Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

Maybe an economy dependent on the sale of killing machines is a bad economy
So you wouldn't be willing to sacrifice owning that type of weapon because you "like" it? :stoneface:

*searches for a place where that was mentioned* i dont want to give my AR up cuz my AR doesnt get up and kill people. the glock to my right doesnt do that either. but both are semi-automatic. and neither compensates for my penis. if i had to get constantly reexamined and tested for my AR id be glad to. If they check my background every year? Cool do it. If there are safety classes I'd have to attend every so often or i have to go get a license for it like a car? Sure thing. by all means. but i shouldnt have to give up things that I like, cuz a ridiculously small amount of people in the nation have died due to its misuse. its as simple as that.

the truth of the matter are handguns are infinitely more dangerous and responsible for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more deaths than ARs. but continue on with the illogical crusade.

Maybe an economy dependent on the sale of killing machines is a bad economy

a good observation but an irrelevant one. guns are hardly the only terrible thing the US depends on to keep the economy afloat.
*searches for a place where that was mentioned* i dont want to give my AR up cuz my AR doesnt get up and kill people. the glock to my right doesnt do that either. but both are semi-automatic. and neither compensates for my penis. if i had to get constantly reexamined and tested for my AR id be glad to. If they check my background every year? Cool do it. If there are safety classes I'd have to attend every so often or i have to go get a license for it like a car? Sure thing. by all means. but i shouldnt have to give up things that I like, cuz a ridiculously small amount of people in the nation have died due to its misuse. its as simple as that.

A small amount of people have died, okay. Including 6 and 7 years olds. Also, millions of peoples lives have been affected, from first responders, students, teachers, parents, communities. Minimizing the effect of these shootings is pretty cold.

I'd give up watching football if it meant protecting the brains and physical well being of the "ridiculously small amount of people" in the NFL and NCAA who have been affected by CTE.
*searches for a place where that was mentioned* i dont want to give my AR up cuz my AR doesnt get up and kill people. the glock to my right doesnt do that either. but both are semi-automatic. and neither compensates for my penis. if i had to get constantly reexamined and tested for my AR id be glad to. If they check my background every year? Cool do it. If there are safety classes I'd have to attend every so often or i have to go get a license for it like a car? Sure thing. by all means. but i shouldnt have to give up things that I like, cuz a ridiculously small amount of people in the nation have died due to its misuse. its as simple as that.

the truth of the matter are handguns are infinitely more dangerous and responsible for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more deaths than ARs. but continue on with the illogical crusade.

a good observation but an irrelevant one. guns are hardly the only terrible thing the US depends on to keep the economy afloat.

“I shouldn’t have to give up things that I like”, there you go, that’s the end of the discussion.
Being in the field, I am not sure how I feel about all of us (teachers) being armed.

I don't even WANT that responsibility man.
*searches for a place where that was mentioned* i dont want to give my AR up cuz my AR doesnt get up and kill people. the glock to my right doesnt do that either. but both are semi-automatic. and neither compensates for my penis. if i had to get constantly reexamined and tested for my AR id be glad to. If they check my background every year? Cool do it. If there are safety classes I'd have to attend every so often or i have to go get a license for it like a car? Sure thing. by all means. but i shouldnt have to give up things that I like, cuz a ridiculously small amount of people in the nation have died due to its misuse. its as simple as that.

the truth of the matter are handguns are infinitely more dangerous and responsible for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more deaths than ARs. but continue on with the illogical crusade.

a good observation but an irrelevant one. guns are hardly the only terrible thing the US depends on to keep the economy afloat.
I don't know man, you are putting your desires of owning an ar ahead of the betterment of society.

Just because handguns are more dangerous doesn't mean rifles can't be dangerous too

Get out of your I love guns bubble for a minute and realize other countries with stricter gun control laws have less gun related violence.

This is undeniable
A small amount of people have died, okay. Including 6 and 7 years olds. Also, millions of peoples lives have been affected, from first responders, students, teachers, parents, communities. Minimizing the effect of these shootings is pretty cold.

I'd give up watching football if it meant protecting the brains and physical well being of the "ridiculously small amount of people" in the NFL and NCAA who have been affected by CTE.

the % of players in football effected with CTE cannot be compared with those killed by ARs. Minimizing the effects isnt my attention. I'm only stating facts. ARs are responsible for a couple hundred deaths a year, handguns by comparions are responsible for ~15,000 per year, NOT including suicide. so yes, when looking at the facts and stats... theyre a VERY VERY small %.
Being in the field, I am not sure how I feel about all of us (teachers) being armed.

I don't even WANT that responsibility man.
HELLLLLLLL NO! teachers have a hard time as it is diffusing situations. what happens when an unstable teacher is armed? or imagine the first time a teacher gets overwhelmed and pulls their gun to stop a fight? imagine a teacher getting their gun taken from them by a student? NO WAY! to hell with that NRA "arm everyone" idea
We already had a high capacity mag ban during the Clinton ban from 94-04 that didn’t solve anything the columbine even happened in that era. It just made everyone who had grandfathered mags richer because mags are not registered the govt has no idea who has what. Just like guns in some states are not registered. And to everyone saying why do you need an AR 15? Have you ever shot one have you ever held one. As a law abiding citizen it’s fun to go the range and shoot that’s it, if you’ve never shot a gun I’m sure you wouldn’t understand. It’s a hobby point blank not everyone that owns a gun is a hillbilly that’s compensating for a lack of confidence. There is definitely a problem though and arming teachers is not the soloution and neither is taking away all guns.
There was never a convo, just pointing and laughing. We’re all still is disbelief that anyone would say school shootings are like tornados. “But, but, context?” LOL
See. Only person said that is you guys.
Trying to convince the World I said it though, so you have legs or something to cry about.
What next?
Being in the field, I am not sure how I feel about all of us (teachers) being armed.

I don't even WANT that responsibility man.

Think of the legal ramifications if anything. The procedures in place will be so convoluted that an educator wouldn’t be able to use it without going to jail themselves. I’m sure a lawsuit will rise based on the PTSD the kids will face after seeing their teacher kill someone to save them. Think of the special education stipulations where these kids can be violent on a daily basis. I mean this is a lose-lose on all ends
Think of the legal ramifications if anything. The procedures in place will be so convoluted that an educator wouldn’t be able to use it without going to jail themselves. I’m sure a lawsuit will rise based on the PTSD the kids will face after seeing their teacher kill someone to save them. Think of the special education stipulations where these kids can be violent on a daily basis. I mean this is a lose-lose on all ends
Yea, I don't think I would pull a trigger. I;m good. I would quit
I don't know man, you are putting your desires of owning an ar ahead of the betterment of society.

Just because handguns are more dangerous doesn't mean rifles can't be dangerous too

Get out of your I love guns bubble for a minute and realize other countries with stricter gun control laws have less gun related violence.

This is undeniable

it is undeniable. but its also cuz they acted appropriately. australia (a favorite talking point of the ban crowd) banned guns 20+ years ago. at that time they had 2 million guns (not just ARs but all guns) in circulation total. 2. half of which were sold back to the government, leaving the remaining 1 million still in circulation. we have... 100 million ARs (just ARs... doesnt include long rifle, handgun, shotgun, or antyhing else) in circulation. assuming the same thing happens, 50 million ARs get turned in leaving 50 million in limbo. our countries are not the same.
it is undeniable. but its also cuz they acted appropriately. australia (a favorite talking point of the ban crowd) banned guns 20+ years ago. at that time they had 2 million guns (not just ARs but all guns) in circulation total. 2. half of which were sold back to the government, leaving the remaining 1 million still in circulation. we have... 100 million ARs (just ARs... doesnt include long rifle, handgun, shotgun, or antyhing else) in circulation. assuming the same thing happens, 50 million ARs get turned in leaving 50 million in limbo. our countries are not the same.
What was the population of Australia?

Not just less gun related deaths

Less gun related deaths per capita
I don't care about innocent children dying because shooting guns is fun



What is wrong with y'all?

and stop with the narrative of this is solely about preventing children from dying, because as it was stated before, handguns kill kids nearly 40 times more just in murders... add in their suicides and ur talking about nearly 80 times more child deaths. cut it out. more kids die from texting and driving every 5 months than how many die from an AR in a year. do not act like this is all about saving children.
and stop with the narrative of this is solely about preventing children from dying, because as it was stated before, handguns kill kids nearly 40 times more just in murders... add in their suicides and ur talking about nearly 80 times more child deaths. cut it out. more kids die from texting and driving every 5 months than how many die from an AR in a year. do not act like this is all about saving children.
Ok, who’s this for then?
i did miss ur point, cuz u just compared a condition that effects 90%+ of a population to an "epidemic" that affects 1% of a population.

Jesus. You're missing the principle. I don't know if I can dumb that down anymore. No one claimed the ratios were the same.
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