Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

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This is beyond weird to me, and imo they shouldn't report stuff like this bc someone will emulates it just for the yambs.
Trump support is the “ok” way to say white power.

The irony is that if there were any proof gun laws are a joke that picture proves it. Got dumb ****s with the ability to buy firearms and carry them like iPads.

my question is why is there an ok way to say it?

why is it that these people need to be "understood" to "see where theyre coming from"?

why arent the two seen as one and the same?
my question is why is there an ok way to say it?

why is it that these people need to be "understood" to "see where theyre coming from"?

why arent the two seen as one and the same?
I’m speaking strictly from observation here so let me prefix it with that. I’ve lived in and out of Oklahoma for the past 10 years. There are two kinds of white racists, the kind with the confederate flags that embrace the white trash and the kind that feel they’re upscale. The ones who “hide” their “white power” are the upscale type. They want to separate themselves from the other type. Essentially creating two classes of white christian racists. Same beliefs, same wants and needs, but they can hide behind their money and stigma.

To answer your first question the country is based on white racist chiristianity. None of this is new. Trump support is just the “in” way of showing it. In a couple years it will be something else.

Why are they seen differently? Because they have money. This country equates money with respect, class, and intelligence. Their social status somewhat hides the idiocy behind it. The trailer yeah and Hicks do t have this advantage so they get all the blame, including from the upper class racists (dont know what else to call them) while they do the exact same thing.
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I’m speaking strictly from observation here so let me prefix it with that. I’ve lived in and out of Oklahoma for the past 10 years. There are two kinds of white racists, the kind with the confederate flags that embrace the white trash and the kind that feel they’re upscale. The ones who “hide” their “white power” are the upscale type. They want to separate themselves from the other type. Essentially creating two classes of white christian racists. Same beliefs, same wants and needs, but they can hide behind their money and stigma.

To answer your first question the country is based on white racist chiristianity. None of this is new. Trump support is just the “in” way of showing it. In a couple years it will be something else.

Why are they seen differently? Because they have money. This country equates money with respect, class, and intelligence. Their social status somewhat hides the idiocy behind it. The trailer yeah and Hicks do t have this advantage so they get all the blame, including from the upper class racists (dont know what else to call them) while they do the exact same thing.

You're pretty much describing "street level" and "refined" white supremacists.

Street level - confederate flag wavers, neo-nazis, skinheads, militia groups, KKK, online trolls, police, white woman dropping n-bombs in WalMart, etc.
Refined - the ones who speak in codes and dog whistles. They can't say/do outright racist things because it will cost them in one way or another (politicians, Fox News, business people), but their street level foot soldiers are more than happy to say/do it for them.
Pennsylvania School District Gives Teachers Baseball Bats to Fight Attackers


A Pennsylvania school district incorporated a low-tech method of protecting teachers and students from attackers.

Millcreek Township School District in northwest Pennsylvania handed each of its teachers a 16-inch baseball bat Monday as a means to protect them and others, reports Erie Times-News. In March, Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County dished details of its safety plan, which includes equipping each classroom with a five-gallon bucket of rocks to "stone" a school shooter.

In the case of Millcreek, the bats are more "symbolic" but are free to be used to "fight"

How surprising
Parkland teacher arrested for leaving loaded gun in a public bathroom: report

perfect example. i find it INSANE how the school with the biggest magnifying glass on it cant stop doing dumb ****. during the media storm the kids are threatening to shoot each other on snapchat. school letting the shooters brother skate onto campus. the clear backpack fiasco. now the largest proponent of letting teachers carry guns puts his gun on a table in a bathroom and forgets it there? bruh.. this is like when zimmerman kept getting in trouble right after being declared not guilty. youve gotta be a SPECIAL kind of dumb to not be extra super careful while the spotlight is on you smh.

thats not even paying attention to how damn careless putting your gun on a table and forgetting it is to begin with. just ridiculous man.
Left the gun in the bathroom wow lol it's crazy how potential obvious mishaps escape those that cape for guns so strongly. The school with the baseball bats belongs in the fools wilding thread.

Still bizarre to me how the beloved guns are the cause of so many senseless deaths yet people continue to cape.
I dont understand why people hate other people who conceal carry.

Guns aren't the issue nor the solution.

Raise your ******* kids right.
I dont understand why people hate other people who conceal carry.

Guns aren't the issue nor the solution.

Raise your ****ing kids right.

The point of conceal carry is no one knows you are carrying, so how can that be hated on?

I hate you because you may be concealled carrying, that makes no sense. Might as well hate everyone, everywhere.
There usually is significant training to get a CCW

There really isn't any "significant" training required to get a CCW in many, if not the vast majority of states. Generally speaking, it's a class that lasts about 4 hours, with or without a shooting portion. I think the class I took almost 15 years ago to satisfy the requirement was 4 hours of classroom, and 2 hours on the range, with a course of fire that did not exceed 50 rounds.
There really isn't any "significant" training required to get a CCW in many, if not the vast majority of states. Generally speaking, it's a class that lasts about 4 hours, with or without a shooting portion. I think the class I took almost 15 years ago to satisfy the requirement was 4 hours of classroom, and 2 hours on the range, with a course of fire that did not exceed 50 rounds.
yeah i was just judging based on CA rules, it could vary a lot

but its better than for a simple purchase
Who hates people who legally conceal carry?

Half the people in the thread hate the sight of a holster for sale on the internet. Why do people need holsters?

The point of conceal carry is no one knows you are carrying, so how can that be hated on?

I hate you because you may be concealled carrying, that makes no sense. Might as well hate everyone, everywhere.

Half the people in this thread are terrified of being protected by something they hate due to media and having weak fathers.
Bruh, your a weak troll, like not even good,

We deserve better trolls than 3rd grade cut rate degenerative mf

I'm just saying. The reasoning these cats give is weak. At least be for stricter regulations. But to be crying for people to not carry and make this gun illegal and dont let these concealed carry people get closer than 2000 ft. GT FO
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