Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

You have to be dense.
Or a liar.
I will let you chose.


a-friend a-friend


Why would you say that?

The Earth is round, this is what I believe and this is what makes sense.

Do I think that there is some compelling information to support it being flat, yes, without a doubt.

Bloodlines, Genes and Heritages have been stolen, Races have been wiped out, History has been re-written.

I question everything the White Man has taught me. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

Just because you put a sign up that says Los Pollos Hermanos doesn't mean you are in the Chicken business.
Congratulations. This is by far the dumbest thing I've ever read on NT.
What's so dumb about it?

Do tell.
Is it that I think banning guns and arming teachers won't help.?
That I some people are just innately evil, and you can't overcome that?
Is it me saying there is no problem? ( I see how one would say that's a dumb thing to say)

Seriously, what's so dumb.......
terminology is never irrelevant when making a law. terminology makes ALL the difference. why do u think a bill will get denied, then they rephrase some parts and it gets passed? what do u think the kids went to city hall and asked for? assault rifle ban... which is already banned. the dialogue CAN happen, but if/when it does... they better come correct. cuz just like a lawyer would pounce on a misstep like misidentifying a piece of evidence, so will these lawmakers. im on the side of reform, and as a florida gun-owner who is married to a lawyer.... im telling u EXACTLY what will happen if u come using improper terminology on a proposition.

They also asked for a ban on high capacity mags and got shot down. So....

Also, Boulder is considering banning assault rifles, high capacity mags and bump stocks.

I understand the terminology as it pertains to the actual bill.

Also, assault rifles are only banned from being produced. They're still legal to own.
This whole thread is a bit dense.
It feels like Church in here.
Go in to the House of God and listen to music holding hands singing kumbaya, everybody leaves happy feeling better...but nothing changes.
Smoke and mirrors. People just talk........."we need to" and "thoughts and prayers"
Don't these people have lawyers guiding/assisting them?

youd be surprised at just how many people are fighting this battle without tangible knowledge on the subject.

That's like saying we shouldn't outlaw drinking and driving because people will drink and drive regardless.

Can't you see that implementing laws that will discourage/make things more difficult will be a positive impact?

Even if it prevents 1 mass shooting isn't saving 10+ innocent lives worth it?

of course you should implement laws to discourage it. but nobody wants to ban alcohol (again) nor cars because drinking and driving occurs. to that point:

an all out ban on ARs or any M4/M4A1/M16 rifles wont work. theres far too many in circulation for it work even IF it was passed. there are already too many guns in America. guns literally outnumber citizens. theres an estimated 100 million ARs in the US alone. so stop trying to win the ban war... its not practical.

instead, focus on real change that can do something. close the gunshow loopholes. and to that notion, regulate ALL secondhand sales AND trades of ALL firearms. HEAVILY regulate them. And any violation of those regulations needs HARSH punishment. that will deter all the gray market and gunshow and illegal sales going on. the 4 shootings prevented in the days after the florida shooting, the kids ALL had illegally obtained weapons. this will cut back on it.

further, harsh punishment for negligence on whoever owns the weapon. so for the mom who knew her kid had guns in his room but said "she just wanted him to learn to be responsible" F*** THAT. Make an example out of her. for the parents who leave guns out in the open and their kid takes it and goes on a rampage? HARSH punishment. no chances.

All crimes involving a gun, HARSH punishment. automatic 3 strikes.

Raise the age of purchasing a rifle from 18 to 21. Just like this guy, 18 year olds are still in highschool often times. Theyre not mentally at a point where they need or can handle that kind of responsibility or firepower.

Ban all mods that sidestep regulation. Bump stocks like the one used in Vegas, or the firepin mods that will allow guns to shoot full auto need to be BANNED.

edit: oh yea. and improve the background checks. they cant tell the future but they damn sure can look at the signs that are already there. if ur on the no fly list, then u shouldnt be able to own a gun. if you have been baker acted, or have any mental condition giving you a predisposition towards violence, you shouldnt own a gun. if youve ever been convicted of a violent crime, no gun. its common sense.

these things will show TANGIBLE REAL results.
You want to have a DIALOGUE? Start pouring money into these legislators. Give or take about 5 million to counter what the NRA spends on lobbying.

People also gotta realize.. the deadliest mass shooting in a school was done by handguns but everything we hear today is all about AR15s!
So just because the deadliest shooting was carried out by handguns means semi automatic rifles should not be banned?

Wouldn't it be a step in the right direction?

Wasn't the las vegas shooting also a semi automatic rifle?

obviously banning all guns is a more difficult ask. Slow progress is better than no progress.
youd be surprised at just how many people are fighting this battle without tangible knowledge on the subject.

of course you should implement laws to discourage it. but nobody wants to ban alcohol (again) nor cars because drinking and driving occurs. to that point:

an all out ban on ARs or any M4/M4A1/M16 rifles wont work. theres far too many in circulation for it work even IF it was passed. there are already too many guns in America. guns literally outnumber citizens. theres an estimated 100 million ARs in the US alone. so stop trying to win the ban war... its not practical.

instead, focus on real change that can do something. close the gunshow loopholes. and to that notion, regulate ALL secondhand sales AND trades of ALL firearms. HEAVILY regulate them. And any violation of those regulations needs HARSH punishment. that will deter all the gray market and gunshow and illegal sales going on. the 4 shootings prevented in the days after the florida shooting, the kids ALL had illegally obtained weapons. this will cut back on it.

further, harsh punishment for negligence on whoever owns the weapon. so for the mom who knew her kid had guns in his room but said "she just wanted him to learn to be responsible" F*** THAT. Make an example out of her. for the parents who leave guns out in the open and their kid takes it and goes on a rampage? HARSH punishment. no chances.

All crimes involving a gun, HARSH punishment. automatic 3 strikes.

Raise the age of purchasing a rifle from 18 to 21. Just like this guy, 18 year olds are still in highschool often times. Theyre not mentally at a point where they need or can handle that kind of responsibility or firepower.

Ban all mods that sidestep regulation. Bump stocks like the one used in Vegas, or the firepin mods that will allow guns to shoot full auto need to be BANNED.

edit: oh yea. and improve the background checks. they cant tell the future but they damn sure can look at the signs that are already there. if ur on the no fly list, then u shouldnt be able to own a gun. if you have been baker acted, or have any mental condition giving you a predisposition towards violence, you shouldnt own a gun. if youve ever been convicted of a violent crime, no gun. its common sense.

these things will show TANGIBLE REAL results.

Sounds like you're on the same page with most in here regarding the improvements in control.
Sounds like you're on the same page with most in here regarding the improvements in control.

lol thats what i said BEFORE. im on the side of gun control, but it has to be done right or it wont get done at all. NRA and their stooges will not give it up cuz we asked nicely.
Exactly, read about 5 posts down, on the same page you just posted as proof I'm a flat earther, I have a post saying the exact opposite.
Liar, making **** up.........too think in here, with this kind of density.

See, just lying.
I mean you just posted the link as proof of your lie I'm some flat earther(which is completely off subject) and on the very first page of your link there's me, "the earth is round"

Silly **** man
In 1986 when they prohibited fully automatic weapons was that impractical? Need to start somewhere if you want to make progress.
This whole thread is a bit dense.
It feels like Church in here.
Go in to the House of God and listen to music holding hands singing kumbaya, everybody leaves happy feeling better...but nothing changes.
Smoke and mirrors. People just talk........."we need to" and "thoughts and prayers"

Pretty sure everyone in here has been critical of the "thoughts and prayers" rhetoric as well.
Group think.
Blastercombo obviously didn't read, just took someone elses word for it.
This is the problem..........not guns........it's people.

Nobody is thiking for themselves.
And that was just proven on this page, over an "off topic" subject.
I'm going to let yall cook, though.

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In 1986 when they prohibited fully automatic weapons was that impractical? Need to start somewhere if you want to make progress.

no. because nobody had a single logical reason as to why they needed fully automatic guns. nor were there 100 million in circulation at that time. its not about how you wish things were in the world... its about how they actually are. what was done in a country 30 years ago doesnt apply to todays world.
Group think.
Blastercombo obviously didn't read, just took someone elses word for it.
This is the problem..........not guns........it's people.

Nobody is thiking for themselves.
And that was just proven on this page, over a "off topic" subject.
I'm going to let yall cook, though.




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Imagine being opposed to a discussion about solutions to gun violence just because you want to be the mega cool free thinker who goes against the grain
no. because nobody had a single logical reason as to why they needed fully automatic guns. nor were there 100 million in circulation at that time. its not about how you wish things were in the world... its about how they actually are. what was done in a country 30 years ago doesnt apply to todays world.
No reason for semis either. The argument that they’re too many in circulation already isn’t an argument to begin with, it’s an observation. Yes, ok... so? Let’s stop the manufacturing, the selling, all registered to be turned in. The next argument is that they won’t want to do that, and yes some won’t, but it will get a good number off the market.

And again, YES, there is no overnight solution but “it’s too late” doesn’t help anything.

Do I think ANY of this will happen? Honestly, no. The fragility of white male Christians is a powerful thing
What single logical reason is there to own a semi automatic rifle?

Many leaded fuel and leaded fuel cars were in circulation before as well

Laws were passed, now there are no more.

Fuel efficiency guidelines etc etc.

At least stop the production and sales of semi automatic rifles.

Start somewhere.

Just because laws are made now, doesn't mean more laws can't be passed in the future
No reason for semis either. The argument that they’re too many in circulation already isn’t an argument to begin with, it’s an observation. Yes, ok... so? Let’s stop the manufacturing, the selling, all registered to be turned in. The next argument is that they won’t want to do that, and yes some won’t, but it will get a good number off the market.

And again, YES, there is no overnight solution but “it’s too late” doesn’t help anything.

Do I think ANY of this will happen? Honestly, no. The fragility of white male Christians is a powerful thing
What single logical reason is there to own a semi automatic rifle?

Many leaded fuel and leaded fuel cars were in circulation before as well

Laws were passed, now there are no more.

Fuel efficiency guidelines etc etc.

At least stop the production and sales of semi automatic rifles.

Start somewhere.

Just because laws are made now, doesn't mean more laws can't be passed in the future
again ur using semi-auto as some sort of classifier here. saying no reason for semi's means u literally are advocating for hunting rifles and muskets only. stopping manufacturing of ARs has a lot of unintended consequences. the 100 million in circulation just became much more valuable, and assuming a ban has occurred, now they cant be tracked at all. all sales would occur in the dark illegally. that would just mean the worst kind of people are now buying them in droves, while law abiding citizens buy sniper rifles. the argument that they wont turn them in... well... duh. no it wont get guns off the market cuz people turned them in. they were off the market in someones house. if u think the police/goverment dont play a role in illegal weapons making it out to the streets ur naive. and its too late to BAN something as widely available as grass. again, its not about how u wish things were, its about how they actually are.

beyond that, there are a lot of negative financial effects that would spill out from that. in florida alone i think there are 3 major AR manufacturers. Weapons trade/dealing employs A LOT of people. the nations exporting would be severely hurt as well. these are reasons why they wont accept a halt on production.
Can someone just present a "compelling" and logical argument for why guns should be more accessible drivers license in some states?

I'm not even being cheeky, I am legitimately curious.
What compelling arguments are there to be made of an already proven fact? Anyone with a working respectable mind would just dismiss it. This from the “school shootings are like tornados” guy.
Like I said, clearly you don't understand the word.
That's not my fault.

But this is a big part of the problem, problem with kids problem with America, and much more so than Guns, is ppeople.

I mean right there in print is a guy saying the Earth is round, but you need it to be another way to fit your narrative so you start lying to yourself, eventually you start believing those false truths....I mean, that's sick. But it's so rampant.

Do I need to use compelling in a sentence for you to understand it. Do you know context?
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