigators were still able to unearth enough **** to confidently put that out there.

But of course the naysayers in uniform are always ready to fight for the rights of White men — especially after they tragically perish under questionable circumstances — or after they shoot up nine Black people in a church — and the White shooter is starving after all that exertion — and needs a burger.

Black men can’t walk into a Starbucks — sit down and quietly wait for their companion to join them without requiring a bunch of cops to escort them out — after a concerned employee notices that there are two Black men who are “menacingly commandeering” a space in an establishment that allows White people to freely hang out without time limits.

A police lieutenant who was at the scene of the disastrous crime involving a man-made explosion that tore apart the home of a terrorist who was perfecting his game for the sake of potential Black victims — shared his reservations about the labels being assigned to the “victim.”

“I want to make very clear just because Mr. Morrow was in possession of this material, does not categorize in any particular light.” “He could’ve been an individual that was doing research.”
You honestly hear that **** — and you have to wonder about the recruitment process and how it’s becoming blatantly clear that most men in uniform aren’t qualified to efficiently carry out their duties.

But — even more jarring is how obvious it is that law enforcement is completely supportive and even encouraging of the current climate that is experiencing an increase in racial crimes. The police officer’s statement is an example of how White privilege is being used as a weapon of mass destruction.

Mr. Morrow was certainly not doing research — and if he was — his mission wasn’t a noble one — and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. His nefarious activities were going to lead to catastrophic results — and it was just by divine intervention that he ended up in a blaze of chaos and mayhem.

His departed counterpart — who terrorized the city of Austin not long ago — was unfortunately more savvy and did end up killing Black people before he blew himself up.

There seems to be a systematic incoherency when it comes to the response to how Black people are being targeted for extinction that is quite frightening and abominable.

There’s no doubt that after the epic tragedy of Charlottesville and how it finally gave President Trump the opportunity to give his long overdue shoutout to White supremacists — his ever loyal base — we are now witnessing something akin to a renaissance — as White privilege has become the currency of choice that guarantees that White people will always be allowed to shoot at Black children who ring their doorbells to ask for directions — or kick Black men out of coffee shops — for no reason at all.

As a Black woman — I can’t walk down the streets without fearing for my life.
What if one of the cars at the traffic stop — suddenly starts pumping bullets at my direction — while I’m quickly crossing the street? The driver could be a White ****er who is on a crusade to litter his neighborhood with Black bodies in the name of #MAGA.

If White women are scared to death at the sight of a Black guy in a hoodie — approaching them — I’m just as terrified at the sight of a White man walking past me — because I can’t help but wonder — if he’s one of those crazies who violently stabs Black people who dare to walk by him with the audacity of surviving that encounter.

Being Black in America was always a dangerous disposition — but we are now immersed in a national crisis that is not being taken seriously because Black Lives Don’t Matter — and so White men are permitted to actively and publicly demonstrate their criminal tendencies in any manner they choose — and Black people are expected to live on a prayer.

Dear White people — your privilege is killing us — so stop pretending it doesn’t exist.
You can enter Starbucks and sit there for hours without being thrown out by a troop of cops. You don’t have to worry about knocking on the door of strangers in the dead of night — because you will not be shot at or shot dead. You can be stopped for a traffic violation and express your opinion about it without being forcefully removed from your car — pummeled to the concrete ground — and then carted off to a jail cell. You can be a reckless teenager — who drives his expensive truck while drunk and kills four people in the process — while paralyzing another — and still be released from prison after only serving two years. You can adopt an army of Black children — despite proof that you’re an unfit parent — starve them to death — and then kill them for being Black.

You can pretty much get away with the kind of **** that Black people can’t even come close to realizing without enduring the worst form of punishment available — or even worse — a death sentence.

Please don’t ever dispute your privilege. Own it and wield it as you prefer — but remember that remaining complicit in these times can’t absolve you of what it truly means to be part of a population that is terrorizing another.

The great divide between White America and Black America is widening with rapid urgency and the middle ground is currently non-existent.

This is America.
Installing Metal Detectors won't STOP them, but it would damn sure make it more difficult. MUCH more difficult

There's no such thing as stopping these sort of things from happening... We're not gods... The amount of our freedom that would have to be taken away for this sort of thing to be completely prevented.. Essentially kids would have to be homeschooled only. With all of the online school programs now available this isn't too far fetched for households that can afford childcare. WE know they aren't giving up their guns or bullets.. So the best that can be done is to make it as difficult as possible for these kids to carry out these events by themself.. Which I highly doubt they are doing

These recent shooting are using being carried out by psychopaths that strongly identify to hate groups.. Some of these hate groups also have a strong presence inside of the Prison System
Dear White People Your Privilege Is Killing Us
So, stop pretending it doesn’t exist
Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 9.30.04 AM.png

good write up. i would add that we've hit the point where you're either for or against us. To the people who march with us on the frontlines, its much appreciated. But to those who turn the other cheek or pretend they dont see and hear it... your complacency makes you guilty as well.

I never said all though. The word "will" doesn't magically make my comment a blanket statement. You need to look past that. I never said if an area is plagued by heroin EVERY person will be a fiend :lol:

My stance has been that the more plentiful and accessible something is, the more users you will encounter. No matter what the hell it is. I almost feel like that's common sense, no?

You just don't understand the concept of peer pressure then. You don't think kids who don't want to smoke weed or drink sometimes just don't give in because they want to fit in? Man what? Did you go to high school? I remember being in middle school getting handed a bottle and looking around at everyone looking at me like I had no choice.

Something like any household with a history of mental illness having limits, conditions, or so on..... anything to lessen the ODDS of this happening so easily. And that's just an idea I'm throwing against the wall. Brainstorming.

It may not prevent all or even the majority because yes kids can access guns via different means. But it widens the net and gets more people involved to possibly thwart the event.

They will. Not all. Just like people will see a McDonald's commercial for a Big n Tasty and go out and buy one. They will.

People are product of their environment among other conditions. I agree with that. Environment is a STRONG indicator of how you will turn out. I never said it was only the environment that influences one's future though. That's 101 level psychology/sociology/criminology backed by scientific method and life experience.

ive gotta stop arguing with you, cuz i really **** with you outside of this thread :lol: i think semantics is getting in the way at this point. cuz im reading words like "will" and taking it literally and you dont really mean it that way. besides we both want the same thing anyway. just have different opinions on how to get there. what i do notice though is.... people still calling for assault weapons ban regardless of the weapon used now. dude used a shotty with bird pellets as the round of choice and they still yelling about ARs. agenda is being pushed full throttle at this point.
There's no such thing as stopping these sort of things from happening... We're not gods... The amount of our freedom that would have to be taken away for this sort of thing to be completely prevented.. Essentially kids would have to be homeschooled only. With all of the online school programs now available this isn't too far fetched for households that can afford childcare. WE know they aren't giving up their guns or bullets.. So the best that can be done is to make it as difficult as possible for these kids to carry out these events by themself.. Which I highly doubt they are doing

These recent shooting are using being carried out by psychopaths that strongly identify to hate groups.. Some of these hate groups also have a strong presence inside of the Prison System

i really dont believe that ALL of these shooters are psychos. the msd shooter said he regretted it when they asked him about it and that was before the lawyer came and coached him up iirc. These kids are seeking out infamy more often than not. Yes, some of them are flat out criminally insane and murderous. But definitely not all of em. And who shouldve given up their gun to prevent this kid from stealing a gun? Guns are the tool of choice, and its not so easy to just say "ok no more guns" because there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many in circulation. especially illegally. Logically, you have to take one more step back then. If you cant stop the person from getting their hands on a gun, stop the person before he attempts to get it.

Parents who are gun-owners gotta be held to a strict standard. I heard the parent of this kid is up for a misdemeanor cuz his kid used his weapon in a crime. I want to hear what this clown has to say. How do you not know your kid is dabbling in hate groups? How are you leaving your guns around for your kid to get a hold of all willy nilly? Parents need to be charged with the same crime or MORE if their weapon is used in a crime. THAT will cut down on a lot of the shootings with a parents weapon, cuz parents will be incentivized to actually give a damn.
Dear White People Your Privilege Is Killing Us
So, stop pretending it doesn’t exist
Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 9.30.04 AM.png

White people been marching with black people since the 60's. Forget all that marching and going back to your all white suburbs when your feet get tired. Get your butt up in those jury's and give some guilty verdicts to some of these police. Alienate and elimate the white supremacists among your familes and friends. I don't give extra credit for showing up at a march.
ive gotta stop arguing with you, cuz i really **** with you outside of this thread :lol: i think semantics is getting in the way at this point. cuz im reading words like "will" and taking it literally and you dont really mean it that way. besides we both want the same thing anyway. just have different opinions on how to get there. what i do notice though is.... people still calling for assault weapons ban regardless of the weapon used now. dude used a shotty with bird pellets as the round of choice and they still yelling about ARs. agenda is being pushed full throttle at this point.

Agreed on all accounts. And let me reiterate that I do not absolve any individual from responsibility in these shootings.

The AR is the whipping boy because it tends to be the weapon of choice for the mass shooter for whatever reason. I don't know enough about firearms to explain that relationship.

In my uneducated opinion, it's the mag capacity and reload speed that makes the difference, not the style of gun. And handguns can be just as efficient in that case with extended clips or what not. Also, response time matters regarding casualty toll.

When it all boils down, it's a culture issue in this country. Certain gun control measures still need to be explored though. No reason not to.
i really dont believe that ALL of these shooters are psychos. the msd shooter said he regretted it when they asked him about it and that was before the lawyer came and coached him up iirc. These kids are seeking out infamy more often than not. Yes, some of them are flat out criminally insane and murderous. But definitely not all of em. And who shouldve given up their gun to prevent this kid from stealing a gun? Guns are the tool of choice, and its not so easy to just say "ok no more guns" because there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many in circulation. especially illegally. Logically, you have to take one more step back then. If you cant stop the person from getting their hands on a gun, stop the person before he attempts to get it.

Parents who are gun-owners gotta be held to a strict standard. I heard the parent of this kid is up for a misdemeanor cuz his kid used his weapon in a crime. I want to hear what this clown has to say. How do you not know your kid is dabbling in hate groups? How are you leaving your guns around for your kid to get a hold of all willy nilly? Parents need to be charged with the same crime or MORE if their weapon is used in a crime. THAT will cut down on a lot of the shootings with a parents weapon, cuz parents will be incentivized to actually give a damn.

I'm not well versed on all the recent school shootings that happened. However, from experience living in a state with heavy gun owner ship.. these kids are usually taken to the range with their parents. Also these states also the base for heavy military recruitment.. One of the things you also have to understand I cant remember where I read the quote but in a large part a number of us are the sons of psychopaths that destroyed villages, burned towns and nations centuries ago.. That instinct and desire is still there. Looking for a war/ or battle at a time when there are no world wars to fight. Where the descendants of the same psychopaths that slaughtered the Indians to take their lands.. now have no one to slaughter .. not to mention the Eastern Europeans that have lived in war torn nations for decades whose kids now live among us..

Now what does any of that have to deal any of the recent school shooting on face value absolutely nothing.. The best we can currently do is advocate for metal detectors in every HS in the nation especially states with high gun ownership.. does that stop an accomplice from leaving a door jam in a maintenance.. No but at least its a move in a positive direction
Metal detectors in schools. Call a stock broker now and invest in the company that makes and supplies them. They will make a killing soon (no pun intended).
Not sure what you two are even discussing, but peer pressure is real. I worked at a program called upward bound and I’ve seen buckle under it.
The AR is the whipping boy because it tends to be the weapon of choice for the mass shooter for whatever reason. I don't know enough about firearms to explain that relationship.

I kinda feel like the coverage and infamy attached to AR style weapons is part of the reason it's the weapon of choice.

I can't say specifically it's a copycat thing but it looks like it.
I kinda feel like the coverage and infamy attached to AR style weapons is part of the reason it's the weapon of choice.

I can't say specifically it's a copycat thing but it looks like it.

My thoughts as well. Like the kid that plans it out says to himself "okay first I need to find an AR."
I kinda feel like the coverage and infamy attached to AR style weapons is part of the reason it's the weapon of choice.

I can't say specifically it's a copycat thing but it looks like it.

definitely. a lot of these shootings are a result of the coverage of the previous shootings. i remember 2 days after MSD they caught and stopped 2 kids who planned to do the same thing somewhere else in the US. and their motivation was "we can do better than that." some of these kids are truly sick. they have no value for human life until its gone. theyre trying to 1 up each other like infamy = clout.

White people been marching with black people since the 60's. Forget all that marching and going back to your all white suburbs when your feet get tired. Get your butt up in those jury's and give some guilty verdicts to some of these police. Alienate and elimate the white supremacists among your familes and friends. I don't give extra credit for showing up at a march.

FACTS FACTS FACTS. But.... to play devils advocate... id like to see these officers and white supremacists have to go to trial to begin with. Half the time the police get "investigated" by their own department while on a paid vacation and surprise surprise the department bcks them up. White supremacists often get backed by the police too so... what trial? sad sad truth.

on the OTHER side. i absolutely HATE when i see black people mistreating other races who stand with us on the front lines. When i saw those black girls telling the white people to get to the back of the march cuz they dont belong there i was upset. not gonna lie. If theyre willing to fight with me, theyre a comrade in my eyes and they can stand with me. its that simple.

Agreed on all accounts. And let me reiterate that I do not absolve any individual from responsibility in these shootings.

The AR is the whipping boy because it tends to be the weapon of choice for the mass shooter for whatever reason. I don't know enough about firearms to explain that relationship.

In my uneducated opinion, it's the mag capacity and reload speed that makes the difference, not the style of gun. And handguns can be just as efficient in that case with extended clips or what not. Also, response time matters regarding casualty toll.

When it all boils down, it's a culture issue in this country. Certain gun control measures still need to be explored though. No reason not to.
agreed all the way across. our culture is key. who knows when it started. i randomly just had a thought. i thought back to maybe its kids playing these crazy violent video games with no context ever being given to them beforehand. like... me and you played violent games but we already knew its just a game. These kids were like literally 6 years old playing GTA, that coupled with how little they actually interact with people... the need to be seen, poor parenting/loosely involved parents, lack of emotional stability.... and then i came to this thought.

With the age of the kids shooting up these schools, these are the same little kids you used to come across playing call of duty and halo online who would ruin the public chats calling everyone n***r and all types of racist stuff. could be a reach, but it makes you think....
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My thoughts as well. Like the kid that plans it out says to himself "okay first I need to find an AR."
We’re talking about the same group of people that want to have monster trucks. They want a big gun for compensation. Oh, and it kills large amounts of people in less time. -Gun nut “but but the one VA tech shooter”
I don't see how dudes can quickly come to the conclusion of what will/won't work without anything even being tried.
Thats how it is in this country...instead of trying to fix a problem, ppl just have arguments about what wont work without trying anything at all
It doesn't help when you consider the history and evolution of this country. Violence, taking s**t that wasn't ours to take, killing people that weren't a threat. It's rooted firmly in this country's past so it's not wonder we're violent AF.

We're a competition based society. Crabs in a bucket. From the minute we're old enough to go to school we're taught that we have to do good or it's essentially the end of the world. If you fail in school, you'll have a lousy job, crappy car, dilapidated home, busted wife, Wal-Mart attire, and so on and so forth. That creates strain and stress and behavioral adaptation by people without hope or the skills to cope.

That's why I envy foreign cultures/tribes that thrive on community and the "you're only as strong as your weakest link" philosophy.
Another shooting in Indiana

Middle schooler with handguns (instead of an AR) and guess what. No deaths. In fact someone was able to subdue him.

Needs to be a nationwide assault rifle ban.
Another shooting in Indiana

Middle schooler with handguns (instead of an AR) and guess what. No deaths. In fact someone was able to subdue him.

Needs to be a nationwide assault rifle ban.

thts what u got out of a MIDDLE SCHOOLER bringing a gun to school? the one before that was a shotgun. one before that was another handgun. the problem isnt the gun of choice.... you should be asking why a middle schooler felt this was the move to make. its only getting worse. thats the 3rd school shooting this past week right?
thts what u got out of a MIDDLE SCHOOLER bringing a gun to school? the one before that was a shotgun. one before that was another handgun. the problem isnt the gun of choice.... you should be asking why a middle schooler felt this was the move to make. its only getting worse. thats the 3rd school shooting this past week right?

I'm very aware of issues such as toxic masculinity, media, mental health, etc etc.

Insane gun culture, and laws that hurt the general public and benefit the gun lobby are still a MAJOR part of the problem. And in theory is the lowest effort (vote the right people into office) highest yield solution to this problem. To ban assault rifles. It's much more straightforward than breaking down and reconstructing concepts of masculinity etc.

I'd ask if you're for having legal ownership of those killing machines, but honestly I don't really even care and have no interest in debating it. I'm against it and any sensible person that even half-way understands the value life should be as well.
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